I know you guys have some good shit


What got you in to dead bodies?



I've been attracted to them for as long as I can remember. Never been attracted to living boys or girls. I'm assuming it's a combination of the mental illness and my very abusive upbringing.






nigger cuck


Are you the necrophile who used to post on here more often, that touched his dead aunt in the coffin when he was a kid?


Mind sharing your story again? I barely remember it. Maybe you can copy/paste it from somewhere if you have it written out?

Oh and, how is therapy going? I thought you were getting help? Guess by starting this thread, not well?

What's your name, address and phone number? Oops, sorry.

I'm sorry you were abused. How did that change you to become a necrophile? Have you ever sought professional help? It's worth it if you want to feel better about your life.



oh man is it really the legend?
I've saved everything you've written and masterbate to it from time to time. You should really write that book.



How abusive was your childhood?

Gonnna reply to you all, internet went out for a minute

That's pretty messed up my dude. Feel like sharing your story on how you became a necrophile with your fellow Sup Forumsros?


Just to clarify it was my uncle's gf, not my aunt. That was someone else who replied.

It's a long fuckung story. Maybe this thread will be sufficient instead of a tldr

I haven't seen my therapist in about a month now. Things were going good but I am very, very tired and exposure therapy is very stressful. The next time I see him we'll have a long talk about it. I'm going to be okay though. Not going to do anything stupid.

Text limit



But surely you being in this thread means you haven't gotten any further with your desires. Do you even intend to get rid of them at all?

Thanks for answering, btw. Not trying to be rude.


When you go through your childhood with the only example of real love, stability and affection being at frequent funerals you come to associate the dead with these things. When your parents are unpredictable, irrational monsters and drive you to only be able to love dead bodies you really start to think about whether other people can ever be trusted or loved. It's complicated. But that's the gist of it. I've been in a hell of a lot of therapy but no one can fix a paraphilia.

ive been watching gore vids and dead body vids for years and this one legit made me feel weird

holy shit

I though OP would be more willing to share if I gave him some good material. But I agree it still fucks with me a bit. This shit gave me chills though. Kids dying is a bit too much for me. Especially when it's the worst beheading I've ever seen. Sharpen your knife, fucking nigger.

yeah that one is crazy, what gets me is not the eye sticking out of her socket it's that she's able to pull off her face like a party mask.


Zoo wee you flatter me. I will one day m8.

I am mobile posting so forgive my brevity

>saw my first open casket
>fell head over heels
>first time I masturbated was to the thought of that rotting corpse
>discover the internet
>the world is my decomposed oyster
>spread my love on Sup Forums, on other forums and chans, everywhere I can
>sink deeper and deeper into it
>become horrified with myself, want nothing more than to be normal
>spend years trying to have normal relationships, normal sex, normal fetishes
>nothing works
>a decade of therapy
>every disgusting method you can think of
>nothing helps
>resign myself to my fate
>here I am in my late 20s still posting gore on Sup Forums

fake and gay

It's appropriate that he is wearing a skull shirt

I can't get rid of them
I've tried everything man. Everything. CBT, DBT, psychotherapy, group therapy, meds, chemical castration, exposure therapy, aversion therapy. Everything. Some real clockwork orange bullshit in there. You cannot change your true sexuality.

Wow, you're chemically castrated?

Thanks for sharing. What was it about the corpse that made you feel that way? Sorry, I'm genuinely curious.

Maybe atleast try blocking Sup Forums for yourself. You're not very strong-minded are you?

They tried it on me for 3 (three) months. Ince they realized it was making me hornier and more aggressive and I begged them to stop they cut it off.

Electroshock therapy. Ask for it. You'll be right as rain.

I have alot of resepct you're atleast trying. Keep going, dude. Try to limt going on here, these kind of threads.

Her smooth, cold skin. Her smell. Her stillness. Her inability to hurt or betray anyone's trust.I went without masturbating for 8 solid months when I was 20 years old. I have abstained from Sup Forums for over a year at a time. It's not a matter of restraint. Posting here helps me. Posting here is an outlet. Posting here is a far better alternative.

You seem calm...i like you

God Damn! Didn't know Santa really had a naughty list.

They offered it to me. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, too. Free of charge. Pro bono. I denied it because I valued my memory. Now I drink excessively and have probably ruined it just as much as those "treatments" would have.

Thanks dude, I appreciate the sentiment. Like I said in though, I don't want to change who I am anymore. I just don't want to hurt anyone. These threads are a safe place.

why did i watch the whole thing, i wish he was quicker with cutting it off

I understand the trust part. People today are absolute scum. You can't trust anyone except yourself. There are very few genuine people that I've came across. Was there any particular instance of someone hurting you/betraying your trust?

Probably a good call. You could've ended up flying over the cuckoo's nest.

Also, serious respect for coming to terms with who you are and focusing on not hurting anyone.

>I don't want to change who I am anymore. I just don't want to hurt anyone.
not even into this shit but i respect you and agree with you wholeheartedly on that. im into other weird shit, and aslong as i can safely satisfy my desires, without harming anyone, that should be good enough.

If this is real then it's without a doubt the worst thing I've seen on this website. Where did this video take place?


I want to know more about your childhood

in america obviously

never thought i'd value my eyeball so much

new best gore feature but worth posting, it's one of the cooler ones i've seen lately.

this was one of the first gore videos I ever saw.... gnarly d00000d

and the rest...the skull looks like a tattoo


fuck off that's fake

i feel like no one cares about these dead women. and ya know why? whore don't have people to mourn them when they're killed. especially if they're appropriately killed.

they probably lived a life of whorishness anyways. the world is probably better off with them dead.

i guess good things do happen in this world

How do you know?

I wince at gape, don't even like sharp collarbones and neck knobs.

Do you think I'm a pussy?
Pussies need to be meaty.

that's the most 1989 thing I've ever seen

jesus christ! is she ok? did she survive that??

oh now i know this guy was ok. he recovered in the hospital a few days later. thankfully

you are not funny

>that feel when you talk about no one mourning dead women but you remember you'll be even less missed than them

Is there a story behind this video?

this one is fake I think

buncha vile shit

some kid that was killed for being gay

the red head pic is fake

who the fuck are you people on this website always trying to make people feel bad about themselves after the hold someone accountable for their INCREDIBLY SHITTY lifestyles... women nowadays are complete junk..... you're lying if you say otherwise and the exceptions are so rare i only see a plausible one every 2-5 years or so.... you gotta be kidding me faggot

and surely you tout yourself as some "nice person" or whatever the fuck else - yet you try harder than anyone to make them feel bad about shit - especially shit they can't control - whore can control their behavior

i'm fascinated by these threads, more than I should be, but that doesnt mean I enjoy them. i have this thing called white privilege and another thing called empathy.

I know the world is a fucked place but to the people who actually get a kick out of watching these you're either a psychopath or an edgelord who wants people to think you are.

Either way, not taking the moral high ground. The internet is a wonderful place where we can see this shit freely, but damn you niggers need mental help. I suggest eating a bullet.

oh shit it's soup chan!
havn't seen you in ages, did you get banned again since that thread you made a few months back?
also how's life been? done with that whole clinic thing to make you less fucked up?

are you srs dude? I was making a joke

We all have different reasons for watching shit like this. Personally, I like watching gore/rekt so that I know the kinds of fucked up shit people are capable of doing. One of my worst fears is being executed/gutted like a pig for some cunt to share with his cunt friends. That's why I trust no one and stay armed. I'll put my tin foil hat back on now.



you took the b8

Would you tap that?

It is real, it took place in a Brazilian Prison.

Couldn't help it, I'm a tard.



I fortunately haven't been banned in quite awhile. The psychologist I've been seeing for the last year did fucking wonders for my OCD with exposure therapy but I've still got a long, long fucking way to go.

R u talkin shit bout mai waifu
I wil rek u m8

Can't watch on my mobile. What happens in video?

webbum starts with people digging around the inside of an open cranium, still attached btw

i can't bring myself to watch the rest honestly


God Mexicans are so fucked in the head.

I've seen some horrible videos, and this is definitely in the top 5.