Thinking of killing myself on my birthday. Just gonna go to work like it's a normal day, and when I'm finished my work...

Thinking of killing myself on my birthday. Just gonna go to work like it's a normal day, and when I'm finished my work, kill myself in the work van. No one will be around to stop me.


Nice I guess


What do you do for work?

Probably the best death for a stupid goy.

If you're serious, why would you commit to going to work the day you plan to kill yourself, it isn't like you're worried about the money if you're planning to die, so why waste eight hours of your day before death doing something you dislike for nothing?

Don't do it.

I powerwash transport trucks. I could easily start the wash motor and close myself in the van. The exhaust fumes would kill me.

Why do you want to do that to yourself though? Talk this through with me

TBH IF you're going to commit sudoko, please do it with style.
>Wear some fancy, wierd-ass clothing
>have a note with random friend names on it
> make some evidence that points to one of the friends
and then commit sudoko

30th birthday; don't want to live another 30 years.

I like my job. If I kill myself I want everyone to say "It makes no sense, why would he go to work?"

I want nothing out of life. I don't want a better job, I don't want to meet a girl, or get married, or have kids. I don't want a house or a better car. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

Why don't you want to live another 30 years?

why not go on vacation or something use side money you have to do fun stuff with and then rethink it.

What's with all the people wanting to off themselves? You millennicucks are a bunch of fucking weak-ass quitters.

The way things are going, I don't think that's an option for anyone. We'll all be dead before 2047.

You are supposed to kill yourself before work dipshit that way you get the day off.

I was thinking of going to Amsterdam and hitting up the Red Light District. I'll be getting over $5500 in September, but my birthday is in August.

Not a millennial; I was born in 1987.

then change ur life OP, don't end it.
if the world needs to be better, than do what u can to make it better.
even if it still ends up going to shit, at least u did everything u could and can tell the creator u lived life the way it was meant to be and have no regrets.

start a permaculture food forest and learn to love life and god

I don't plan on leaving a note. I would be wearing my work clothes. I want to be remembered as a being a hard worker.

>Not a millennial; I was born in 1987.
Come on, nigger. Yes you are.

Spare me the religious rhetoric. And I don't care about the world. I want to die because I'm tired of life. I don't want to participate.

The only thing you will be remembered as is pretty much some dude who had alot of issues and killed himself on his birthday.
THAT'S why you should make something out of it you nigger

Don't let your ego get in the way, you will be forgotten 100% after 60 years anyway.

>I don't want to participate.
Do you have anything else to do?

Dude, live your life, go to places like Athens, Madrid, Rome. We all have a purpose, it could be to inspire others, to make others happy, the effect you can have on people and not even know it is unlimited

why the fuck even go to work?
are you retarded?

Do a massacre in a school

Just live for your work user

Don't off yourself man. I've been in your position.

Life does get better. You just have to learn to love yourself. Don't take the easy way out, only cowards do that. Fight. Go out somewhere new. Take up a new hobby. Talk to someone professional about how you feel or even a close friend. Fight god dammit.

Millennials are people born from the early 80s through the mid 90s.

What Kind of work do you do?
(i'm a construction worker)

Not OP, blue collar warehousing here.

Cool story, bro.

Why wait until your birthday?
Why not do it monday?
Why are you such a pussy faggot?

Clear you are not a team player user. He can't let his colleagues down.

Why are there so many faggots pretending life is meaningful and precious nowadays?

Leave the poor fuckers alone and let them kill themselves. Goddamn.
Makes it easier to feed kids.

Also OP is a fag for attention-whoring about his gay fucking life no one with a brain cares about.

>Why wait until your birthday?
I want to live EXACTLY 30 years.

I already mentioned; I powerwash transport trucks.

It's my life, I can end it however I want.

>We all have a purpose
I doubt that.

>Life gets better

>Telling this to a 30 year old man

You are so fucking full of shit I can smell it from here.

Follow your dreams, OP. Sleep for those that don't have the balls to sleep.

>We all have a purpose

What complete load of utter fucking horseshit.
You are clearly an over-sheltered woman.

Live for my work?? Nigger I spray water on trucks. Fuck off.


> Thinking of killing self
> Goes to work first

You are a slave and slaves dont disobey. Get back to work user.



could kill a few co workers before you kill yourself
just a thought.

I only have 3 co-workers and they're all really cool guys. I have no desire to hurt anyone but myself.

This guy knows tho


You got a gun so that your plan is at least realistic? Too many pussy out w/o a gun even though hanging doesn't hurt.

I guess you didn't read the thread. Any of it.

The method of suicide would be asphyxiation. Or carbon monoxide poisoning. Read the posts and you'll see how I can achieve this.

Then I bet you'll be here in 2018 and 2019.

don't kill yourself, that's gay

Look at me, i have a bad life, i wanna off myself boo hoo fucking faggot

I've felt like that before. It sucks because the feeling reinforces itself. I hope you find something that makes you happy, even if it's for a few seconds, and decide to do it every day

You won't be remembered as a hard'll be remembered as the guy who couldn't handle his shit. Grow up and deal with life...I'm sure there are people who care about you and why do that to them?

People like you are always whining that those who don't contribute to society should kill themselves. I don't want to marry or have kids. I don't care about contributing to the world. Why would you have a problem with a useless person killing himself? You should be congratulating me on my decision. I actually have a good life. I just don't want to live it. What is your fucking problem with that?

What the fuck do you care?

I care about the people you will hurt. I've seen the damage to friends and family that a suicide causes. If you won't stop it for yourself do it for them. Then eventually , hopefully you get the help you so obviously need

get through life good luck user you little shit