Do Ukrainian nationalists have their hair like Cossacks?

Do Ukrainian nationalists have their hair like Cossacks?

Yeah, some of them afaik

That guy is way too attractive to be Ukrainian

looks gay as fuck

They unironically do

there is 20+ million of Ukrainian men you goddamn retard


Cool hair and mustache combo but that probably only looks cool on older guys.

Younger guys cant have a good mustache, and thats a fact

When I'm old I'm gonna wear a mustache

Im gonna stay late, once i grow up.

Yes, it's ulrtamainstream for schoolboys cossacks or nazy haircut

this is from a movie?

yes, it's called shevchenko's list

yeah, Problem Child 2

Fun fact - guess how we call boots like that.

Underrated :-)

This is coming from the land of the samurai man-bun so we should probably take it pretty seriously.

I can't remember if it's My Little Pony or A Serbian Film but watch them both.

kozaki. we also call some men boots like that, back in russia

Funny, isn't it? Comes from times when Tsars used Cossaks as loyal arm used to smack down civilians in occupied countries...

no, not really.