What happened?

What happened?

Got fucked harder than Ten Walls

They were leftists who unwillingly became the next meal for the perpetually fickle left to eat.

There will be many others. Many.

To be fair, they are members of the lgbt community and were lauded as idols of it but then Ben turned out to be a sexual predator and Liv didn't do shit.

I'm no liberal but I'm pretty sure you it's not fickle to decide to no support a rapist and a band mate who did nothing

A Clockwork Orange happened


Is that MGMT?


You live by the sword you die by the sword.

Their mistake was pandering to an extreme fan base that they would have no recourse against if someone decided to accuse them of something.


Oh look two male musicians being sexual predators with their dicks again.

I wonder why people don't want trannies using the bathrooms of their choice

They gang raped an underaged girl

So fucking disgusting

>Has a fanbase comprised almost entirely of leftist queers
>One gets accused of sexually assaulting a woman
>Record label drops them
>Entire fanbase gone overnight

No one got to hear any of the details because the left needs no proof other than someone's accusations, so the one claim made against them became solidified as 100% tru fax as they all screamed about it in their echo chamber.

I still like their music, just cause I'm a fag and and I find it relatable.


they were disgusting faggots desu

yeah, the left is always waffling over if you should be able to rape or not.

Their only shtick was the fact that they were gay and it got boring

if only things were so simple

that might be an insightful and salient observation if they put together a colorable defense to baseless accusations, but given that they never denied the abuse, i think the best inference is that they engaged in predatory behavior. i don't think its extreme for their fans to turn on them.

no one got to hear any of the details because they literally never denied it. they're literally sitting on a gold mine of defamation suits, but they just took the L.

the old ugly women worried about getting raped in a bathroom stall by a confused boy in a skirt probably could really use a good fuck to be honest

Live by the SJWs, die by the SJWs