What ethnicity is this Sup Forums?

what ethnicity is this Sup Forums?


Looks mestizo


My second thought.


muh dick

boner inducing

does she have problems with people backing up into her or something? what's with the spikes?



not sure if full potato or just trololol.

semen demon
milky maiden
cum cunt
ejaculate edifice

there were some good ones but i always forget :(

Olive nigger

White, and beautiful.

Arousing but still has to get in legally like everyone else

looks a disgusting Slav with traces of Amerindian

Truly shit tier DNA zenpai 2bph

First looked like a Russian with steppe genes to me. But I guess a Spaniard with some native american blood.

Latina. The thing about pretty shitskins is that if you like one, you could always marry the bitch. That doesn't mean that I have to bring in the rest of her family. Most ethnics have a few pretty bitches. That doesn't imply that I should accept their people as a whole.

A spawned rape baby of a shitskin most likely.

>Mediterranean or ethnically related

50% Q
50% T



Coloured hair makes it hard.

big tittied

that chick is white, but insecure niggers here will nitpick anyway


Defiantly Latina. She's hot and no one but the KKK and Neo Nazis care about LEGAL Immigration. Legal immigrants are what makes US Great, just there's way too many illegals.

I also think we need to kick out Puerto Rico from the US. Grant it independence after it cleans up it's debts. Hell, US should just pay for it, their debt is a drop in the bucket. Then grant it independence afterwords. Why? 70-80% of Puerto Rico is on welfare. It's time we end our colonization.

>get in legally
In england?

fluid druid


If by burger you mean she's Américan

It's don't.