

Its early edition

white people are gay

But Egypt is white Greeks

I don't feel like talking to a retarded pedophile avatarfag. Sorry


Why do you think fairy bread is the national dish?

lack of creativity?

You guys just eat meme fish from norway though.

Peri peri is good but its basically just chilli and vinegar. My cat like peri peri sauce and mayonaise though

Especially me.

I'm a non-retarded pedophile avatarfag. Talk to me!

Hi there. Not sure how long I'll be around, I'll have to drive like 500 km on Sunday, so I'm trying to shift my sleep schedule forwards a bit until then...
So what's up for today?

It's piri-piri
Get it right

Have to go to town maybe. idk paypal stole lots of my money so I've got like 530 for 2 weeks so idk if I can really buy clothes after all.

How's your dress?

its clearly peri peri you dago cunt

WE came up with it, WE get to name it

Have to agree

Oh yeah? How's Lisbon? Lisboa you say? Britannia rules the waves mate.

Clearly peri peri


>How's your dress?
The color is a bit different than what I expected, but I'll make do (just a bit of an issue because I need the color to roughly match some other stuff, but it's fine).

>idk paypal stole lots of my money so I've got like 530 for 2 weeks so idk if I can really buy clothes after all.
Aw shit that sucks. No way to sort it out? :-/

Eh. Well the fact remains that its tasty. You probably stole it from some natives though like as not

Ah fair enough. Post a picture?

>Aw shit that sucks. No way to sort it out? :-/
Well to be fair I owed them that money. Just I thought they'd maybe take it out next week so I now have less money than I would like

>stole it
Those niggers didn't even know proper cooking until we got there

r8 my france

>grand autism games
fuck no

I was just pretending to be autistic though

>"I was merely j-jesting"

ex D!!!

I do like GS desu

Yes, bad taste seems to be a thing amongst ausfairies

>not liking Grand strategy

Its like you Andalusian's aren't even trying to be human anymore

>liking grand strategy

Some picture from earlier today; somehow, the red always ends up pretty strong on pictures but looks much lighter in reality.
(Now I need to find a blouse and shoes...)

>so I now have less money than I would like
Then enjoy the more money you have next week, I guess…? Did you spend the money on something interesting?

You're just triggered because Portugal is 9/10 times shit

Its very complicated dress man.

Are you going to Dusseldorf tomorrow or something?

And some shes with buckles would be nice

No, it's just a shit and boring genre

Oh and what do you play that's so good? Collecting welfare from Germans?


I can't get into nier. Like 6 hours playtime. Spent like 90$ on it

not that kind of "ARPG"

So Diablo or something? protip: its shit

Also try Dragons Dogma man. Best game I've played since witcher 3

I enjoy grinding

Go grind in real life then. A job maybe?

work's no fun

Neither's being a 30 year old loser with no job, no prospects and no wife

This one's even a bit more complicated. I like intricate clothes.
No, just visiting some family on the other side of Germany. Pretty much the same side as Düsseldorf, just a couple 100 km south still.

Well, fuck.

Work gives you money for fun things, though.

>no wife
Well, thank you.

good thing I'm 25

>I like intricate clothes.
Aren't they hard to wash?

>just a couple 100 km south still.
Like Bavaria?

>Well, thank you.
You're """totally straight bro no homo lul""" though

So was I 5 years ago

>Aren't they hard to wash?
Well... Good question. I still dread the day I'll have to find out. The best would probably be to give it to some professional dry cleaning.

>Like Bavaria?
Bavaria is not the other side of Germany from here. Rhineland-Palatinate is.

>You're """totally straight bro no homo lul""" though
I'm being honest when I say I am. I might be able to cope with a wife (male). But no husband.

>So was I 5 years ago
I wouldn't say you have no prospects, though. Just no immediate ones. And the rest will go from there, I'm sure.

So next to Luxembourg. How did Luxembourg survive the Prussian expansion?

>I might be able to cope with a wife (male). But no husband.
reee desu..

>And the rest will go from there, I'm sure.
You've very kind man. But for now I need to heal and be around people 5 days of the week. That will sort out most of the kinks I think

>So next to Luxembourg. How did Luxembourg survive the Prussian expansion?
I don't know, but judging from Wikipedia it was occupied by different forces all the time but remained an own entity all along, somehow. Then it emerged as an independent state, claimed neutrality every time a war broke out and thus survived.

>But for now I need to heal and be around people 5 days of the week. That will sort out most of the kinks I think
And lead to a wife automatically, amirite?
Let's hope for the best, and, once more, judging from my limited insight I have no doubt it won't be OK.

But again, alas, I'll be taking my leave. Maybe the Old World monkey returns (no offense), or maybe some of the Russians or Brits, to keep you company. Be back in some hours!

Ok mate take care of yourself

>I have no doubt it won't be OK.
(Should've been “I have no doubt it will be OK”, of course… I shouldn't use double negatives when I'm tired.)

>trying to take back harsh words