Travel down this road.
Welcome to Britain.
Travel down this road.
Welcome to Britain.
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Wonder how many sausage rolls that Greggs sells?
> a local minority community in one of the largest cities in the UK.
Does this offend you?
Do you have the right to complain for the politics you voted in? Did you even vote or are old enough to? Why don't you become politically active and join your local UKIP council, volunteer or spread the message or donate instead of shitposting on Sup Forums about how cucked we are.
Vote on the 23rd.
The native flock to Greggs, a beacon of hope in a dark time. A warm interior, cheap rolls and baps, pasties and soft drinks.
Greggs will save us.
Yeah it is offensive considering it's a huge investment mistake to import these particular people.
The British Deroit
Muhammad, I think I've found a gap in the market...textiles!
race traitor spotted
In the 1960's this would have been a local pub full of Irish punters.
I have no idea what the fuck it is now. Probably another bloody textiles shop.
nigger when? £1.20 for a pasty was the last time I went in and was shocked.
we have one called pound bakery, you can get 2 pasties for a pound, 2 egg custards for a pound, a can for 30p or 2x500ml cokes for pound, that's a good meal for one or a small meal for 2 skint mates/couple for 3 quid.
What's the point OP? I see only native Britons.
what the fuck
Its beautiful
Yeah, I fancy a kebab in a dark fucking alley
>July 2015
>November 2015
>Nov 2015 is somehow before July 2015.
Just do it user, send your daughter down there to get some fresh halal meat from Mohammed and the gang.
>first pic: november 2015
>second: July 2015
What's the problem? Oh let me guess, you've failed in education and now you can't get a job so this MUST BE THE FAULT OF BROWN PEOPLE!
Did I get it right, OP?
I lived in England for 3 years and those endless corridors of shitty burgundy houses never stopped making me want to vomit.
I'll stick to my comfy grey monoliths.
'heh.. thatll show him'
where do you even draw stupid fucking inferences like that from?
Look how shitty and trashy your towns are becoming. That looks like somewhere out of fucking pakistan. You should be alarmed and ashamed
Figures a fucking limey wouldnt have any pride for his nation
It's a complete shithole lad. But you probably think the fact it's a shit hole and the fact that nearly everyone in pictured is non-white is a coincidence, right?
how did it come to this
Go away Jeremy, you've got your own problems in the Labour party to deal with
Birmingham in one image
Who cares? They aren't hurting us, they are people - let them live where they want. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it can't exist. I hate snakes but I wouldn't want them removed.
It was a shithole before. But they are shoved there by the Tory government m8. They don't complain, they just get on with their lives.
How symbolic... Britain is in for tough times ahead, hopefully the good guys will come out on top
What's the deal with the road lines in England? Why are they so jagged instead of a simple straight line?
Wow, good find.
Saw two white people. Cant be London
lel that's nothing OP, this actually has arabic writing on a lot of the shops and countless halal stores
>But they are shoved there by the Tory government m8.
Fuck off you commie cunt.
>literally a BANKERS BONUSES tier response
It baffles me that the left in this country continue to paint anyone who opposes mass immigration as retards claiming immigrants took my jobs and everything is their fault. No matter how qualified you are, how long you have work, voted and maintained your opinion they will always resort to this and walk away looking smug.
It's an approach to a crossing . . . .parking strictly Verboten.
Too bad Pound Bakery tastes like crap
Then what's the issue? If they aren't taking jobs away, there is no issue is there? They literally don't impact your life in anyway.
I'm the OP and I have been mugged on this road 3 times.
>They aren't hurting us
>Ruining economy
>Raping your kids(Rotherham)
>turning towns in the shitholes
>getting special priveleges over you
>getting endless government subsidies
>more are coming
>they're taking over your laws
>they're implementing sharia
>they are changing your very way of life
Sure ignore it now. It will reach wherever you live eventually. Luckily here in America we are actually trying to fucking fight it even just a bit.
So what? Go down this road
this is hardly representative of new york as a whole, let alone the united states
Well I'm thinking more along the lines of society. Even one of your own cucks has come out against you (Trevor Philips, former racial equality guy) in pointing the severe consequences forced multi-culturalism is having on communities.
You fucking lefties are, and I mean it 100% inhuman vermin, how evil and twisted you must be to support the idea of your native country to be totally and completely changed by a radical foreign ideology just because its the minority.
Holy fuck, where are your garages??
all those parked cars
Brexit now. We need to contain the Pakis to that fucking island.
Thanks boss
Pff. The only horrible thing is that even in a craphole like this, a shitty apartment or an even shittier terrace mini-house will set you back 300 grand at least.
By the way, thank your ancestors for this. Colonize -> get shitloads of immigrants. Simple, really.
Doubt it. Right wingers are notorious liars.
>Ruining economy
Yet right-nuts want to leave the EU, which will DESTROY our economy, yet thats fine because WE BIG BRITAIN, WE NEED NO EUROPE!
>Raping your kids(Rotherham)
Whites still rape more. Only 45% of rapes are by non-whites
>turning towns in the shitholes
They always were thanks to Thatcher who couldn't care less about the ordinary people and fucked us over
>getting endless government subsidies
Have you need seen the huge mass of white scum who are on it (See Jeremy Kyle Show)
>more are coming
>they're taking over your laws
Literally not true
>they're implementing sharia
Literally not true. Can women not walk around uncovered (Muslim women can too, its optional but you wouldn't know that would you)
>they are changing your very way of life
No they are not really, and they bit they are changing is to be more inclusive and accepting
Did you know people who spend more time with people not of their own race are more likely to be less racist. Racism is born of ignorance.
>>Raping your kids(Rotherham)
Rotherham does not have that large a Muz population. If its happening here, I hate to think that its like elsewhere like areas of Bradford, Birmingham etc etc.
Looks pretty comfy m8.
Trevor and those people are talking about extreme situations. Besides lets pretend you are right. There is no way to change the demographics back now so we have to make the best of it and improve on it.
>Racism is born of ignorance.
No, its born of experience. People who are not racist just have had no experience of other races.
> britcucks at this moment
looks like the ghetto
>Whites still rape more. Only 45% of rapes are by non-whites
"Only 45%"? Well, yes, that isn't too bad.
>Who cares? Nothing matters and I have no values, so these people can trample all over whoever and whatever they want. This includes historic places, once good communities, infrastructure, and the children of the people subsidizing these belligerent welfare monkeys.
>Parasites and predators exist out in the wilderness, so why shouldn't they live right next door?
Typing that out, I think I've been baited
Not true. All studies show people who live among or talk to other races are less racist
Here we go again completely ignoring the consequences of mass immigration and justifying it through 'humanity'. Really bet that makes you feel great. Well your humanity will only ruin the future of your own countrymen and will do nothing but DIVIDE Europe. The left will see the rise of nationalism throughout Europe in 2016 and will AGAIN fail to realise they are the direct cause of what they so hope to destroy.
Gate is open in second pic... obviously they store their goods in the back there, and just weren't set up for business in the first pic.
Actually the Rotherham cover-up did spark a major investigation in other cities and uncovered rings in all the mussies areas.
But you are right in that this is not just a British problem (although Sup Forums would make you think it is) . . ... I bet you any money you like that any country that has a concentration of Mussies has the same problem . . .. but they don't know it yet!
>Only 45% of rapes are by non-whites
And yet the non-white population in the UK is about 4-5%
Do white people not trample all over the Pyramids in Egypt and in South America, do they not travel to Indian temples or Chinese monasteries?
45% of rapes commited by nonwhites.
How much of the UK is nonwhite?
Jesus fucking christ you ignorant scum.
Wouldn't it be great if they realized 90% of their population is white. So the other 10% are causing 45% of the rapes.
Fucking idiots.
>Not true. All studies show people who live among or talk to other races are less racist
Then explain the concept of white flight. Explain Detroit and Bradford.
>The left will see the rise of nationalism throughout Europe in 2016 and will AGAIN fail to realise they are the direct cause of what they so hope to destroy.
I know. What a time to be alive.
>I hate snakes but I wouldn't want them removed
Cool. Let's dump a truckload of snakes directly into your neighborhood.
Or you can keep them in their natural habitat.
Don't you have a housing crisis in Britain? You don't think there is a connection?
holy fug
Yeah, but white people never move to Egypt , India or China, while the muzzies and the chinks are literally invading white countries.
Funny that mate because I work in elder care and if you saw the way the pakis and blacks treat our elderly people (whilst being paid agency rates) you would be become racist at the drop of the hat.
Sheltered cunt
Nationalism is born of ignorance and hatred of other peoples. Its nothing to do with love. If it was we'd see it in areas like Cumbria which are almost completely white yet they don't really care. Its from hate.
Britain is almost 15% non white, nice try.
I like the bong flag in the trash pile
And what percent of the population are non-white?
>Yet right-nuts want to leave the EU, which will DESTROY our economy, yet thats fine because WE BIG BRITAIN, WE NEED NO EUROPE!
First of all this is incorrect. Most economists are insisting there will definitely be negative effects to the economy in the first THREE years of leaving, funnily enough they don't go beyond the predictions then, I certainly can't figure out why?...
>Whites still rape more. Only 45% of rapes are by non-whites
Non-point at the end of the day, Whites are still (For now) the majority in the UK, they are of course going to make up for the majority of crimes, but looking at specifically Muslim communities, they're heavily over-represented in statistics for rape.
>They always were thanks to Thatcher who couldn't care less about the ordinary people and fucked us over
Thatcher meme doesn't really work that well any more, we've been going through the last twenty years of neo-liberal governments. Yes that includes tories.
>Have you need seen the huge mass of white scum who are on it (See Jeremy Kyle Show
Gross misrepresentation once again, when we're dealing with the likes of Jeremy Kyle they specifically pull out the scummiest vermin you can find, as it makes for that interesting reality TV that people somehow find enjoyable, using that as an representation for poor white people is pretty despicable. But Lefties are subhuman so I expect it.
As more arrive onto the shores of the UK they'll continue to consolidate a voting bloc that will only grow and grow, and if we're mentioning specifically Muslim immigration I expect to see a Fundementalist Islamic Party very soon.
>Literally not true
Continues on from my last point, they'll soon be in our parliament, Radicals will have powers to effect our laws, they're already becoming councillors in heavy labour voting areas.
(Continue in next post)
>Whites still rape more. Only 45% of rapes are by non-whites
Dude, have you done basic stats? 10% of the population doing 45% of the raping is a huge fucking problem
Curry mile... for those outside of the UK, that's what it's actually called.
How about this lovely area -
Looks like a kebab to me.
Fantastic, an almost entirely white community who isn't racist you just prove my point. Mass immigration destroys the need to integrate with an existing society creating bigger cultural barriers and then conflict. It's almost like you want a race war. In fact I'm half sure you're just having a laugh now.
They are more likely to be poor and poor people are more likely to commit crime. They need help if anything.
White flight is due to people not giving others a chance.
Thats literally not happening
We can build more houses. Only 5% of Britain is built upon
>What is colonisation
They literally did do that.
Again, doubt it. Theres literally no evidence for this. Even if true, theres good and bad in every race.
Yeah and pound bakery is fucking shit mate. Don't you know that when any businesses prime selling point is how cheap their shit is its no fucking good.
Sayers and Greggs, thats where its at.
>Britain is almost 15% non white
Wiki says White British was 81% in 2011.
How fucking cucked can you get?
You know you're in a poop town when all the structures are nothing but cheap bricks.
>Literally not true. Can women not walk around uncovered (Muslim women can too, its optional but you wouldn't know that would you)
Weak response as usual. Sharia courts have become a recent phenomenon, with the support of extremist Saudia Arabian Princes (Our government are allies with them) I can expect them to be infestering more and more into our legal system, especially as politicians who support them are continue to be elected by your vermin. Also, Muslim women are largely surpressed by their 'Owners' (Husbands) and aren't allowed to go out free nilly without 'appropriate clothing'. Becoming increasingly more of a problem lately.
>No they are not really, and they bit they are changing is to be more inclusive and accepting
They are, Political Islam is becoming more of a radical force in Britain, we're already seeing them be a protected minority, the term of Islamaphobia being introduced to deflect criticism of their scummy religion and the army of leftwing degenerates who come to their aid, its inflaming community tensions are they isolate themselves from everyone but expect everyone to follow their rules otherwise they'll be 'offended'.
>Did you know people who spend more time with people not of their own race are more likely to be less racist. Racism is born of ignorance
Unfounded view, very weak indeed. This is something the middle class london born left wing cuck would say when they pop down the chinese and feel they've experienced enough culture for a month before returning to their enclave.
>White flight is due to people not giving others a chance.
A chance to what? Rape them? Rob them?
We see people everyday giving chances, the latest was the mother of the 10 year old girl who gave a rapefugee a chance. Daughter raped.
Who saw that coming??
Its a working class town. Poor area.
>for centuries oppress the Irish people
>finally get fucked out of Ireland
>Irish emigrate to England
>English treat Irish like shit in England
>Ireland forgives
>English import millions of mudslimes and shitskins
>turn England into 3rd world kip
>English lament former pub of Irish punters
Karma's a bitch, isn't it?
That might as well be a birds eye view of any city in the UK they all look like this. Most of the houses in that pic are starting to get quite old, the house I used to live in like that I'm sure was built in the 1950's cheaply.
>influx of people
>causes housing crisis
So you don't want to admit the cause-and-effect relationship and instead respond "we just need to build more houses"
Time to move in Canada and away from cities.
I used to drive through there when I was working on the Mailbox a few weeks ago. It's like calcutta.
I didn't use the brake once. Unfortunately they knew my plan.
You sound like another Yank on a proxy . . .. they all sound just like you.
>Most economists are insisting there will definitely be negative effects to the economy in the first THREE years of leavin
A report came out today that suggested there is zero positives to leaving the EU and we'd be in finical ruin for a lot longer time than 3 years. Just google it
> Muslim communities, they're heavily over-represented in statistics for rape.
Theres good and bad in every race. As I said before, poorer people are more likely to commit crime. If they had more support there would be less rape. Funny how its always poor Muslims and never a doctor thats raping...
>Thatcher meme doesn't really work that well any more
She's had far reaching consequences and its not going to be fixed by suddenly electing a Labour PM. Its going to take a lot of work but as you said the current tories care just as little as Thatcher
>As more arrive onto the shores of the UK they'll continue to consolidate a voting bloc that will only grow and grow
Not true. We didn't see a rise of Irish parties in the 80s/90s and we didnt see a rise in Polish ones in the 00s, so theres nothing to suggest we will with our current Muslim population boom
>they'll soon be in our parliament,
So? They deserve representation too, they could have novel ideas that benefit others just as much as a white man would
>Islamic Relief Agency
It's all going to plan, boyos.
Anyone catch this?
They're not extreme situations, they're becoming everyday lifestyle's for people in those secluded communities dominated by radical Islamists.
No point pretending when I am right at the end of the day.
There is a way to change demographics, you elect a government that puts its people, its nation of natives first, stop pandering to foreign born ideologies for oil money.
Lefties like you should be the first to be dealt with, your an actual danger to the nation and rounded up in camps is possible the best option.