Goodnight Alt-right

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Lol Social Justice Metal

>it's 2017

Oh my fucking god. He actually said it. He actually fucking said it.

I know!

That was fucking terrible. These people actually don't give a shit about justice they just like feeling good about themselves

how do i join the alt right

Post some Pepes.

>antifa doing home invasion
>torture/physical assault
>not thugs/criminals

Really makes me think.

>It's 2017
And you're still making Nu-Metal? This nigga doesn't even look like he was born when the first Korn and Deftones dropped.

The real antifa music is this

Be a massive faggot with a Hitler youth haircut.

Do the opposite of what left-wing news networks say you should do


I legitimately hope this band goes homeless and has to suck antifa dick for a bag of meth.

I have been physically assaulted by Antifa twice for simply attending a Trump rally.

These people are fucking delusional and this kind of shit feeds their delusions


I'd punch you.

I'd put in a complaint to your starbucks manager and laugh when you get fired

>attending a Trump rally

>Nazi punks fuck off!
If this was a nu-metal song about alt-right people trying to get into metal scenes, shows and whatnot I could maybe understand it but just going after the whole "alt-right" is silly.

>nerd revenge fantasies

find someone to blame for everything that's wrong in your life, either real or perceived, and then vote straight republican on every ballot while pretending to not be a republican through the strength of cognitive dissonance.

embrace the edge

its current year rascist lololol

alt right =/= republican
alt right =/= conservative

they are just a bunch of young punks hoping that trump would be their fascist hero, not realizing he's just another pawn

I wouldn't know who Richard Spencer was if it wasn't for people complaining about him.

this. about giving the middle finger to as many people in power as possible and framing this juvenile punk mentality as subversive and cutting-edge when it's anything but.

media perpetuates this shit for clicks/views. he'd be a literally who if not for them. by giving him a platform, they spread his message and pretty much help him recruit impressionable young men

have Sup Forums turned on Trump yet?

He has done everything I voted for him to do.

Good luck next time Bernie voter

>Hitler's youth haircut
>fuck the alt-right

How clueless are these people?

maybe i was just young and naive but left leaning music wasn't always this lame, was it?


Funds for the wall were just passed and he made a white nationalist speech in Poland last week

Get ready for Trump 2020 Sup Forumsfags

outside of the redditors and kekistani fags, yeah.

No. It got REALLY bad around 2013

like granting amnesty to 100k beaners?

Left ideals are actually right now

>another idiot who can't understand the difference between illegal and legal
>using the word 'beaners' and then claiming he hates Trump

More like 2011


Trump gave young lefty musicians something to rebel against like their forefathers did against Reagan, but they lack the skill to execute it with the same pathos

or it could just be confirmation bias stemming from overexposure of the most cringeworthy examples

lol Trump is barely going to make it out of his first term. Even if he's not impeached for treason (unlikely) or obstruction of justice (more likely), his ratings are in the toilet. Americans have a funny way of turning o those they put in power pretty quickly and if Trump can't get rid of Obamacare or pass his Tax Reform by the end of this year or early next year, he's pretty much dead on arrival.

Honestly, the fucking Rock is running in 2020 and at this point, he comes off as better than anybody the Dems/Republicans have to offer.

Just goes to show how far the leadership deficit has risen in this country that we elect jokers like Trump into office and are even toying with the idea of Kanye.

i dont hate trump, i supported his immigration policy. but he blew it

>conservatives win presidency
>conservatives win congress
>liberals still scrambling to put their party back together.
>"You (the alt-right) just got knocked the fuck out"
Sure buddy

The left became the establishment during the Obama years. Baby boomer hippies who marched in the 60's took all the positions of power in society, and SJW-tier egalitarianism became militarily enforced.

So now, for the first time....ever, right-wing politics and philosophies are the counter-culture.

Unfortunately there isn't much right-wing art/music.

>right-wing politics and philosophies are the counter-culture.

>the left
>in power
lol you people really have no fucking clue what you're talking about do you. Obama wasn't even a leftist by any stretch.

It's amazing the extremes you go to.

Increase your autism level and practice nofap.


>believing the "ratings" after the 2016 election

Ever taken a statistics course? Polls, ratings, and statistics are usually bullshit unless conducted extremely well, and political polls are usually not conducted extremely well.

Just from driving around the rust-belt and talking to people, I have never met somebody who voted for him and regretted it.

In fact, "Trumpism" is now considered the future of the republican party.

>Implying you have to be a Nazi to hate this trash music
>implyiing this music isn't objectively terrible.

>mfw even the GOP can't get on board with Paul Ryan + Mitch McConnell's desperate attempts to fulfill the ">muh obamacare" aspect of Trump's campaign
I thought a Trump presidency would be smooth sailing for Congress, I didn't expect it to be this pathetic

Tumblr go back


They are. Why do you think every right-wing rally gets shut down with violence and anybody that disagrees with extreme egalitarianism is blacklisted from...everything? Not to mention ideas like race realism and arguments like that.

Left and right are a somewhat fluid term. Obama was just another corporatist hack, but between 2008-2016 the SJW frenzy and enforced egalitarianism took over society. This includes corporate policies, universities, entertainment, and media. What's left?

Sounds like you don't have a fucking clue


I actually don't think the music is that bad. That breakdown near the end was kinda heavy.

Wouldn't listen to it in my free time though

So what, we're never to trust polls again because they were "wrong" last election?

>Just from driving around the rust-belt and talking to people, I have never met somebody who voted for him and regretted it.

So I'm supposed to take your anecdotal evidence over, what, 538 or politico?

Give me a break - polls will never be perfect, but that doesn't make them not useful information.

>In fact, "Trumpism" is now considered the future of the republican party.

Hardly. Trumpism barely made it into office and it's hold over the Republican Party is razor thin. This country is center-right by and large - we may flirt with far-left/right politics from time to time, but things will balance out in the long term.

Rubin Report is great 2bh


>SJW frenzy took over society
I used to be just like you you know. It's amazing that once you stop paying attention to every crazy liberal on a college campus that you realize how little and petty an issue it really is.

That's not to say it's not an issue - it's just not the "death of western society" or whatever nonsense you might think. There will always be crazy SJW people on both the left and right. Stupid people are legion and now we have to deal with them having a voice due to social media. There is nothing you can do about it.

Plus, most of this shit is so trivial? I mean, for example, who the fuck really cares about a female cast of ghost busters? Nobody can seriously say with a straight face that they've been personally affected by this shit. And if they have, then maybe they need to do a re-evaluation of their priorities.

The entirety of American politics is right of center.

Jokes on you, I'm a camwhore.

>we're never going to trust the polls again?

Honestly, probably not. I'm not going to. Like I said, if you've ever take a statistics course you realize that it's usually just a bunch of bullshit and marketing tactics.

>So I'm supposed to take your anecdotal evidence over inaccurate and biased polling?

Yeah you get a better read on society by traveling, talking to people, and observing online discussion boards than listening to poll numbers. Also looking at what media sources are getting the highest views, and right now alt-media sources (like Infowars) are fucking exploding and cable news is diminishing.

I knew Trump was going to win the day he announced his presidency, because I live in the rustbelt and I know what would appeal to people here (apparently he does too because he's good at marekting). Statistics are nonsense.

>this country is shifting between centers

Trump and alt-righters are stretching the overton window with their rhetoric. The most extremes in society shift what is considered "central" or "moderate". Trumpism is already becoming moderate while Richard Spencer is becoming "extreme".

Just my opinion though. Anything can happen in today's culture.

Huh sounds like many liberals. You one of those super smart centrist bois?

Okay, well I live in Chicago and the "fringe" leftist SJW shit you see on YouTube is basically the norm here. I have had many MANY SJWs get two inched from my face and start screaming because I used a wrong word or had a wrong opinion.

Teachers, co-workers, managers, random people you meet. It is the norm here, and it is the third largest city in the USA. I hear "YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" as an insult on a weekly basis.

start shitposting on Sup Forums
Get mad at anything

>Statistics are nonsense.
Trump supporters my friends.

Trump barely won the presidency. Demographic trends are not looking good for the Republicans, and some Rust Belt states are projected to flip next election (even though some democratic bastions might as well).

I really wouldn't count on Rust-belt voters to be a solid voting bloc that carries elections for much longer.

sorry, I don't believe you - or are you going around spouting race realism to co-workers and random people you meet? I live in fucking LA and I barely hear any of this shit and I live right near UCLA.

hehe frightened nazi fucks? this is what revolutionaries look like at their full potential!


> libtards
Liberals aren't even left. Ancom is where it's at

Do not shit on my man Dr Jordan B Peterson