What new degeneracy is next?
The transgender issue is over. What can I expect to happen this summer?
What new degeneracy is next?
The transgender issue is over. What can I expect to happen this summer?
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pedophile rights
It won't be this summer but the left is already prepping for it.
Isn't there one or more girls on YouTube now talking about fucking their dogs?
>people saying pedo shit
this won't come for at least 10 years. polygamy is next, because it involves consenting adults.
Legalizing prostitution and pedophilia. Along with that bill, the exchange of candy for sex will be deemed a legally recognized transaction.
This: youtube.com
I used to believe that this would never happen.
Then I realized that this is going to allow monetizing children sexuality.
And sexualizing them is a good way to break them at an early age into conforming to societal expectations.
Brave New World here we come!
They'll do animals first. The counter-pedo arguments still work a bit too well. When animals are done on the other hand...
Thats really going to be a sight to see
Polygamy and harems
Let the age of loneliness begin
>you will never have a shemale harem
I can see legalizing prostitutes as an easy next step
>transgender issue is over
No it isn't. It never will be. They'll always find something to complain about since it's always men who want to be sassy attention whores amd dressed as the part to fulfill their fetish. Other groups will rise but transfags will be just as vocal and complain other groups get too much attention and away from transfags. Looks at the gays, they still hold degenerate parades and complain about not being tolerated enough even though no one would care what they did in their own bed. You could hardly tell a gay from a straight person unless they were a flaming faggot. Transfags have to be seen to achieve fulfillment and thus will whine just as loudly as ever if a new group shows up to take the spotlight away from them.
Pedophilia is being bred into the kids currently, especially with the gender identity movement focusing heavily on children and separating them from their parents, sexualizing them, getting them used to the attention from degenerates for performing like this, etc.
By the time they're having kids, pedophilia will be full normalized
>all these shillings lately
But first we'll get children becoming totally a-okay with transgenders so that they can transition at an early age.
Something like if a women develop feelings for a man she can sue him for moral damage and take all his money.
Can I save this picture?
> They'll do animals first
What are niggers then?
And of course it's weird white people. The fuck happened to my race
Please do it before January
Visiting your country without being 21 is shitty enough, and driving 1 hour from las vegas to a brothel is terrible
sharia law is what we're planning next
I think it's going to be the right to be a butthurt permavirgin who proclaims their autism to the world in angry terms and who will endorse any political candidate who seems to add validity to this condition. This will also include the occasional right to go full Elliot and the right to post anonymously on imageboards as often as is desired about sperginess, the supposedly forthcoming race war, and the difficulties of relating to members of the opposite sex. The right to disseminate a manifesto will also be included.
This word is completely ruined for me.
>Cuckold rights
I mean it's over in that they have won a beachhead. They will always bitch and want more just like all the others. But this beachhead has been won so now it's on to the next
What exactly are brothels like anyway? You just enter and say "that one" and They start the meter?
I would think prostitution and more lenient drug laws followed by more and more "other kin" rights like trans-animals demanding stables and pens to rest in because chairs are for people. Kids are still too touchy, at least another generation or two before pedos get uppity and move to them. Prostis have a bigger chance of becoming legal over lowering the age of consent in the US states.
>The transgender issue is over
>this is what the millennial memers of the meme factories actually believe
Aids acceptance.
someone should post that on twitter with their popular/trending hashtags, just to freak some people out
i really really like this image
This issue will begin to get some traction after the Left are done using trannies to further their narrative.
>B-but, that's wrong! Nobody would support something so disgusting!
Yeah, people said the same thing about faggots and trannies. Now look.
In that sense, I guess. But they'll still find a way to blame straight males for the high post-op suicide rates.
Kind of. Technically, a back alley can be a brothel as the denotative definition is just where a prostitute operates, but the more professional looking the more willing and loaded clientele.
I found it searching for 'tranny train' to make this post. Be careful
I hope its pedophiles.
or transabled people
you're probably right. fags were denied rights and even labelled as clinically mentally ill only 25 years ago, now fucking look at them. same with trannies. good time to be pedo.
It'll get to a point where "adopting" someone else's 5-year-old kids into polygamous interracial tranny relationships tries to become acceptable.
Either that or that fucking nature video ITT.
I wonder if furrys will legally be allowed to go to work in their costumes
I don't know i am a 19 yo kissless virgin
I thought brothels gave you a room to fuck in, or is that just the Hollywood interpretation of it?
Y u no become a lesbian tranny and experiment with sjw female lesbians?
Maybe public sex and full nudity will be legal soon
of course you get a room. what do you think happens in brothels?
Murder and intrigue
Not that hard to get laid in Vegas. Just got back and some drunk chick I met in the casino fucked me so she and her sister could sleep in my room and I'm kind of chubby non-chad type
Pedophiles need at least two more generations to become a thing. Being vocal about this "issue" these days makes you a target for harassment and will, rightfully so, put your life in danger.
And it's stupid to say that gay and trans bullshit is over in a world where people still believe in rape culture and wage gap. Fags and trannies will sure as fuck find 200 more reasons to be opressed even in a world with free toilets and gay marriages.
Because becoming a tranny would destroy my aelf respect and force to work as a prostitute
VR sex games.
Why not go for the male whole thinks he is a female who outworldy expresses herself as a male?
Maybe normalizing drug addiction so that you can shoot up at work.
and with that comes pedophile extermination
Brothels in the modern sense are like that. Owner of the buidling is a pimp, operates with higher quality whores inside and trash can work the streets. Clients can choose, but I'm fuzzy on how new clients can get in since for obvious reasons they don't want cops infiltrating the place and reputations mean a lot to owners who want to be known by the right people.
>if that man can use the girl's restroom to feel comfortable, how come I can't work in my $6000 fursuit. I-it's not a fetish!! It's a lifestyle.
You're probably onto something. I think this will occur soon.
I would really love, but my country is not cucked enough and liberal girls would discover my plot, I will probably end paying for sex
I am not ugly just socially retarded
sad, but true
Also, I'm on mobile, what flag am I talking to?
this will happen within our lifetimes
In this exact order.
Sexbot rights
Costa rice. Just click on the flag and it should open a new tab and the url will have the abbreviated name.
I want to sex America so bad
Costa Rica
In what cellphone are you?
Iphone let me see the flags
I mean rica...
>Polygamy is degenerate
>Feminist detected
Nothing is wrong with having a harem you hambeast.
Muslims already accept pedos. Over a billion people already worship one.
Liberals are eliminating the AoC by arguing that transfaggots can make permanant life-altering decisions about their gender-reassignments as early as age 6. Pedo is the logical next step, but only for faggots and trannies.
Beastiality is already legal in most of the world, and about half the US. Even in the half it is technically illegal no one cares unless you're injuring the animal or trespassing illegally on someone else's property to fuck someone else's horsepussy. Animals are property. Animals are food. There are no "rights" issues here.
Pedo is next, with the exception that straight white men will never be allowed to enjoy sweet loli legally. Only boipussy. Loli will be reserved only for sandnigger rapists. Feminism is not about promoting women, but destroying men, so men benefiting from their insanity will be shut down with some Rube Goldberg level hypocrisy about privilege.
Polygamy will never gain mainstream support because the idea of large white religious families with many children goes absolutely counter to the Jew's plans for white genocide.
I refuse to believe that transgenderism is over, but if it really is, then polygamy is next.
Call me a shill, but I really think pedophiles who haven't fucked any children need to be able to get professional help. It's a mental illness, and as far as I'm aware, there's been made no attempt to find a way to treat it. If that's what the pedophile "rights" movement is going to be about, I'm all for it. If it's going to be about raping children, though, then fuck no.
Nah no way. That's just pure madness.
go ahead mock me. I don't even care. As a man I have not cried in 6 years since the death of my grandfather, and only in extraordinary cases do I even feel like crying, but today is one of those days.
What the fuck is happening? This isn't the world I wanted to be a part of. I'm only 26. I'm supposed to have my life ahead of me, find a beautiful wife, have children, teach them how to ride a bike and take them on cruises and trips to Disney world. What the fuck is going on in this bizarre world I am trapped in?
Women are becoming literally evil now because Facebook and Ellen tell them it's O.K. King Nigger issues a decree today stating anyone can use any gender bathroom they want, and he's going to fucking FINE THE SCHOOLS if they don't allow this to happen.
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? He could have said "trannies can use whatever bathrooms they want" that would have made me angry. But now he is saying "I will fine the fuck out of you if you don't enforce this" WHAT THE FUCK?
Now if I ever have a child i will 100% not be able to send them to public school, but who knows? That will probably be enforced soon too. Soon if I have my daughter homeschooled, they will force gay men into my home every week to make sure every child gets the full pc experience.
No, we mean pedo rights as in an explicit right to fuck children.
I guess Necrophilia
This. With all the high maintenance professional women not getting married since "Theres not enough marriage quality men" aka Alpha males, and also the fact that the average man is more and more tired of women as a result of feminism , theres going to be a huge push for polygamy. The government will also want to,push this since they dont know how to solve the current marriage glut with more and more men subconsciously going MGTOW and most westenr nations are sllwly becoming like Japan.. Alot of women including my own sister wants polygamy to be legal. Shes a Doctor and she cant find any man that makes more than her (she makes 200gs a year) and she blames male doctor since most men in the medical professions have a thing for nurses and dont have insane dating requirements except for a few. Not to mention most just wants a woman to stay home and look after the kids. Now she wants polygamy to be legal so then she can get the "man of her dreams"
Thanks senpai.
Saw the flag but forgot which one it was without a name.
But like I said, if you have your own room In Vegas fucking someone is pretty easy. A lot of people need a place to stay for the night after getting drunk and lossing their money in the casino
t. Shlomo Shekelberg
Its habbening
Fuck that. My white ancestors already paid for their freedom in blood.
There is and will never be a cure for any mental illness.
Been saying it for years. This is next. "Normalization" of Pedophilia.
Don't worry about it bro, you're freaking out over nothing. It's just what happens now because of the internet the crazies get disproportional exposure so you think they're everywhere. You can still find a wife and start a family. There are good people out there, and good women too.
Go outside take a breather, talk to some people and remind yourself that ordinary, good people have the sense to see through this insanity.
Canada-kun, keep your disgusting maple syrup dick away from me, I'm with Israelchan. Oh and by the way, Mexico is coming over later, he said something about "Cumming in my southern border".
Why is he spelling it wrong?
> yfw mental illness are just make relieve
DSM goes full retard and removed all mental illness. Instead classifying then add ways of uniquely experiencing being human. Diversity follows
This, sex with animal
but only when women do it since female animals cant consent
thats why fuck Egyptians. niggers of the middle east.
Then please allow me to vomit all over my keyboard.
You can make it so people with mental illnesses can live their lives, though. People with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can be fine with medication.
The Boomers have set up the world to fail with their greed and the millennials seek to continue to destroy it in the name of progress. It's as simple as that
This made me feel better about myself and I haven't had sex in 2 years.
I see nothing wrong with that.
Wuz you kings n shiet tho? I don't think so.
Also what the fuck,I've never heard of such a law.
supreme gentleman