TLDR; you can't

TLDR; you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nazis were building rockets, jet engines, and advanced weapons while Moa had the bright idea of killing all sparrows, rats, flies, and mosquitos severely damaging their ecosystem causing locusts to destroy all their crops causing everyone to die

>make everyone equal(ly poor)
>kill everyone you don't like
Sounds different to me.

TLDR; you can't.


Yeah pretty well known, who's disputing this?

I can't prove anything to OP because you can't explain things to close-minded idiots.

this is more true than what the OP put up

they are almost opposites in economics

communists essentially ignore incentive and try to make everybody receive the same compensation for differing contributions to society

fascists typically highly reward those who are already near the top of society while trying to get rid of the scum at the bottom of society

don't waste your time, OP's mind is as rigid as our erections.

Nazism and Stalinism/communism is bad does not mean Nazism = Stalinism/communism

>Filipino man crowned Mr. Gay World 2017
Sounds right.

>tpw you see one of sargons videos and instantly become a red pilled intellectual with a mind for politics unlike the world has ever seen.

Nietzsche, Mises, Socrates, on your bikes, we don't need novices when we got an OP so brilliant.

>OP's filipino boyfriend confirmed

WTF ???
Watches at $ 0?

if "thing" means "a pathological ideology that must be avoided" then yes, they're the same "thing"

I was ripping on him if you couldn't tell

Not to mention Soviet Russia's technologies were based off Nazi's designs, if not they couldn't even compete with the United States during the space race.

ugh. low level bait

one focused on authoritarian fascist beliefs and the other focused on authoritarian communist beliefs

also they went to war with each other

one government killed almost exclusively their own people
one government killed anyone they felt like

somewhat different, I'd say; both bad.

USA's technologies were based off Nazi's designs too


Not the same, Nazis where the good guys user.


>"communists essentially ignore incentive and try to make everybody receive the same compensation for differing contributions to society"
You have literally no idea what you are talking about

Simplified but still pretty accurate, sounds like you are the one who knows nothing fucktard

One was made by a racist and the other by an austrian who served in ww1.

Nazism = Fascism = full-scale Authoritarian. Authoritarian = far right.

Communism = socialism = government provision.
Communism = far left.

They are two OPPOSITE sides of a wide expanse of the political spectrum. They are NOTHING alike.

In this case though, the extremes kind of touch. There's a wide range of positions of fascism and communism that result on the exact same consequences.


The soviets raped german women because they say that in bombed out german cities their standard of living was still higher than their shit farm villages and had a inferiority complex

Both socialist ideologies

Both have a habit of killing their own citizens in huge numbers.

Sounds same to me...

Men in war are thirsty for pussy, can't go fucking men when you're a straight soldier.

Authoritarianism is not exclusive to the right Brochevski. Go farther left or farther right and you get more authoritarian as you go.


Nope. Nope. Nope.

Communism is as far left as it gets.
Anarchy (no government at all) is as far right as it gets.

BOTH Communism and National Socialism (Nazi'ism) are Leftist/Socialist government models -- as if the name "National Socialism" isn't enough indication -- they're both founded upon the ideology of the all-powerful state having the power to dictate economic, social, and moral attributes of society. The differences are in scope and methods, not the underlying faith in total government authority and power.

FWIW, homosexuality was illegal in both Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Have you ever heard of the horse shoe theory?

No, Nazis reward white people and prize high performing white people.
Fascists do what you did while ensuring a social hierarchy remains in place.


Communism Does not Equal Facisim
Done i win

Neither does Nazism.

Watch this.
Zionists should be executed.

You are fucking retarded

They really are both trash though. I'm disgusted that so many people seem to think communism is good or even possible without a god damn hive mind.

Anarchy is left not right, just like ever other retarded ideology

You gotta prove it first. Also all the gaydos who call Nazism Fascism need a headcheck. Those two are seperate.

National Socialism is still socialism. Altho' the first isn't interested in changing the capitalist order, just make it exclusive to a certain race/class/nationality.

Well lets see:

>Ban religion or promote a single religion.
>Kill anyone of a different religion.
>Kill the elderly once they are no longer useful to the state.
>Kill the handicap and abort future ones.
>Treat all races the same.
>Led by a small group of elites and their families throughout generations.
>State owns everything.
>No middle class allowed and there is the elite upper government class and everyone else at the bottom.
>Encourage less children.
>Importation of other peoples is encouraged.
>Only press allowed is government.
>Take all the money from the upper and middle classes to give to the government.
>Destroy all culture as it divides people like religion.

>Promote various religions as long as it advances the race and doesnt harm the state.
>Allow elders to retire.
>Abort handicap and experiment on those already around.
>One race reigns supreme above all others.
>Everything the state does revolves around helping the race.
>Sterilize those with undesirable genes and encourage them to adopt.
>Group of government elites rotates. Mixture of all classes picked each generation to lead. Leaders selected on merit rather than class.
>Goods for goods trading with other countries rather then using currency.
>Encourage more children through a reward system.
>Importation of other peoples is rejected.
>Actively fund the advancement of technology and science to advance the race.
>Build country through its own people rather than exploit foreigners.
>Heavily tax the rich to help the country during economic crises. Those who volunteer are then rewarded with government contracts during times of economic revival.
>Government and civilian press allowed. Civilian press will be destroyed if it actively defies the government however. Neutral and slight defiance acceptable.
>Force people of all classes to interact to foster brotherhood among ones race.
>Promote the culture of ones people such as funding art and architecture.

Do you actually know what communism is?.I think you are actually retarded.Read the communist manifesto, seriously, communism has nothing to do with fascism or right wing ideologies

The Nazis actually were less interested in a class system.

You must be seriously retarded

But more interested in race and nationality. And keeping the big capital, thats why germany tooj help from foreign big companies in their war effort. Basically; Hitler was shit scared that things would change, and acted accordingly.

What the actual fuck are you talking about nazis killed German commies they had nothing to do with socialism they actually had a capitalist economy, a very protectionist one, but a capitalist one nevertheless. And since when the fuck is anarchism a right wing ideology?

Depends OP, what do you mean by Communism? If you mean Soviets and Gulags then it isn't Communism, it's Authoritarian Socialism. Communism is society devoid of governments, money, or social class. Basically a bunch of people who work for free, live for free, and any decision is made democratically. Democratically in this context does not mean parliament or electoral college either, it means every fucker on the block has a say, and the majority opinion wins. So, they're different.

You're a faggot, this debate is with Nazism, not Fascism.

They are basically the same, hitler's inspiration was mussolini, the founder of fascism, nazism is basically a form of fascism that adapts to Germany and also inspires in some of nietzsche's ideas.its far less retarded than saying that communism and nazism are the same

Nazism is pretty similar to Fascism except that they have an imperialist attitude that involves conquest of more land for the race. That and going straight for the Jews for controlling everything.


Its the same shit in a slightly different versions. I'd take national socialism any day before communism. at least it killed far less people and those who got killed mostly weren't of german nationality. so.. why would i choose a comunism for my own country where i will probably be the one targeted

ITT: dumbs defending dumb ideas. only american democracy is pure.

pretty sure anarchy is left as fuck

I agree with you in most of the things you said but you're kinda describing anarchism not communism, but hey I think you are one of the least retarded people here user

Kek ok child

Communism and Anarchism have a lot in common, but they differ on several points as Communism is meant to be a stateless form of pure Socialism. Life lived communally where the workers own the means of production, and property doesn't exist, stuff like this.

Because our 'space technologies' were based on having more Nazi scientists.

Yeah bro as we all know communism killed 3.5 billion people and counting to this day nazism just killed 6 million so actually the USA should have made an alliance with the nazis to fight the commies. Well too bad the war is over:(.
Mfw you are so retarded you actually fascinate me

>he thinks the Soviets were communist
I'm tittering infant, truly tittering at such naive writings I nearly shat myself.

op is right , you´re all just a bunch of fags and niggerlovers

Not to forget. Capitalism is also responsible for hundreds of millions in casualties around the globe and has kept to date around 1 billion people in slums.

One is global jewish rule and deliberate retardation of people, technology, and society. The other is against global jewish rule.

Whats so funny about the most murderous system on the planet?

>>Promote various religions as long as it advances the race and doesnt harm the state.
>>Allow elders to retire.
>>Abort handicap and experiment on those already around.
>>One race reigns supreme above all others.
>>Everything the state does revolves around helping the race.
>>Sterilize those with undesirable genes and encourage them to adopt.
>>Group of government elites rotates. Mixture of all classes picked each generation to lead. Leaders selected on merit rather than class.
>>Goods for goods trading with other countries rather then using currency.
>>Encourage more children through a reward system.
>>Importation of other peoples is rejected.
>>Actively fund the advancement of technology and science to advance the race.
>>Build country through its own people rather than exploit foreigners.
>>Heavily tax the rich to help the country during economic crises. Those who volunteer are then rewarded with government contracts during times of economic revival.
>>Government and civilian press allowed. Civilian press will be destroyed if it actively defies the government however. Neutral and slight defiance acceptable.
>>Force people of all classes to interact to foster brotherhood among ones race.
>>Promote the culture of ones people such as funding art and architecture.

Describes National Socialism to a tee.
Calls it "Fascism".
Explanation: either too much meth, or Sage ate his brain.

you mean that dumbass giant gun when they werent prepared for the train gauge in russia lol. they were a joke. if they had committed those recources to heavy train loaders they would have conquered moscow.

Well that's kinda true but the main difference between anarchism and communism is that anarchism is stateless, while communism requires a state.And the no property thing is basically referring to private property(means of production first example), which in communism would be public and owned by the workers(meaning that the workers wouldn't have to pay to anyone to use those means of production) but in communism the state would put taxes on their salaries to be able to pay for other public services(health care, education...) in anarchism that last thing wouldn't happen because there is no state. But coming back to the property thing you can still have personal property (your fucking toothbrush, TV and bed wouldn't be owned by the state) I just say this because it's a common misbelief to think that everything is everyone's property and you need to give your fucking comb to your grandpa Eugene because he does not have one.

>You're a faggot, this debate is with Nazism, not Fascism.

But most stupid fukks think they're the same -- they couldn't even attempt to describe the fundamental differences...

I was just being sarcastic about the guy I was replying to the soviets weren't fucking communist and they didn't fucking kill 3.5 billion people retard

Because, never since inception to right now has Communism ever existed beyond words on paper and small underground collectives of wishful thinking. Soviets, Year Zero, Khmer Rouge, Viet Cong and NVA, Somalia, 26 of July movement, none of it was Communism; it was all bastards who hijacked an agreeable name and did unspeakable things to expand ultior motives, motives created by lust for power.

the NSDAP wasn't actually socialist.

Well you are so mentally retarded you can't even tell the difference between communism and fascism or nazism(which is actually based off Italian fascism btw)

This is what happens when your children spend too much time on the internet.
Shit thread. For a minute I thought I was on Sup Forums

Incorrect, the founders of Communism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels expressed in the Communist Manifesto that the society be classless and stateless, and going one up in eliminating money. The only time Communism requires a state is to ensure the security of the budding society remains undisturbed by counter-revolutionary forces while they dismantle capitalist systems until it then sufficient to enstate true Communism, which is the classless stateless society I previously described.

>hitler's inspiration was mussolini, the founder of fascism,


Fascism is a lot older tham Mussolini, genius. Evey kingdom of the ancient world was a fascist dictatorship. Think about that for a moment.
"Fascism" is just a new label for a very old fact of life.
And Hitler wasn't a 'Fascist' - his platform was National Socialism.

"National Socialism", not "National Fascism".
Stupid Murkan fukkers goet the worst lessons in history -- their history classes are nothing but propaganda about how great 'murka is, and fukk the rest of the world. Sad thing is, they're all so dumb that they believe it without even the hint of a question. It's pathetic.

Fukk you, all you 'Murkans out there -- are the Fascists. And Hillary wanted to be the queen fascist, but Drumpf got the crown instead.

and now it exists in the idea of burning cars and rioting by young spoiled brats dressed like isis on streets. A promotion no sane person will ever follow.

>ITT: dumbs defending dumb ideas. only american democracy is pure.
>Stupid Murkan fukkers get the worst lessons in history -- their history classes are nothing but propaganda about how great 'murka is,

See what I mean?
Stupid 'Murkans and their propaganda. Fukking fascists and don't even know it.

>Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
It's in the name, but then again people use the word "liberal" all the time to describe some of the most illiberal people in the country.

Agreed, it's safe to say communism is unlikely to ever become a successful society.

exactly, it was socialist in name only, just like most if not all "communist" regimes are communist in name only.

Well they were on their way to communism and the socialism they had actually brought incredible advances to the societies of those countries. Cuba for example has a 100%alphabetization rate and they have just the resources of their fucking island so I think they're way better off than if they hadn't had socialism. You can't just fucking talk about the bad things you cunt.

So you call me retarded for confusing nazism with fascism and then go and call monarchies fascist you must either be kidding or mentally retarded

No sense in reading if you can't eat.
[spoiler] cherry picking does no favors.

They killed the fucking German commies goddamnit how tf can people actually think they were socialist. And please don't call commies liberals it's kinda offensive liberals are fucking retarded

Prove you wrong? History can do it. They are only the same in level of being power hungry and arrogant. I would never want to be ruled by Putin, but if I had to pick either Putin or Hitler as my leader, Putin would be my fearless leader hands down. At least Putin is almost as smart as he is cunning, Hitler had neither. Putin is also far more reluctant to horrible crimes against humanity.

>The main similarity is "Workers gain control of means of production."

>The main difference is within Fascism, the workers give their labor to the Country - hence the importance of Nationalism

>Within Communism, the effort is placed upon relative community. This extends beyond the notion of "Nation".

Hitler took a loan and decided to not pay it back, he made germany great again, everyone had work, then came angry jews.

Not that guy, but so are commies.

Well my mother lived in a fucking socialist regime and surprise surprise she had fucking food and actually did pretty well and so did all the fucking people she knows and she's actually anti-communist so don't talk about things you don't have any fucking idea of


>my mother
Stopped reading.

Where did I call commies liberal? Honestly, you're probably one of those people I was talking about. Pretty much nobody knows what an actual liberal is these days. Commies are trash btw.

Damn nigga just stole my philosophy from the last nazi thread