61 names my cock and balls

61 names my cock and balls

Pindick and the turbo faggot peanuts

Name your balls "cock" and and you cock "balls"

elvin and the chipmuns

small dick jr

Pee-Pee McSadface

Jared from Subway

once more

The cream team

Mr. Wiggles


meme machine

i wanna try again

dickhole scavenger

Dusty mctrumpet

Disappointment and The Wonder Twins.

Sweetums and the lads



Peenus Weenus

ive never sucked dick but i feel like if i did i would want it to be really rough and like have the person try to jam it down my throat. why isnt this more common in porn? does it actually hurt or something? i would just want it to be force. like maybe straddle me and just pull my head into it


I mean, I don't think it hurts the throat.. more like your stomach from the potential gagging

lol coming from the girl who says she doesnt do it. i think im going to soon

What grill?

i wanna grill

Benny and the Jets

I see what you did there

Prophet Mohammed


one more time

Michael and the Coconuts


Graham and The Clangers

Triple dubs mannnnn


Poop hole slammer and the nutter butters