A vast majority of white Americans say there should not be reparations for African-American descendants of slaves, but more than half of blacks say it's a good idea and Hispanics are almost evenly split, according to a new poll.

Time may bring about a shift in those numbers: More than half of millennials questioned say they are willing to at least consider the idea of paying reparations to the descendants of slaves.

The Exclusive Point Taken-Marist Poll was released Wednesday in conjunction with the PBS debate series "Point Taken."

Overall, 68 percent of Americans say that reparations should not be paid to descendants of slaves, according to the poll.

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Wait, doesn't the Gov't already have a system in place for reparations?

>hispanics are our allies, they said
>they will help us fight the niggers, they said

If you mean tax dollars directly funding housing programs, food stamps, affirmative action in government agencies, then no whitey that does not count. I deserve a paycheck on top of all that.

Niggers dont realize they've already got them when we freed them and then tolerated their destructive presence in our society.

No, I'm talking about the part in the farm bill for black farmers.

How about the black guy who broke into my house last month pay me back first?

As long as it involves a free boat ride back to Africa to claim I'll donate to the Kikestarter today.

how long are we going to pander to the low iqs?



Damn, they should be the ones paying for living in US rather than Africa.

Reparations should come in the form of the change of certain institutional functionality that effects the black community directly.

Source: me, a nigger.

like affirmative action oh wait blacks squandered it and we're sick of it

How about they pay reperations for detroit?

Good day!

>hundreds of thousands of white lives sacrificed themselves to end slavery
>"Where muh reparations at?"

If human sacrifice isn't good enough for you, then you deserve nothing.

Do they accept lead being delivered at supersonic speed as payment?

If we gave them reparations, could we end affirmative action, section 8 housing, welfare, and all the other systems in place to help niggers because of muh slavery?

If not, then they can fuck right off.

Such as?

>inb4 diversity quotas

What have you done to strengthen yourself today white man?

But can they prove they were slaves?
What if they have master's blood in them?

White people will pay anything to keep the howling chimps at bay.

The idea of reparations for slavery is honestly attractive if it would just shut niggers up forever and make them like a normal productive race.

Too bad appeasement has never solved anything.

Fuck off and get out of my country, nigger

Examples? Also, get out of my country as well

>the idea of paying

Is that before or after they get out of the crippling debts?

>paid to descendants of slaves

Why the fuck would we pay people for something we had nothing to do with, towards people who never experienced it?

White people don't owe them shit. It's because of white people they have a KFC, Mcdonalds and are able to do their favourite thing, which is steal bicycles. If not for white people they would be starving in Africa.

> young black and Hispanic people are in favor of reparations
> old black people who at least lived through segregation say "fuck it, let it go".
> confused spics think they will get some of the money


Yes, trillions of dollars have been invested in the black and Hispanic community over the last 6 decades through various social programs (ie welfare, section 8 housing, grant money, etc.)

Since only two percent of Americans could afford slaves, just make the top two percent pay.
Also abolish the EOE, diversity requirements, black scholarships, black universities, and anything else related to blacks because it's all patched up when you get your gibbedats.

> The idea of reparations for slavery is honestly attractive if it would just shut niggers up forever and make them like a normal productive race.


If we can make a deal where affirmative action and all this "white people keeping the black man down" shit goes away, then I might think about it. A one time payment just to shut the niggers up.

No no no no no no no no no no! If this happens I will want a fking slave : /

how can you pay reparations to people that are at least 15-20% white themselves? they are descendants of slave owners!

>White people will pay anything to keep the howling chimps at bay.

I'll pay no more than 30 cents each to make the chimps go away.

What percentage of that 68% are descendants of people that profited from slave labor?

More Union soldiers died or were injured during the Civil War than the number of slaves that were ever brought to North America. You owe us.

white americans

Southerners were kick ass soliders.

the problem is that there is *nothing but* the institution

A nigger writing a pro muh reparations article. What a fucking surprise.

When will I get reparations for my ancestors getting enslaved in the Barbary slave trade?

I have rope and a tree for you and your kind nigger. Race war now. Exterminate all niggers now.

Good luck, my ancestors came after the civil war and were not Southerners

If they really want reparations they should pay for it out of their own pocket.

>should not be paid to descendants of slaves

If reparations means buying large boats and shipping them all back, then i'm all for it.

if this is coming out of our taxes, does it not mean hispanics and asians will also have to chip in for reparations as well?

It would essentially be a tax on whiteness, which fits the current academia narrative

Millennials are also responsible for the popularity of garbage like Kim Kardashian.

If black """people""" deserve reparations, then white people should be receiving reparations from muslims for the islamic slave trade.

But no - instead we have to let these fucking muslims infiltrate our countries, rape our women, destroy western culture, all whiling giving money, food and fucking shelter.

Why don't black people do anything about the millions STILL enslaved today in Africa? Enslaved by none other than a bunch of niggers themselves. Of course, they don't care because white people aren't involved with it.

This is a good thing. After all the money is spent on Air Jordans, maybe lefties will get red pilled.




what is welfare

>millenial fags' face when they realize they are the ones that are gonna pay for it

5000 dollars cash and a one way ticket to Africa.

Alrighty chimps, you want some reparations? I'll give you some, in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa

Kill yourself, you fucking turd.

Exactly fucking this. Pay the reparations, and then NO MORE EXCUSES when they attack cops and get shot, chimp out and burn down their own neighborhoods, and abandon their children to grow into street thugs. New penalty for committing felonies will be sterilization.

the problem is a significant portion of the poor black population just doesn't want to work.

I have never met a black person who wasn't poor that asked for free shit. The only blacks I've met that do that are poor ghetto trash and college students with no real world experience.

Ill let a black suck my white penis and swallow my white seed as a form of down your neck payment. Daily installments too. Bring your black friends plenty of sperm to go around. No problem.

What do we call all that sweet sweet Obama money they're getting? I have an idea. Change the name from Benefits, to Reparations, and then move on. Fucking Dindus are already getting all sorts of free money for being Dindu. Or even a better idea. Offer up a very high one time payment. But they can only get it, if they have their citizenship revoked, and are sent back to Africa.