What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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I honestly don't know.
Who cares
Biology denial
She posts trap threads on Sup Forums daily.
You mean "he".
These fucking insane liberals need to be fucking put in a concentration camp.
Why can't gay guys just be happy fucking gay guys, why do they have to insist on everyone being gay?
"why doesnt anyone like my feminine penis"
She means she's retarded and thinks that science doesn't exist.
Testes= Male
Ovaries= Female
Both= Hermaphrodite
It's science, folks.
Talking about feminine men and butchy women again. Acting like if they pretend hard enough it's real. Same shit different day.
Wow, really makes me think.
I bet if you go to a middle-eastern or african nation free from western cissexist ideology, they'd be all over women with penises.
But if you really want an explanation, it's how sjws straw man an argument that doesn't exist.
No one is arguing whether or not they can like traps. The thing with guys is you either do or you don't. There's no grey area. This is simply a woman injecting women's thought processes (overthinking) into a male predicament.
She has no dogs in this fight but she throws her opinion out there anyway because she doesn't have enough issues of her own and feminism needs to adopt everyone else's issues in order to maintain a platform. That's how they stay relevant.
They are actually, Iran will kill you if you're gay but they do sex changes all the time.
I'm leaving this thread.
Not that I should have showed up in the first place. The autism is thick here
she's retarded, pay her no attention or at least have the decency not to generalize her retardation on all of us.
t. transfag
I don't get it
She means that she's a retard and that she lives in a cartoon fantasy world where biology doesn't exist.
she means that lesbians dont like dick because societal incfluences and they should just try it once or twice and maybe they'll like it
i dont fucking know anymore
it's a dumb line and she's wrong.
i'm male and experimented with boys when i was pre-pubescent, never even had an orgasm before.
i still crave women and vagina.
these people can close their eyes so tight they fucking cry tears of blood, but biology isn't going to disappear.
>if i say biology and mental illness it somehow becomes a bad thing and isn't even real
be retarded and disrespectful all you want, just a friendly reminder that reality wont bend to your will
she's retarded, but i'm out of simple decency refering to her as female because there's no reason other than being an edgy tryhard faggot to do otherwise