What should be the age of consent?

What should be the age of consent?

100 million trillion!



these dubs

Nailed it


For whites, 25
For blacks, any age.

Isn't past your bedtime Jimmy?

You should have to take a test to see if you're ready like retards

It should be abolished completely because setting legal limits for basic human physiological functions is moronic.

When you find the person who makes the pain go away

Whatever number I roll



9 1/2




(Also, this is the age of consent in my country).



-9 months


anyone saying younger is a pedo and or doesn't remember how retarded they were

fucking weeb

21 in all states and countries


18 probably

7 +/- age^0,5

I concur. Age of Consent laws do nothing but discriminate against older people.

Through what logic did we arrive at the conclusion that it is acceptable for inexperienced idiotic youngsters to fuck themselves silly and have kids out of wedlock, but having sex with experienced wiser people is forbidden?


There shouldn't be an age of consent

21 with 2 year gap

Because it's morally right you pedo faggot

The fact that kids are fucking stupid and adults can take advantage of them?

I agree

Every single person on this Earth is smart enough to take advantage of someone else at some point or other.

People used to stress that getting smart about the perils of life was part of growing up.

Now everyone's such a damn snowflake that we pass laws to protect our snowflake-ness. What the fuck.

Besides that, I've never met a teenager who doesn't understand what a man wanted when he puts his hands on her.

how do I get teenage girls to like me nowadays?

Figure it out.


Calling people that think that children shouldn't have sex with fully grown adults snowflakes?

Holy fucking shit dude.
Besides, a child's brain isn't as developed as an adult's. They make stupid, shitty decisions all the time. Using your logic, should we allow children to drive and consume alcohol as well?

The first time they bleed.

Adults make stupid shitty decisions all the time. I've fucked multiple women who physiologically were 24 but had the mental maturity of a 13 year old. Somehow they can consent tho

I think like 17 or 18 is fine, as long as the age gap isn't like a 49 year old person. Like within 5-8 years is fine

The moment they hit puberty, but girls are not allowed to get pregnant until their 20's.


With all the hormones they are pumping into food, I'd argue for 16.