Hey Guys

Hey Guys

can we dox pedo's`?

I found this guy

Alexander Ruediger +491783203667

yes we can . stay strong


new york police apartment?

You want us to be your personal army with no proof of anything?
Fuck off

how do you know?

we need the good old 4 chan . and the old school army. dont be a jew and help children

i write with him in a child chat. i said im 9years old

post proof and he will get destroyed. but only for your amusement? nope!

proof pls?

you are missunderstanding this.

i dox on pastebin

Ok so you had a fight with your high school bully and to get back at him you stole his number and called him a pedo. Where is your proof, faggot?!

Why the fuck would I call Germany? Is this to pay for your runescape account you little fag?


i'm 36years old

Proof, timestamp. Op doesn't deliver he's a faggot like usual and 36 years old living in his moms attic.

15/1/6/1 same fag

Sup Forums has become a lot of shit
Sad world full of oddities

No proof so fuck off and mcfucking kill yourself

Nah you just don't deliver you shitposting op faggot.


You're a stupid cunt if you believe we'll believe you without any proof.
That guy probably stole your waifu pillow abd you're very angry.

it is a german Number and Name

btw i am german

not your personal army.

also no proof.

that's honestly the biggest faggot phrase on Sup Forums

use his country code to find his country from phone number then search his facebook you have his full name

phone number is 49 so he's from germany

i am German i can call if i get some proof

if he doesnt have a facebook, look for records and for his family

give me proof and i call

Wait, shouldn't this guy get banned for requesting doxxx??