Would you support a military coup to overthrow Trump?
Would you support a military coup to overthrow Trump?
As much as I hate Trump, fuck no. I want nothing to do with a military junta.
Children and their questions.
I'm OP and I voted for/support Trump, I'm just wondering if there's anyone who feels this way
Ah yes, using a military coup to overthrow a President and destroy our institutions because you're that fucking triggered of him just being an asshole. God you guys are pathetic.
What is thus turkey.?
The turks failed because they are stupid
They should have bombed the main building and the presidents house when he was in the country
>Would you support a military coup to overthrow Trump?
I would support Trump declaring himself emperor for life, and starting up the helicopters for physical removal of every socialist in the country.
I'm not American, couldn't care less
Only if he tried to illegally seize power beyond the scope of the Presidency and Congress / Supreme Court couldn't stop him.
This is not Venezuela. The military is not conspiring to overthrow Trump. She lost. Let it go.
Nah, neither would they (Navy SEALs)
They got in trouble for doing that
Depends on who they wanted to put in but I'd be open to it.
Not just no, but I would for sure spill some blood in the god emperors name.
Fuck antifa, Fuck sjws, Fuck liberals in general, Fuck commies.
Pic related, one of the problems plaguing the usa
PROTIP: it wasn't an actual coup in Turkey, just another way for Erdogan to dispose his opponents.
So you would support that? Why?
Ofcourse they did. The world is super sad nowadays.
I would join a counter-coup to keep him in power.
What part of the military would want a coup? It seems most military commanders or even general servicemen like Trump.
He doesn't tie their hands or make unreasonable demands of them.
Whats up with these chink images?
No, the military has laws against showing support for presidential campaigns. And for a good reason