What's the weirdest drug you've ever done Sup Forums?

What's the weirdest drug you've ever done Sup Forums?

I was pretty square throughout high school and didn't do anything, so I'm kinda new to drugs and shit. Right now it's weed, but I'm probably gonna do shrooms when I had back to University.

So, what's the best/weirdest/worst drug you've ever done?

LSD is definitely a beast of its own. There are other drugs, and then theres L. Its like yeah you can do some coke and then the next day youre not geekin anymore. But with L there is no anymore, you just keep on living and thats part of you now. Like youre made of legos and somebody superglued another lego on to you. Its pretty fuckin weird stuff man

Just fyi...if you are wondering what the weirdness level of weed vs shrooms is...prepare to be unprepared..shit gets realllll weird.

Yeah that's what I've heard. This year is probs gonna be pretty drug filled, since most of friends are fiends, pretty excited honestly.

How should I prepare them? I hear chocolate is pretty good.

LSD will definitely change your outlook.

when it comes to shrooms I dont recommend preparing, for the full experience make sure you fast for 6-8 hrs...and down that shit, maybe eat some chocolate with them to bear the taste.

Wierdest drug ever has to be high concentrate salvia. Legal in most places likely because most people never ever want to try again after their first time. This is due mainly to thinking your are the shit, then realizing you are totally unprepared for what divine visions are coming your way.

Mushrooms are also much more unpredicatble than L imo. Mushrooms have an agenda of their own, mess with your emotions, the whole spectrum really. Weed really shouldn't even be in the same class as something like mushrooms.

Yeah still gonna do it. I've had a friend smoke Salvia this one time, it was pretty weird, just told me to shut the fuck up 15 times, to tell me he died and came back to life.

...here I use to recommend Ketamine + DMT.
Quite some people find that a bit weird...

Op stated weirdest "drug", singular...if we are talking combos lets mention a couple:

DXM, alcohol, weed

Mushrooms, amyl nitrite, weed

Mushrooms, L

I havent messed much with K or DMT mainly due to lack of connections.

FFS, kiddo, just stay the ever loving fuck away from crack and heroine. Jesus Christ.


it was weird as fuck but also really rad. it's similar to acid but the headspace was a lot different and the visuals were less spinny and more melty

nitrites= cancer and light head...not really worth it in the long run.

Spot on on the mushrooms.

They almost have, or should have, a sacramental character to them.

For example, I don't pick shrooms whose veil hasn't broken. If it hasn't completed its life cycle, I don't pick it. Bad energy.

It's like your brain is overclocked, but then starts to melt, metaphorically speaking.

You might have an extremely good time. You might spend 4 hours with tears and snot pouring, grieving your still-healthy mother and the fact that you don't spend enough time with her and in a few short years/decades... poof. Attempting to control the trip ruins the trip.

NBome... I did it twice, they say it's like LSD, but don't trust them... it's shit... anxiety in a blotter... did it both times not because I wanted, because my shitty friend told me it was LSD.

2CB, it's psychedelic like LSD but with the empathy of MDMA... would recommend

Mescaline: Hell of a trip, do it at least once

And of course, DMT

Methadone was strange. I've been on almost every prescribed opiate, but this shit I don't want to touch again.

Would go through bouts of sleeping an hour over 3 days and then sleeping 20 hours straight. Kinda like being a zombie, always on the edge of nodding off and barely able to function.

Sent e-mails to my boss that were half coherent and half nonsense like, 'I fixed up the plot wfrg jklfn fevers jolth.'

Only on it for a week, but it fucked with my brain and made me significantly more prone to panic attacks.

The last time I did shrooms was with my sister and brother in law (her husband). We laughed for about 4 hours straight and were incomprehensible most of the time. Sound and time were going up and down like a rising and falling tide. It was insanity for the most part, with intermittent moments of "okay we are normal for a second" then bye bye.

Datura and A. Muscaria

Yeah no shit dawg

If you dont mind me asking, how different are an a.muscaria and psilocybin trip? the active chemical is different in these mushrooms and the one time ive tried a.muscaria must have not been enough because we ate mouthfuls of these things to no avail.


Yeah, DXM sent me to hell and back...and I was walking like a duck for like 8 hours straight. Laid in the dark having visions of the gates of hell for several hours whilst listening to suicide silence "green monster" on repeat. Good times.

500UG of LSD on a sugar cube, best 12 hours of my life.

Dried cactus off eBay. Mesc is pretty good.

mesc is on my to do list, any experiences with other drugs to compare it to?

Completely different, more like being drunk with floaty feelingns, a lot of euphoria and a spring in your step like with normal mushrooms but nausea a lot worse than psilocybes
3-5 (14-20g) is a common dosage but you can't be sure of the potency of each cap a good way to administer is to carry 5 dried caps with you on a hike or something and place little bits into your mouth and let them dissolve, being put and active should make it more noticeable when the effects start to set in

LSD is the weirdest thing for me. There is a chance that when you trip, either on shrooms or acid, that you experience ego death. You forget who you are, and you feel like you lost in an infinite space of nothing inside your mind. Then you remember who and where you are for a few seconds, only to go back to losing everything. By no means is it scary and it didn't turn into a bad trip, but something like that is something you have to experience to understand

Mesc seems quite boring alone, mixed with Mandy is nice

Okay OP, listen closely: all you need is weed and shrooms. Neither are very dangerous and provide very enjoyable highs. Shrooms alone will entertain you for 5-10 hours. The only thing harder I'd recommend is LSD. Anything else is dangerous and a waste of money.

This is soooo much easier to accomplish with one big hit of salvia....complete and immediate ego death. I imagine it would take alot more of L and mushrooms than I am willing to ingest to get these same effects.

I just tripped last night on acid. Fucking worst trip ever. I took a shower with my girlfriend after ripping a whole bowl of weed from a bong and not feeling anything at all. So I didn't know it, but those two choices are where I fucked up. Once I got in the shower I had an immediate uneasy feeling. The feeling just kept stretching and warping. My vision went crazy. I started hearing noises so disturbing and crisp that I still feel uncomfortable at the thought of it. I saw shadow people and even followed one into the kitchen thinking it was my girlfriend. That's just the beginning.... want me to greentext rest?

I heard salvia makes you feel disgusted in your own skin for like 3 hours after the high

If you're to do shrooms, what I reccomend is eating a meal a couple hours prior to eating the shrooms and also make sure you're already well rested. Doing shrooms when you're tired will give you a headache the next day because they'll work your brain a lot when your brain is getting ready to rest.

Weirdest would be ayahuasca
Best/worst would be DMT


I personally like seeing spooky hallucinations when tripping. I did it to myself on my first shroom trip and enjoyed it a lot.

DMT is by far the craziest drug I've ever done

at high doses (400mg +) it's basically psychosis in a pill.

technically it's classified as a deliriant, but it's less like the delirium of not sleeping for several days and more like the delirium of low-to-mid-end schizophrenia. there are some interesting base hallucinations, like walls breathing and having weird shifting color filters, but the proper hallucinations are so real that you genuinely think they are. for example, you could be talking to relative who died years ago, or a friend who lives hundred of miles away. you kind of know it doesn't make sense, but it seems insanely real and with a weird haze over it. plus you really don't care whether it's real or not.
another example, sometimes you'll think you're going out for a smoke, but then just snap back to wherever you were sitting because you never moved. but you would swear up and down that you went out and lit a cigarette, because you could feel every little thing. the smell, the taste, the paper on your lips and fingers, the burn in your throat. and then poof. back to the floor in your room. it's like when you're super tired and drift off for just a second, then snap back up because your head fell. except the weird black timespace you come back from is replaced with a little slice of reality put in the wrong place.

and as for the spider thing that people talk about, i've never really gotten it. other insects sometimes, but not in massive swarms like some people get.

also it gives you fucking horrendous cotton mouth.

lol, that pic is great, please lets hear the greentext...i can relate with the smoking on L thing though, almost like you can take the biggest possible hit and not feel a thing.

more like 20 minutes. I mainly did it in front of groups of people...who all unfortunately started laughing, and I would say it was mainly being socially awkward and not understanding what just happened that makes you feel disgusted...or embarrassed I guess.

being well rested is always a good idea because of how taxing it is on your psyche.

Isn't that benedryl?

mainly because it made me change my beliefs

don't knock it for that though. it's the only active ingredient and an extremely 'unique' high.

Shit gives you an entirely different outlook on life huh.

How did it change you?

Why haven't I heard more about this shit on the news or whatever?

because when says unique...he means undesirable my most of the population.

I would say the same for salvia and mushrooms...L didnt have the same spiritual aspect to it for me.

Been taking a break off drugs for about half a year now, last "LSD" trip I had was so fucking scary. I was caught in a continuous time loop that felt like I was accelerating through time as my whole world got more and more grotesque. Some people entered in while I was tripping and totally ruined the whole experience.

Looking back on it, I was pretty sure I got ripped off and got NBome instead. LSD probably won't be the weirdest shit I've ever done as I plan to try out more things in the future, but god did it fuck me up.

Please always test your drugs guys, and dear GOD make sure you're either absolutely tripping alone/tripping with a trip sitter/or tripping with people you absolutely TRUST/are EXPERIENCED. I've had people that would do borderline retarded things that could've easily resulted in death or involvement with law enforcement.

pretty sure ive been sold and consumed nbome at a music festival...really bad anxiety and pretty weird but like you said, in a grotesque way.

because it's not very well known.
it's been a thing for years, but the amount of people who even try it is so small that the word doesn't really get out. the people who come back for more are even rarer.

yeah, this
it's really not for everyone. a lot of people say it makes them uneasy, somewhere between asleep and awake for hours. plus you feel like an absolute zombie for a day or two after.
also the spiders and cottonmouth. basically, it's like not sleeping for days and then taking an oxy and an adderal at the same time.
for whatever reason though, some people like it.

Op gone?

those are more or less the same thing.


Take some molly with it and you'll be hippy flipping

Definitely, thing is I've always had good experiences with LSD. When I eventually got a bad trip, it was so hard to grasp that it was actually happening that I actually thought I was dying/entering a hell like dimension.

People play a huge role when tripping with whatever substance, and that was what totally ruined me, I can't imagine how bad your stress was at a music festival user.

It never fucked with me mentally. I ate about 4g the other night and I only felt pure bliss and happiness. I stayed up until 8 am, however, so I had a huge migraine and wasn't able to fall asleep until the next night because of it.

Currently (and at the time) I'm studying theoretical chemistry in a major research University in the US. I was an (untroubled) agnostic to the point of atheism (functionally), mainly as a result of hard physicalism. My GF (who did it with me) described a vision she had to a friend and he knew what she was talking about. Beyond that it made me accept and confront death.

What is the reccomended mushroom to L ratio to even out the doses?
currently getting golden teachers.

Yopo, dint try unless youre prepared. Nuff said

there's almost no recreational value in dph, so the people that do trip on it are people that don't have access to controlled substances. hence, there's no big craze around it, and no real news story you could write about it.

Admittedly I haven't done a huge variety of drugs, but for me the best one I've done was LSD. It was the best by such a wide margain that nothing else I've done (which is limited to alcohol, weed, MDMA and a couple of random psychadelics) even really comes close. It helped reshape and develop some new perspectives, it helped cement some older ones that I already had and it helped my depression in massive leaps and bounds. I love the stuff.

Worst would have to be either hawaiian baby woodrose or that awful fucking K2/kronic/synthetic weed garbage that they used to sell in tobbacconists. The woodrose gave me similar effects to a greenout, so sensory overload, nausea, all that shit, plus at one point I remember I wound up thinking that if I fell asleep my heart would stop.
The synthetic weed tasted weird, gave me the shakes, left me with a splitting headache and didn't even get me high really. Just terrible stuff; not worth anybody's money.

No. No not good enough. You've just given a couple of open-ended, pissweak details and then said "nuff said". That is not nuff said.

>Morons who can't handle their trips ruining it for everybody else
Oh fuck don't get me started on those dickheads.

Honestly can't blame them, tripping on cannabis is a FAR different experience than any psychedelic. I tried introducing a friend to psychedelics with a much smaller dose of LSD before and he totally lost control of himself:

squirming on the floor, mumbling, even started jerking off, and asking to throw things, calling people on his phone.

It was really hard to tell him to just chill, to a degree it's up to the user to let go of resistance and to make their trip bad or not.

Tbh weed is dope and shrooms are dope my first year smokin weed its been dope so far its just the whole smoking in a group this is super cool and relaxing plus music is incredible

Weirdest/worst was probably benzos and alcohol mixed. I jumped off my roof and thought my dog was talking to me. Obviously OD'd on that.

Best experience was LSD with MDMA. God, was it amazing. So beautiful.

My first ever trip was a breeze and I didn't even prepare properly. I was in control the whole time and it was a deep trip. It lasted about 9 hours and not a single time did I lose control. My only experience with drugs prior was weed and I had only been smoking for about 2 months. I don't see how people lose control.

>be freaking the fuck out in shower
>"Hey I think I should get out"
>gf doesn't want me to
>want her to be happy so she doesn't get in a bad trip too
>I stay in
>shit gets worse
>I decide that's enough and I need to get out.
>tell her that and go sit on toilet so I'm still in the room.
>begin to take a piss
>feel like dick is gone
>look down
>dick is gone
>Never mind, my hand was just over it.
>realize we forgot towels
>call to roommate for towels.
>roommate is on 2.5 tabs and I'm on only one.
>roommate can't find towels
>I grab my shirt and run out in the hall to get one from closet.
>roommate passes me
>realize I'm just holing my shirt in my hand and my dick is out
>he's too fucked up to care
>gf and I dry off after I bring back towels
>cover up and go make the bed
>excited to jump into soft blankets
>do so and immediately go numb
>I am one with the blanket
>all I can do is squirm and moan in comfort
>then gf turns out the lights and the hallucinations really kick in

I continue

Oh, and I ended up in the hospital for the benzo/alcohol OD too.

>everything is breathing and warping.
>light trails everywhere
>hands shrinking
>the mixture of the acid and the dim light made everything come to life.
>an overlay of what thin, close together, squiggly rainbow lines appeared in my vision.
>I closed my eyes and experienced a cliché LSD light tunnel effect.
>I thought about wanting it to stop and then I realized my mistake.
>don't try to control the trip
>everything got angry at me
>the curtains made mean faces at me
>the salt rock lamp expanded rapidly
>I heard strange unsettling music in my head.
>I was in a very dark place.
>meanwhile gf is having the time of her life chillin with the blankets.
>I get up and go to the kitchen
>eat some cereal
>best knock off fruity pebbles ever.
>start seeing shadow people
>follow one thinking it's my gf and it takes me across the apartment
>realize other isn't her
>freak out and go back to bed
>can't sleep
>gf keeps wanting to start a conversation but we both end up tripping and forgetting we were trying to start one.
>eventually I guess I fell asleep
>I probably had a weird ass dream.

how much did you take? I tried it for the first time last week and felt pretty drunk/stoned

>dick is gone

Keep going user this is great

>to a degree it's up to the user to let go of resistance and to make their trip bad or not.
Which is also kind of why I have a hard time putting up with them. They could probably have a good trip if they'd calm down and get over themselves for five seconds, but they have to keep working themselves up. It's like they've never been in a tense situation in their entire lives or something.

how did you take the 2C-B? orally?

not that user but I took it in powder form in a capsule. I have also tried pressed pills for it.

There's a point if you take a high enough dose that shit can get really confusing, I'm talking total reality replacement. Or maybe you can easily let go of your ego, which for me took some time to understand, but once you can just chill and let go LSD is beautiful at high doses..

OP I have never done drugs. Am I a boring square.

probably shrooms, for some reason I can't remember what being on LSD was like but the one thing I recall from shrooms was playing ass creed IV and everything being all wavy and distorted

I'm not trying to sound full of myself. My first trip was on about 3.5g - 4g of shrooms. That's enough to easily have a bad trip but I just don't understand how you can lose so much control of yourself. Maybe I'll experience it some day and will be able to understand, but my trips have been nothing but beautiful experiences.

worst thing I've done was playing with some giant onions on the floor of my friends house after we took shrooms, our sober friend had to pick up after me because I didn't know what the fuck was going on. felt pretty bad about it later