China thread

China thread

Wow she's just like Spiderman!!
Spiderman thread

China Spiderman thread


What causes these collapsing pavings?
I've seen a lot of this happen in vids and clips from China.

it just a sinkhole, they can happen anywhere


Yeah, but they seem unusually common in China.
Only arely are clips from, say Norway, Botswana or Chile or USA seen where this occurs.

The same reason anything manufactured in china is a fragile piece of shit. Their infrastructure standards are very low.

So basically "gooks gonna gook"?

Can confirm both correct

Watches at $ 0?
WTF ???


subjective opinion is subjective


no problem



gook is korean bra/dumbfuck.




Well, I can't say what the statistics are, but the clips I have seen have mainly been Chinese in origin.

I thought the phrase originated during the Vietnam war and was later expanded to encompass all asians.



lately on the news there have been several in the US

Source? name? What a rack.

Hunh, how 'bout that.

Fucking stupid dragon. He needs to watch where he's going.

>implying americans are any better than the chinese

fuking niuggers

Fucking animals, and then they wonder why we call "interracial" porn bestiality

explain what your webm has to do with a lack of safety infrastructure like all the china ones

>we call "interracial" porn bestiality
who calls it that? I don't think that's a thing. Interracial can't mean anything else, so regardless of your opinion it's the best word

Ching chong



These people were gay as fuck, so it happened.

Niggers aren't Americans, they're feral farm animals.

Well I'm gay as fuck and this never happened to me


holy shit, is that the police there? straight up fucked

It's called incompetence. And the sad thing is people can't sue because they're even more peasant status than we are here in the US

China has over a billion people
And Norway has very rocky soil

Also my mom designs foundations for buildings, road's and so on and she says it's horrible what some of her colleagues sell as good work.
And that is Germany, not gookland

I thought everyone is china was supposed to be smart.

He adopted the American way of life

American prisons are too shitty, there are not enough and some are not even owned by the state

Yeah, executed for dressing up as Judge Dredd in public.
