Pro tips on how to reduce anxiety and general stress symptoms?
>Other than exercise
Pro tips on how to reduce anxiety and general stress symptoms?
>Other than exercise
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a wank
Know your boards
pyridoxine, magnesium
Anti anxiety meds
Non effective
I guess
Non prescription shit pls
Will look into
Try exercise, really calms you down and releases endorphins.
Accept reality better. Just accept it. People are self centered, superficial, vindictive, stupid creatures that are simply out for social status. None of them are worth a shit, you included. There is no love in this motherfucker. Get thicker skin.
I love you user.
THIS is effective and will make you less of a fat, ugly and useless failure
I'm doin it. Lost only 8 pounds, but already seeing boost in ego.
This is a random board. It does not have a sticky. Unless it's actively against the rules, anything goes.
Don't be such an insufferable, hair-splitting cunt.
balanced diet
know yourself
just pick 1 and work on it, dont expect to be chad just expect to be comfy
How about the easiest tip of all? Don't overthink it. Most anxiety and stress comes from overthinking. Just roll the damn dice and let shit fall into place.
That, or drugs.
Sustained physical activity.
yell very loudly until your neighbors tell you to shut up. Or call the cops. The adrenaline pumping will make you forget about all your worries
Go for a walk in a secluded place. I'm not talking about running or whatever, nothing strenuous. Just walk in a place without people, ideally a natural place. Don't have music or whatever, and try to go without your mobile shit for the duration of the walk. No extra shit. It'll help you decompress and unwind.
i think you answered your own question with that pic, OP
smoke a fucking joint, you'll be fine Sup Forumsro
smoke weed erryday
>How about the easiest tip of all? Just smile. Most depression comes from being a grumpy fuck all the time. Just smile and laugh and let shit fall into place.
yeah, no, it's actually chemical, you fucking caveman
you're not very smart, are you?
just be yourself
>other than exercise
Spotted the fatty