ADHD faggots get on in here I need some advice

ADHD faggots get on in here I need some advice

basically, I have tried Concerta, Metadate and Adderall. The first 2 or 3 months were a huge success on the Concerta. Never had I felt more clear headed and my train of thought went in a single direction. I was hesitant to be diagnosed with ADD cause I thought it was all bullshit but my racing thoughts stopped and I finally felt relaxed, like a huge weight was lifted off my scrawny ass shoulders and now I could see, think and remember everything so much clearer than before.

Problem is that the meds mentioned above don't work anymore for me. Went up to max dosage on them and nothing. I've gone on a vacation multiple times, usually for 2 or 3 weeks and the first day back it works but the next day it doesn't again, so basically I'm shit out of luck.

Should I give a non-stimulant medication a go? Maybe dex?

>inb4 try potentiating
Tried everything in the book

>inb4 just don't take any meds
I don't take ADD meds cause they're "fun" or "a groovy good time". I take them because the 23 years of my life with an ADD mind drove me to near insanity and commiting sedoku. My thoughts constantly fucking racing and analyzing everything someone did or said all with an attention span of a goldfish. I don't want to go back to that again.

what do Sup Forums?

put yourself in a survival situation for a few days. go out into the woods with nothing, try to survive. stimulate your base survival instincts. feel fear, hunger, thirst, frustration. build a shelter, make tools. get away from internet, constant pleasure, etc. reinvigorate your survival instincts.

That's about as clickbaity as we'll get tonight. Or maybe you're autistic? Aw heck, why not both

Oh, just see if you can get Foculin. Don't do a high dosage first though or you'll get zombified for around 8 hours. That shit helped me graduate 2 years ago.

Were you on anything prior to it or were you just buying the shit from some guy and using it?

Got prescribed it, but I'm positive someone would be selling it as you can get a nasty high from snorting it.

Not looking to buy, just looking for something that will allow me to have a fair chance in life. How long were you on it for? IR or ER? How many times a week? Tolerance buildup?

Just looked up some side by side comparisons and Focalin definitely seems like a better choice for me. My doc's super lax and lets me try whatever I won't so long as I'm not abusin

Nicotine helps concentration. Start smoking.

I've been vaping but it clouds my thinking process instead. I only smoke when I drink and I don't drink often. Nor do I get addicted to cigs so I'd have to actively be a smoker

vyvanse was better than adderall for me

I was on it for about a year, during my senior year. I would usually take one in the morning at around 6:00 with food. It would start wearing off at around 1-2 pm, but that was okay. I got off of it after I was done with school. As far as tolerances go, kinda differs between people since it kinda works with your hormones and weight. I was a tall and lanky kid, so my tolerance kinda built up after around a month, then they kick the dosage up by 10-20 mg*. The first time you take it, you're gonna feel a little sick and like shit, but that's your body just accepting it. Always try to eat it with food or you'll go through the day without feeling a slight pang of hunger, something about blocking receptors or something.


noted. I appreciate it m8

Try pot

stop taking fucked up drugs you nigger

the idea that adding something to your body will take it away is retarded

I usually smoke a spliff when I'm off my meds cause I can't stand the intense thoughts.

Love me a good spliff

Do you even speak english kike?

it felt more focused as opposed to the shotgun feel of adderall. also, it felt like a milder peak than addy and a smoother comedown. it definitely helped my brain thinki quicker though, bigly. i never abused it, only took the lowest dosage as anything more made me too anxious

noted as well. Thanks for the input

better than you understand it kid

What's sedoku OP? I know sudoku is a numbers game, but that doesn't make any sense.

Adhd is total bullshit. Especially the medication. Adhd is not bad. If you feel the need to really do something about your short attention span then meditate, exercise, do one thing at a time, natural ways or nootropics.

Literally pot. A mild sativa strain such as jack flash. I'm not talking dabs. It's not party time. ADHD is caused by a lack of activity in part of the brain. Google it. Weed helps.

Wtf is sedoku?

Ritalin is pretty strong but it gives me panic attacks at high doses

Personally I combine stimulant and non stimulants , 80mg straterra a day plus 5-10mg Ritalin

You should see my medicine cabinet mate. People with legit ADHD have a low functioning frontal lobe which makes it fucking tough to stay focused. In the long run, yeah I should invest in all the things you said, but for now I gotta graduate college.

It's a joke. Seppoku, which sounds similar but is entirely different from sedoku, is the Japanese art of killing yourself when you have been dishonored.

Summer 2017 confirmed

I don't function efficiently when I'm high and don't want to smell like weed all the time when I am applying to internships and jobs in a competitive field.

I feel like that would give you a nice bump in motivation with the Ritalin. Strattera makes me wary tho. How is it compared to other ADHD meds you've tried?

I'm a Jew, and what are you implying about us?

>People in this day and age trying to argue adhd doesn't exist

Shit makes me want to kill myself man. I wish I didn't have it. It really messes with your life in so many ways

Aye, ADHD and Tourrettes syndrome. I takr Tennex (guanfacine). I used to have it so bad i could not sleep and suffered everyday, only one pill and my symptoms went down almost completely. I now taketwo pills and my symptoms are just about non-existant, the max is 4 pills. Guanfacine, to my knowledge, is newer but works wonders. You need to have it prescribed by a medival proffessional, my therapist for me. It takes 24 hours or more to get into your system so dont fret. If this does not work brain implant is the way ti go good luck. :)

I said not party time. A couple hits followed by gum won't leave you reaking.

I know what seppuku is, however seduku is something entirely different. Im not convinced you fucking retards on b know the difference.

It's an old joke here. Complete with drawings of the meme.

Are you really that dumb?

He literally said that, i dont think you read the entire comment.

maybe you should take control of your own behaviour and stop being a pussy, humanity was fine before these quack shills showed up with their placebos shilling about how they got the cure for kids who dont wanna be at school or pussy ass millenials that are to huffed up on sat fats and sugar

Probably the tamest tbh, I'm very sensitive to medications in general, and I've never had a problem with it. I started it in 6th grade until now (19),and it's done nothing but good for me. But you'll just have to find whatever works the best for you, everyones different


That Hitler was fucking onto something

>pic related to you faggot

I fucking feel that feel hard dude

>brain implant
fucking what?

That's the joke Summerfag

See above comment faggot

Nah, we've just advanced in medicine far enough to recognize all these diseases and illnesses people just often grouped together with other more prominent illnesses without ever recognizing there was a difference. It just shows how far we've come famalam

Your can get an implant in your brain it stsrted for people who have life ruining tourretes and ocd and it completely removes their symptoms. This also works for adhd Crazy shit

gonna need a source on that one


Jews literally rule.

Look it up yourself or ask your doctor. Watched a documentary on it or some shit, im sure you'll fond a source.

Summer fag? What is that?

>You need to have it prescribed by a medieval proffessional

that's about the size of it

Sorry i meant medical, fucking top kek!

The way you responded to that made my day

Same situation here. I mostly just stand in the woods all day. Luckily I found a way to get paid for it.

I hope none of you faggots ever have kids, what a bunch of fucking fragile cunts. Man the fuck up

Hey man, I had / have similar problems.

I am super ADHD and depend on my meds to keep me functioning.

I went off for 3 months and it worked for 6 months, but I knew that wasn't going to work for the rest of my life.

The best thing you can do is lots of exercise. Hard weight lifting and cardio.

If you read enough about ADHD and anthropological theories of its evolutionary value, is that it kept hunters alive and made sure they only remembered successful hunts.

Basically you have a shit ton of chemicals in your system that build up while you sit and work.

You need to hit that shit hard in the morning, then take your ADHD med.

I hit the paths / road / treadmill / weights for another hour or so at night if I feel my mind going too crazy.

This simulated in your body a successful hunt if you eat after.

This combined with the meds will make you feel great.

I have problems focusing or always feel a need to do something new. That's not ADHD or whatever right? More like a type of anxiety?

Chain your habits. You already brush your teeth right? Add one thing after that, then another, then another...

Wake up, drink water, brush teeth, make bed, meditate 15 minutes, exercise (gym, run or burpies), shower, eat.

Start slow. give yourself the win even if you did .01% more than yesterday. Be nice to yourself. It's hard in the beginning. Everything in life is hard for us in the beginning. You will get better.

Listen to the audiobooks "10% Happier" and "Waking Up" for inspiration regarding meditation.

At night when you know you should be sleeping, take one 1mg or 3mg tablet of Melatonin. Buy it on Amazon. Just get in bed, it'll work in 20 minutes. If you still can't sleep, plan your day for tomorrow in your phone or on a sticky note. Breathe. Watch your thoughts. Don't identify with them. Thoughts are as chaotic as the natural universe. You are a part of that same universe. Sleep.

Stop taking ADHD medication as soon as you can, but at your own pace. We're all on a different path. It's not a race. So many people say life is short--and it can feel that way sometimes--but it only takes a day to make lasting change.

Success is a lifestyle. There is no one answer. When you find something that works for you, stop consuming information on the internet regarding what OTHER people do. Only do so to augment what you've already established works for you.

I believe in you. Good luck! :)

This puts me at ease knowing others are struggling with ADHD. Trying to dedicate to one thing

Kys fag

have you tried CBD oil?
shit works for me


Also want to add, when starting a new habit (the gym for example), begin by doing LESS than you know you're capable of. Terry Crews says he brings a book to the gym to read. That's the thing though, you don't read once you're there.

there is no such thing as adhd. you are nothing but a big pharma fuck boy.

they dont work becauae the shits basically meth, your body gets used to it