Just heard about Slab city

>Just heard about Slab city.
How the fuck does that work? Is it an anarchy?

it'll keep working until one guy with more guns decides he wants all their stuff.

just a bunch of hippies on meth.

bfy . tw / Cr7c

hope this helps

When I used to hop trains I ended up out there a few times. From what I understand the land is owned by the California teachers retirement program. Originally a huge retirement home was supposed to be built out there but it never has. Before that it was a military base (ops pic is of a checkpoint). Basically in recent years the cops don't really go out there. At one point in the 90s it was like a giant flea market out there.

When I was out there I was told by a full time resident that you stick to one side, and generally keep to yourself unless spoken to. Some cool people put there, but plenty of tweakers and degenerates too

And war vets

The closest body of civilization with proper law enforcement is approximately four miles southwest of Slab City inNilandwhere the residents often go to do basic shopping.

With the cops only 4 minutes away I doubt too much Anarchy is going on. You could literally do the exact same thing on any public property that isn't under the control of a city municipality anywhere in the country.

Also in the winter months it's busier than currently. Last time I went (last summer) it was like a ghost town... maybe 50 or so people out there, mostly the full time residents. In the winter it has quite the RV and retiree population.

I dont see them going there through.

They don't. Unless they're looking for someone. I've heard more than a dozen gunshots go off and cops don't even bother. They maybe drive through once every couple of days. But even then, they're mostly just checking up on the elderly population as many won't ask for help from anyone

Any other questions OP?

Sounds like people just don't call the cops. I bet if you called they'd be there within an hour

More like in the next 3-5 hours. They take their time to get out there.

They all have guns.

Mostly true. I'd say like 75% of them have a gun. The other 25% are so crazy they don't need find for protection. When I was out there I met a guy who dug small holes around his site. Then took plastic wrap and covered said holes with it, and a thin layer of dirt over the plastic. There were hundreds of them around his camper. He said of that didn't keep tweakers away his plan was to use a sword. While out there at least 3 people broke their ankles on that dude's holes

Saw any cops while there or any kind of laws?

Like I said in a previous post, the only time you'd see them is when they'd come out to check up on the older people out there. Even then, as long as you didn't look like complete shit they never said anything to anyone else, aside from a simple hey.

They come out every few days of they're looking for someone (known residents who have warrants/recent missing people reports in the SW US. In reality most of the crimes committed out there are purely non violent, usually committed by the tweakers out there. And domestic disputes. Both of which only get cops if someone is annoyed enough to call them, and even then, they take their time to get out there.

Cops will go there if you insist, but they often dont because of pervasive anti-authoritarian sentiment. You've heard the story before: "don't snitch", "only weaklings need the state", on and on.

murders and violent crime that do take place there are very rare, contrary to inference. residents understand that anything like that will get their commune bulldozed quick as fuck.

it's delicate balance, presumably, yet it's survived for alot longer than anyone thought it could.

¿ !

This guy gets it. This is also why a lot of residents don't take kindly to randoms showing up. As long as you go out there, find an empty area to set up at, and if there is anyone within an eyeshot of you, you ask if it's cool to set up there, nobody will have a problem with you. Except the tweakers, they have problems with anyone.

What is a tweaker?

A better question would be "how do they get their meth?".

Meth addicts.

Ever heard of shake n bake? Meth is pretty easy to make.

coock it

Meth head

The place is a shit hole full of tweakers (meth addicts) I didn't even want to exit my car when I went down there. I also went in the summer which is off season, just stopped by to see Salvation Mountain. My brother went down there in Feburary and they literally blew up a car for fun. The police came but I don't think anyone was arrested or cited.

being this antisocial

folks that want off the grid so they won't get caught being degenerate assholes, generally speaking.

classic stereotypical burnouts and sociopaths.

Can confirm. I did watch someone fill a car with fireworks and blow it up when I was out there. No, cops did not come when we did it, nor did anyone really care. Fun times.

Oooh, I've been there. The guy that watches over it is a real prick.

I was smoking a cigarette when they closed and he starts screaming at everyone to get off his property. Like waving a gun screaming. I get it faggot, you want people to leave, but people make holy pilgrimages to this place, give them time to pack up and leave.

Real piece of shit I'll tell you that.

Slab City is nothing but a waste land. Nothing out there and everyone is in their own LA LA land. Go if you want to have a semi adventure, but you'll have more to look at driving through Skidrow in Downtown Los Angeles.

Here's a really shitty sunset I took from it. I have way better ones, but due to the file size limit, I can only post the shitty one with the pole in the middle of it.

>due to the file size limit

>On mobile. To much work. Don't care enough.

Thanks though