What does Sup Forums think of transgenders is it a disease do they have a mental disorder personally I believe so

What does Sup Forums think of transgenders is it a disease do they have a mental disorder personally I believe so

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>construction a coherent sentence is hard

Mental disorder.

ofc they do, they pretend they are something that they are not


My bad grammar nazi

ok, that should have been a new thread

?? I wasn't trying to correct you. I said mental disorder because that's what the trannies have.


GID is another in a long line of pseudo psychological disorders listed in the DSM 5.

Traps have nice warm fuckable assholes

they're just being who they want to be. as long as their life doesn't interfere with mine, good on them. :)

It's like fags.
You have the over top fags who are just this huge walking stereotype of gay.
Usually the ones you see at pride parades naked waving dicks around.screaming "ACCEPTANCE".
Then you have regular people, who happen to be gay. Regular normal people, who at the end of the day happen to like dick (or pussy), and I have no problem with those people.
Same with trans.
Some are just this weird over the top I need attention trans people, very Cringey, it's these people that have a mental illness.
And some just become trans, pull it off well, and go about their lives, these people are fine.


I get that but I still believe they should seek help they have a disease gays do also and believe me their shit is 100% directly affecting my life and yours


Except they do interfere with people's lives when they have laws passed that require you to cater to their delusions or else you go to jail.

They're abominations of nature and should be shot on sight.


what disease?

give 1 example of how transgender folks have an effect on your life.

That's what I'm saying

no they don't. cite those laws, please

Even if it's a disorder, it doesn't mean they don't deserve autonomy. Freedom is for everyone, at least here in the US. It's even for mentally handicapped fags, like OP.

This is the end of white civilization


Your post has affected me as much as any faggot has. Doesn't matter, they deserve to marry whatever fag they want.

gender dysphoria

And the laws being passed to this day because they want special rights take for example this gender neutral bathroom bullshit that stupid nigger oboma implanted thank god we have trump now



Literally not a disease. It's dysphoria. Hence the name.

cite the laws that affect you negatively

Hiv positivr people don't affect my life. But it's still a disease.

they have mental Problems, like gays too. Nature is simpel male creature + female creature should it be. otherwise People could fuck them self and get Babys like few creatures, so anything not natural is a part against nature.


that's a damn fine straw man. :)

>the difference between gay and fag

It's the same as having schizophrenia

ok. that just says transgender folks can't be discriminated against. how does this affect you negatively?

HIV? You know that's not a fag only disease right? And you don't get it because you're a fag, you get it because you're a retard fucking strangers without condoms

More about that transage guy

Its not like their already high suicide rates go down after operations. They will never be satisfied unless they take medication to suppress their urges like pedos. I dont know why society supports hormones and operation it isnt curing them.

>difference between gay and fag
There is no such difference, moron. It's only your south prejudice showing. Fancy, flamboyant or alpha males, regardless of any behavior, a gay will still be gay simply because the only criteria for that is to like the same sex.

1. Failing To Use an Individual’s Preferred Name or Pronoun

The NYCHRL requires employers and covered entities to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the individual’s identification.

Most individuals and many transgender people use female or male pronouns and titles. Some transgender and gender non-conforming people prefer to use pronouns other than he/him/his or she/her/hers, such as they/them/theirs or ze/hir. 10 Many transgender and gender non-conforming people choose to use a different name than the one they were given at birth.

All people, including employees, tenants, customers, and participants in programs, have the right to use their preferred name regardless of whether they have identification in that name or have obtained a court-ordered name change, except in very limited circumstances where certain federal, state, or local laws require otherwise (e.g., for purposes of employment eligibility verification with the federal government). Asking someone their preferred gender pronoun and preferred name is not a violation of the NYCHRL.

That's not true. Dysphoria means you're dissatisfied with the way you are. Schizophrenia is manifested by physical symptoms which affect behavior. A dysphoria is closer to being your personality than a disease.

Examples of Violations

Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses.
Refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun, or title because they do not conform to gender stereotypes. For example, calling a woman “Mr.” because her appearance is aligned with traditional gender-based stereotypes of masculinity.
Conditioning an individual’s use of their preferred name on obtaining a court-ordered name change or providing identification in that name. For example, a covered entity may not refuse to call a transgender woman her preferred name, Jane, because her identification says that her first name is John. 11
Requiring an individual to provide information about their medical history or proof of having undergone particular medical procedures in order to use their preferred name, pronoun, or title.
Covered entities may avoid violations of the NYCHRL by creating a policy of asking everyone what their preferred gender pronoun is so that no individual is singled out for such questions and by updating their systems to allow all individuals to self-identify their names and genders. They should not limit the options for identification to male and female only.
Next time, read all the shit instead of skimming.


they can't be discriminated against. how does this have a negative impact on you? i notice you keep avoiding that question

It's a neurological disorder affecting less than one percent of the population. There are lots of self-image disorders out there where people feel like they are something that they demonstrably are not, but the gender one is the only one we treat by trying to make the body match the brain instead of the other way around.

they can't be discriminated against by the gov't or their employer. i would imagine everyone is for that. how does this negatively affect you?

Just call a faggot the way they wanna be called. Nigger is a pronoun too. You just don't say it if you know it's not cool to say it. If you don't know, ask. If you don't wanna ask, assume. If they get mad, they're a faggot but that's not on you 'cause you didn't know

Mental Illness............

Means I get in trouble with you know that thing called the law if I call it the wrong pronoun especially as an employer

Not catering to their delusions is not discriminating them.

I already decided that if I get trannies demanding I use a set of pronouns that don't match what they really are, they're getting nothing but Spanish from me.

so no effect on you whatsoever. :)

your reading comprehension issue is noted.


It means if you get in trouble if you repeatedly call someone the wrong pronoun after repeated corrections. If I call a guy at work ma'am repeatedly, that's inappropriate behavior. And while I don't think you should get sued for either of those things, you can. Just don't be an ass. You'd be surprised how far you can get in life by not being an ass.

those tyrannies can go burn in hell with the other gays and kikes

I can read just fine. You're the one who doesn't seem to be understanding the issue here.

Gonna use the transage fag from one of the articles posted here. If I were to refer to him as what he truly is, a male, and use the pronouns that correspond to his actual gender, I would get in trouble with the law for not referring to him as a female. We are basically expected to cater to their delusions or else we get in trouble.

Then call them by their name. It's not that hard.



Well yes If I call someone with xy chromosomes a her repeatedly I should get in trouble but if I call someone who is a fuckin tranny with XY CHROMOSOMES a him because ya know it's still a guy I would also get in trouble

5edgy7me. Do you blaze it too?

nope, dope. try again

Ok, I can do the last name and avoid all pronouns at least, but even that offends a lot of them.

How underage are you?

This is why philosophy is no longer a respectable subject

Transvestites have mental disorder obviously.


Watches at $0 ?
WTF ???

and in 99% of cases the kids grow out of this as they age.

Let kids be kids for fuck's sake.

It hasn't been respectable in 2500 years.

It's a mental disorder usually related to some trauma just like homosexuality in general.

I'm going to go ahead and assume you support trannies and their delusions, hence why you have no problem with NY's law and most likely Bill 89 in Canada.


They're just words mate. Their association with chromosomes are purely sociological. There's no real reason for it. Anyway, just don't call people what they don't want to be called. If you can't do that, just call them by their name.

This is why gays and lesbos should not be able to have kids

Wasn't that disproven?

You post an article that literally calls it a disorder.

I'm not sure if you are for or against tranny nutcases, but this article calls it a disorder straight up.

Late 20's. Any more questions?

i support equal rights for all. is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Nope, unless you can cite the studies.

If your a guy I'm calling you a guy if your a female then I'll call you a female simple as that's people need to gtf over it and stop wanting special needs


Hey I support equal rights for trannies and gays too.

It doesn't hurt me at all that they are fucked up.

I don't think the crazy homeless guy on the corner should have any less rights than I have either.

I'm just not going to play pretend that he isn't crazy and homeless, just like I won't pretend trannies aren't mentally ill.

Because it is a disorder. And no, I don't support transgenders.

Good then, good.

>citation needed


that's a nice straw man. :)

So, you're saying that you support catering to the delusions of people who believe they're the opposite sex, both or neither because you believe in equal rights? Ok, then I'm going to assume then that you support people who claim to be a different species, a different age and a different race.

Thank you, I built him with a dick because he's a man. :)

All in favor of pounding Sweden with ICBMs to clean the gene pool say aye


you like dicks. telling, user. very telling indeed.

>Playing with their young grandchildren
Why would this man be allowed anywhere near the children

This is a poor straw man.



hey, you're the one talking about dicks, not me