Dolan drumpf

>dolan drumpf
>winning the election

Pick one you faggots.

You're as delusional as berniefags who think he can win the nomination.

Other urls found in this thread:

>absolutely no source
>fag x2

Whew, you got me. I'm a hillicopter now

>Trump up nearly 1% in one day
>Hillary down 1% in one day

And that's been the trend ever since he secured the nomination.

Care to draw conclusions?

Are Hillary supporters so delusional that they actually think they're going to change people's minds by coming here?

They do it all day every day, and I have yet to see one person agree with them.

do we have enough days before the general?


>citation needed

No, it's not the trend.

Many others have them even or even Trump slightly ahead.

Certainly. Not to mention that Trump doesnt operate via a slow-and-steady method. He drops bombs and gets propelled upward by the explosions.

Why do Trumpcucks put stock into every poll except those that show Trump losing?

I thought reals were more important than feels.

B-but slow and steady wins the race.

Its a long road to November

Trump can't win. It's not going to stop the memes though.

Hillary is probs going to be prez for 8 years, and the republican party is dead (literally dying of old age).

Every poll this month has Trump dramatically closing the gap compared to before. The trend is clear.

Time to eat shit, nigger

Misery loves company, right SA?

Why do liberals make such bad memes

The same reason they make bad citizens, I suppose.

You need a conservative leader that's not crazy and doesn't talk about Jesus.

Yea, that's not going to happen, is it?

Was there a nationalist movement post-apartheid in SA? Like extreme whites who tried to stop things or did the country just pretty much just fold after Mandela.

Serious question how old are you? because Hillary has been marked as the next president since 2008.
Obama went unchallenged in 2012 because it was seen as a term that nobody could ever et a second term from (economy etc).

Trump isnt a bible-thumper by any stretch of the imagination, and he's clearly not crazy.

Well, crazy like a fox, maybe, but he's obviously a man with a commanding grasp of his mind and his abilities.

Google Eugène Terre'Blanche for your answer.

Everyone, both conservative and liberal hates them, and rightfully so. Keep your racism, extremism and your imaginary friend to yourself.

>leftism/feminism is out of control right now in America
>imagine how bad it will be under Hillary

Big words coming from the cannibal's pot.

>A trademark application for the word "Drumpf" was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office by a company called Drumpf Industries, an LLC based in Delaware; Oliver stated that he had trademarked that term.[13][14] Oliver also released a Google Chrome browser extension called "Drumpfinator" after the segment, which changes all instances of "Trump" to "Drumpf" on webpages.[6] Oliver created the hashtag "#MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain" during the segment. He also registered the web domain "", selling baseball caps with the slogan "Make Donald Drumpf Again," modeled after Trump's own "Make America Great Again" hat.[4] The website sold out of 35,000 of these hats by March 27.[3]

That's no meme.

It's a marketing tool.

Classic betting

>everyone wages on hillary because "trump can't win xD"
>trump wins
>collect shekels

Has he said ANYTHING that can be considered policy? "Build a wall", "I have the best words", "We're going to make America great again!". Jesus fucking christ, Trump shouldn't even have been allowed near a stage.

>implying the Democrat party isn't older and also crumpling


Not all of us are religious or extremist, though you might consider prioritizing European values over others to be extreme. I also shouldn't have assumed that every poster from SA would recognize how their country has gone to shit when power was given to the animals.

>this low quality b8

Apply yourself

From the start everyone said
well trump he cant win this state
well trump cant do
dose it
see a pattern here user

You american conservatives are so ass-railed it's amazing. You have NO intellectuals. Your movement is DEAD.

Compare that to Hillary "Master Dissuader" Clinton, who shouldn't even be anywhere out of prison.

Yea we all know that that's why I am not a #CruzMissile

If Hillary wins, she may be the first president to lead the nation from the inside of a federal prison cell.

Also, here's her fake scam-charity numbers for 2014. A whole 2.9% of the funds donated went to Charity, while the rest basically went into her pocket. Can't wait to see her run the economy so brilliantly.

We are not conservative

Our politics in SA is bad, but Americans on both the left are right are hilarious. It's nothing but a circus now.

Hillary is 4 years max.

So user you would rather pick intriguing bitch that is going to ruin the middle east even more?

taking general election polls seriously in may

Wasn't Shillary at 75% a few days ago?


down she goes!

Good. Ask yourself "what works" and follow that. This democrat/republic bullshit is nothing but an illusion.

That's why trump is shedding those old labels for nationalism.

Jesus Christ. Did he really expect this to go anywhere?

Holy shit i need to sell my home and bet everything on trump, lads we could all be millionaires if things go the way they should

Dolan Drumpf


Ok that's the best one I've heard yet

Far-right nationalism.

Trump isnt even really a republican anyways.

I'd take a nationalist uniter with a track record of business success any day.

Sadly, in our country, we don't even have that option. Only division, racism and scapegoating. No nationalism, no pride. Fuck, I feel more pride in being American (which I'm not) than being South African when I watch Trump rallies.

Stormfags are so scared of a woman being president that they tried to run a socialist Jew against her.

4 years is all that's needed to finish the demographic shift.

>stormfags support Bernie "reparations for blacks" sanders

Stupid fucking leaf

>implying everyone couldn't see right through his shit


No Sanders is legitimately a cuck

He believes everything he says

If you had bet in July that he'd be the nominee you could have retired. The odds were like 1:500.

thats it i am isis now.

Who /delicious brown/ here?

only in 2d tho

Yeah well, how else would they be delicious?

Come here and marry someone. We need more white South Africans in America.

What's this guy's name again?


Your a dumb faggot

>Niggers more uppity than ever under our faggot nigger president
>Gays have more rights and are making more demands than ever under our faggot nigger president
yeup straight conservative males are FUCKED


I guess I'm a #cruzmissle

Whew, you got me. I'm a trumpet now.

Trump has said too many things that are too outrageous and stupid.
I like that he's blowing up the republican party and exposing them all as cocksuckers, hopefully it'll benefit future elections, but he'll never be president

White south Africans need open immigration with the United states.