Black Trump Supporter Accosted by Black Lives Matter Protesters

watch till the end. This black guy knows whats up

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How new are you?

Niggers now supporting Trump?

Fuck that. Might as well vote for Hillary.

oh shit!
i am not really new just not on here that often.
Anymore screen shots of the thread?

why dont people realize that who the president is has fuckall to do with how many jobs there are?


This a black man

you're newbie. You didn't witness based black bro.


He's obviously a shill.

what's the problem with black trump supporters?

>Trump shill

You have a problem with that?

yes. trump is a literal retard, i dont care what side of the political spectrum you're on.

I ain't voting with no nigger.

>Might as well vote for Hillary.
Ha ha ha
That's a good ass joke.

Care to back up your assertion with some evidence?

That's s black man

agreed, greatest ally

he said he wants to build a wall on the border of mexico and make mexico pay for it.

>black trump

not this again.

this guy came out on pol later on. it was phenomenal.

>He said he wants to engage in a multi-billion dollar job creating public works project and to limit foreign aid to an antagonistic unappreciative neighbor

sounds like a great plan so far

Get this groid off of my pol. The level of negro-worship here has increased with all these newfag from reddit who want to out cuckfag OP

>job creating public works project

I can think of a million better ideas for public works projects that won't waste nearly as much money. You really think a wall will actually keep people out? please. if you believe that i feel sorry for you.

what leverage do you think mexico has?

Fuck off stormfag

>pretending not all blacks are niggers
Magic negros are just a myth.

>All blacks are Niggers
This is false


Get off my pol, nigger. You're in the wrong fuck in neighborhood

here's the conversation.

trump: we're building a wall, and you're paying for it

mexico: no.

end of conversation. what, trump will limit foreign aid to Mexico if they don't pay for it? they will literally lose more money by accepting aid and paying for it than they would if they just told him to fuck off.

seriously, i get wanting to crack down on illegal immigration, but the ideas this guy has proposed are some of the dumbest, most half-baked and wasteful nonsense i've ever heard. there are more efficient and practical ways to limit illegal immigration. a fucking wall is not one of them.


I was on the #TrumpTrain before I knew nonwhites are voting for him, now I'm a #JohnsonJet

>video proof of black man supporting trump
>this faggot comes out to ruin it

this guy might be a hilary shill

Back 2 redditt, newfag. This board ain't for you

Please tell me this isn't serious

ok. explain why the economy historically has done better under democratic presidencies than it has under republican ones?

If you don't like the based negro you don't belong here

This isn't red it, there's no echo chamber here. Take your negro-worship elsewhere

losing america as an ally permanently would be a much greater toll for mexico than paying for the wall

Why don't you go spend a week with your pet nigger in Detroit, faggot?

i desire a bomb to go off at a blm rally

That nigger later came out as a Hillary supporter acting like a Trumper for bait purposes.

I'm not interested in debating things from history that have no basis in the here and now.

>why are there more gun deaths now than 200 years ago?

Its the same logic.

Shit changes, times change, comparing apples and oranges.
Do you honestly think at least reworking NAFTA wouldn't do wonders for our workforce?

Would you stop

found the hill shill

I thought who the president was didn't effect jobs?


you mean for 4 years, if at all

we're talking about whether the president can have a significant impact on the economy. we don't need to talk history - compare the economy under Obama and Clinton presidencies to the economy under both Bushes.

>Do you honestly think at least reworking NAFTA wouldn't do wonders for our workforce?

I do. Guess which other candidate currently running opposes NAFTA?

Because democratic presidents inherit the economic legacy of previous republican presidents. They then proceed to fuck up and then it takes a republican to sort it out again.

it doesn't. that's my point. thanks for responding.

how dare you call that man a nigger you fucking faggot!

this is just the dumbest shit, man. you think it would take 8+ years to see the effects of a presidency on the economy - not 2, 3, 4? come on.

wtf BBQ i wouldn't even believe it if i didn't see it myself

>user gets cucked
>all blacks are now niggers
it seems you have forgotten that nigger is applied based on behavior.
>dindu nuffin? - nigger
>did du somefin? - black man

There isn't one, which is my point.

A president who is wanting to do something like rework NAFTA to bring more jobs over here can have a big effect on how many jobs there are.

A president who advocates funding of heavy regulatory groups, like the EPA. Can have a massive negative impact on the economy.

Take HRC, she now says she wants to stop fracking. You think that won't effect jobs?

Seriously, everytime a video like this one comes up, I can't even understand what the SJWs are saying. I have no problem with english, but they're always 3 or 4, screaming, while the Trump supporter is always calm and collected, or laughing, and he is always expressing himself clearly.

Shill spotted.

All niggers are black.

Not all black people are niggers.

Very simple.



>There isn't one, which is my point.

There is. Guess who: Bernie Sanders.

but he's a liberal cuck who doesn't hate brown people and isn't quite as populist as Trump, so y'all hate him.

>Take HRC, she now says she wants to stop fracking. You think that won't effect jobs?

I think it will, but fuck those jobs because they're literally contaminating people's water supplies and contributing to fossil fuel pollution.

y'all want public works projects, why not some massive investment in renewable energy? oil isn't going to last forever.

sigh, you're the kind of reason why trump gets a bad name you enabler

Natural gas burns cleaner than coal and oil

You're welcome.

but not as clean as solar, wind, or hydro. it's also non-renewable. renewable energy is the future whether people like it or not and it's completely embarrassing that a country like Brazil is so far ahead of us in that department

He "opposes" NAFTA.

This is the same guy that let two random people take over his mic at his rally.

Do you honestly think he would have what it takes to do what needed to be done in regards to NAFTA?

That's besides the point either way.

Presidents can effect creation/loss, you admitted it.

I respect Bernie for a lot of the stuff he says.
>$15 per hour wage

I just don't think he can get anything done.
Look at his history in politics to see that.

Trump wants to bring that same $15 an hour job back, he just doesn't want to kill small business doing it.

So he's going to make companies like Ford and GM bring those jobs back, that also have health insurance.

There's enough natural gas on US soil to last 87 years assuming we continue current energy expenditure.

In Obama's 2012 state of the union address, he said fracking would create "more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade"

Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Agency concluded that "horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing have not led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States" in the report published June of last year

Wind and solar power, the most realistic prospects for renewable energy, cannot currently match the demands of the growing world. Renewables depend on the fossil fuel system for their initial manufacture, for their maintenance, and for the upkeep of all the systems that allow the economy to function.

Ultimately, when factoring in the net cost of these forms of energy (including labor, manufacturing, transportation, maintenance, etc.), the return on investment does not come close to natural gas/oil/coal.

Trump said something in an interview recently that was spot on
>>minimum wage standards should be left up to the STATE to decide
>>it should reflect the cost of living in an area while still allowing these states to remain competitive

>wtf BBQ
Kill yourself.

How can someone stand their own ethnic group being so fucking retarded.

HE WAS HERE!? MAN! Wish I saw the thread live.

i am not black

>Reading comprehension

They're black

>Presidents can effect creation/loss, you admitted it.

If the options of the argument are "a president can have no effect on creation" or "a president can have effect on creation" of course the answer is going to be the latter. it's just not nearly as much as people tend to think.

it doesn't matter anyways because Bernie is fucked and it's going to be HRC v Trump and we're going to be fucked either way. HRC is an evil neocon and Trump's a walking meme who wants to legitimize white supremacy and black/brown oppression. i know yall dont care about that, but im not an asshole or a racist, so i do. he scares me.

>In Obama's 2012 state of the union address, he said fracking would create "more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade"

While fucking up their water supply, so good luck with that.

>"horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing have not led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States"

Of course not. but step into the small, poor communities where they are fracking, and you'll see contaminated water. look at the wording - "widespread" "systemic". of course it hasn't done either of those - there hasn't been enough fracking yet.

>cannot currently match the demands of the growing world.

key word - currently. it's currently because we don't put enough money into it. it look at how much more advanced our military technology is compared to the rest of the world - imagine if we spent 1/10 of that on renewable energy.

>Ultimately, when factoring in the net cost of these forms of energy (including labor, manufacturing, transportation, maintenance, etc.), the return on investment does not come close to natural gas/oil/coal.

>the return on investment does not come close to natural gas/oil/coal.

It does if you consider it an investment in keeping the Earth hospitable for future generations.

That's the 3rd time I've seen somebody from info wars on Sup Forums.

Somethings Fucky.

In this moment I feel some degree of what the black Trump supporter in OP felt when confronted by the stupidity of the rest of his race.

forgot and

I found this to be a very convincing argument

We #HillShills now

>there's no echo chamber here
>take your negro-worship elsewhere

Are you aware how ironic this is?

Ask anyone working in coal, steel, or recycling if the effect "isn't that great".

Presidents can have a massive effect on job creation.

Regulation isn't just a meme word, it really effects things.

Please don't fall for the meme that Trumo hates brown skins.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a secure boader.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to vet people that associate themselves, however distantly, with any group of people that want to come over here and blow people up.

You can argue all day if those things are nessecary or cost efficient.

They aren't racist.

>i'm losing my echo-chamber
You get out, cryptonigger.

Go back to 8gag

>You say they're holding us down. They have degrees!

I don't recall Republicans helping with Pell grants or financial aid or public schools or any of that.

>I want a job! I want to make my own money!

White people don't want to hire you. I guess they will if you attack a movement that threatens them.

>He gon fuck you in the end.

True. If the rich defeat the BLM movement there'll be no reason to hire people like this dude.

check out this guy desu

I'd hire him if he had the skills I was looking for

take your negro-worship back to red it.
All blacks are niggers. No such thing as a magic negro.
Sooner or later, they always reveal their inner-chimp.
The only thing worse than niggers are their white leftist handlers who coddle them like pets

you need to go outside my man

It's like you've never met a normal black person, they do exist. You'd probably have much in common the the guy in the video.

I hate niggers too desu senpai

I live in Florida and it's full of niggers, in case you haven't heard. Everybody I know conceal carries. I'm in Orlando, just a stone's throw from Sanford, where based George Zimmerman famously defended himself from that feral nigger Tray Tray. Who, by the way, I heard they found 40 pounds of Skittles in that nigger's rotten colon.

Fuck off. You grew up around one or two non-whites in a very lightly mixed, majority white neighborhood. Every black or hispanic majority area is openly hostile to whites.

Not really, here are the current demographics of my home town. It is pretty much the same as it was when I grew up there.

>As of the 2010 census, there were 71,452 people, 28,837 households, and 15,684 families residing in the Silver Spring CDP. The population density was 9,021.7 people per square mile (3,485.5/km2). There were 30,522 housing units at an average density of 3,853.8 per square mile (1,488.9/km2). The racial makeup of the community was 45.7% Caucasian, 27.8% Black American, 0.6% Indian American, 7.9% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 13.2% from other races, and 4.8% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino people of any race consist of 26.3% of the population.

This isn't reddit, theres no echo chamber here. Everyday idiots like you who dont know anything come in and repeat the same phrases and ignorance of the facts over and over again.

kek thats funny

>implying i would ever support a reptilian limousine liberal

>Please don't fall for the meme that Trumo hates brown skins.

Deporting and breaking up families of undocumented workers and banning Muslim travel seems pretty racist to me, idk

>There's nothing wrong with wanting a secure boader.

I don't disagree.

>There's nothing wrong with wanting to vet people that associate themselves, however distantly, with any group of people that want to come over here and blow people up.

When there are 1.2 billion of them, and a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the population are legitimately dangerous, yes, there is.

There's a reason he's overwhelmingly backed by white supremacists. There's a reason Stormfront's gotten more traffic over the past year than ever before. His policies are synonymous with racist nationalism.

fuck forgot again

kill yourself faggot

>Deporting and breaking up families of undocumented workers and banning Muslim travel seems pretty racist to me, idk

So when Obama did it, he was racist too?

oh please, give me a fuckin break. I was born in DC, my sister lives in Bethesda. DC is basically a black hole of niggers surrounded by a giant doughnut-shaped suburbia of wealthy white gated communities in VA and MD.

Beware of subversive leftists trying to throw us off message by being unreasonably cartoonishly racist.

Sup Forums is racist but not retarded. If someone is acting especially retarded to the point where their incentives make no sense.

Report and hide the post.

They're just liberal jews trying to pit us against each other. An age old tactic.

>not Sup Forums
Wew stormweenies out in full force today.