How do I over come social anxiety and Talk to girls???

How do I over come social anxiety and Talk to girls???

you shouldn't be a part of the gene pool

Do it as often as possible and fuck up a lot. Then privately beat yourself up over the dumb shit you said.

Repeat 10000x

Then it's easy.

Pffffffff i agree


That simple huh lol

Yup. The more cringy shit you say, the more you learn what not to say.
There are winners and those who learn.

Meh. just start talking about whatever like you would a girl you've known since Kindergarten.

girls are overrated m8. they are stupid asf just be yourself don't overthink.

Drink a lot of alcohol and lie make up stuff funny story doesn't have to be true and try to get her talking about herself girls love to do that


Dont be fat and awkward. One or the other is fine but you can't be both.

there's no point in talking to them. they're not interested in you. Besides she probably has a boyfriend or husband and he's twice the man you are.


and lots of it

Don't bother. Women only interact with men in the hopes of getting free shit. They're like glorified house pets. Do yourself a favor and keep your time and money to yourself.

you gotta be confident in yourself first. get your life together, workout or something , get a job, start or business, save some money, stop playing video games all fuckin day, dont be a cuck loser. show them your confident dont be the quiet nerd in the corner fidgeting with your hands. work on yourself and youll actually begin to enjoy life and talking to people and not be such an awkward cunt all the time


And alcohol. Then more this. It's fun.

*tips fedora*

Dubs of truth

Fuck what this guy says He worships shallow garbage and hollow, fake relationships. Just do your own thing. You'll be a lot happier when you don't rely on other people to provide happiness for you.

Stop taking creepy pictures on public transportation would be a good start.

>Download random generator app.
>see grill (5 or lower for now)
>evens talk
>odds leave

Did the mirror confuse you, user? It's okay champ we still love you.

calculate your success ratings based on the moon cycle and your horoscope

Just don't be afraid to fuck up. Because you will. The key is to not give a shit. Nothing really matters, you just have to realize that. Say some dumb shit, who cares. That arrogant confidence alone will score you points. Be clever. Just don't be a faggot.

he is homosexual but is not incorrect