Is there life after death?

Is there life after death?

If conscious is just energy and energy cannot be destroyed there must be life after death



It Is, I'm just presenting the idea

No. What are you, 5?

Is that a Dark Souls IV teaser?

Not an argument

A sensible chuckle.

No. There is no life after death. Your energy lacks cohesion and is lost into nothingness. You become nothing. You have no awareness because you are nothing. Deal with it. Dead is gone forever. Haven't you seen the last episode of The Sopranos?

It is not. Consciousness is a collection of synapses in a brain that dies eventually and returns to nothingness. Go read some tarot cards or something for your hilarious energy

The Sopranos teaches us about life and death.

Everything is made out of energy including our consciousness

also, italians are fat,lazy, stupid criminals. people watch boring melodramas cuz they are told to, also.

>Your energy lacks cohesion
But you don't deny the energy is destroyed. Life after death doesn't have to take the same form as in this life

Yes. I do deny it.

You do or don't.

Actually, I watched the show and became a fat lazy btard much like yourself.

Then you contradict yourself because energy cannot be destroyed

WTF is going on here?

Is the captcha system fucking everyone up?

>cat furniture

I'm going to kill myself, I'll tell you what happens


Only two people posting in the thread.

>Consciousness is a collection of synapses in a brain

Death by definition is final. There can't be life after it, otherwise it wouldn't be called death. A 5 year old would know this. I think that, if you ask the question is because you may be 5 years old, but also, more important, you think it's plausible. The question that comes to mind, then, is: what would it take for you to not believe in this...thing? If there is nothing in reality that could change your mind, then your belief is not based on reality

Does this thread annoy You?

You prove otherwise. Don't shift the burden on this user.

Oh (You)

>Death by definition is final. There can't be life after it, otherwise it wouldn't be called death

Final for the physical form yes. But our consciousness is not made out of physical material, it's made from energy which cannot be destroyed

Usually it's the one making the statement that has to prove his statement is valid

I see no reason to believe consciousness can be reduced to impulses in an organ

If there is a continuation after the death of the physical body, that continuation cannot be proven via human science because human science is based on the rules that exist within this physical universe, so attempting to use it to explain something that may exist outside of the realms of the physical would be like trying to explain to a bird how black holes bend time, by using the laws of aerodynamics.

But this is just an opinion. I'm going back to fapping now.

You are both pussies who can't create an argument. What do you mean by impulses? Do you mean.. energy?

You should go kill yourself and prove your point.
Let us know how it goes.

Not the same user you replied to but I'm going to kill myself soon, I can visit you in your dreams to tell you if an afterlife exists if you want.

Impulse being the signals sent between synapses

Also I don't know exactly what consciousness is, but I don't pretend that it's something simple like the person I was responding to was insinuating

I don't understand, how is asking for proof a "point"

Hurr Durr, energy can't be destroyed because first grade logic.

If you turn on a fucking vacuum cleaner there is energy running through it. That energy turns into heat and spreads around the room/environment. If you turn off the vacuum cleaner, all that is left of that "energy" is a little bit of heat that will cool down (technically just spread out into the world, because entropy). Same goes for your brain, if you stop feeding energy into it, it will cool down and stop simulating your consciousness.

Maybe things are much more complex and different from what we are trying to explain. Maybe we have to be more open-minded for that and see it from different points of view in order to find a clue that would later lead us to discovering the truth and proving it some way.

Science has shown the brain uses electric impulses to trigger chemical reactions. If your consciousness is electrical it's made out of energy

The log is sort of a steamy cream dream

The after life doesn't have to resemble our living life

Bro i totally just snorted 10000000000000000 mg of acid through my rectum and bro i am so enlightened

Dare you to move away from it all and just start fresh somewhere physical, after all, you'll be dead right? Why not flip your life upside down, it would only take a minute to contemplate just sit right there.

>The after life doesn't have to resemble our living life

Alright, now you're just trolling. 2/10 for making me respond. If you're really trying to make a point, please explain what the fuck you are talking about.

Why am I trolling? Why does the after life have to be similar to our living Life? If our energy takes a different form why would it be the same as it is now?

>Open minded
>Hasn't read any books on physics

conservation of energy doesn't mean the burger you just ate isn't turning to shit right now

I like after you die your conciousness becomes the universe. Assuming life like cells can be born from non living elements, why can the universe not be living as well? I think there are multiple universes, dead. universes unable to sustain life due to the natural laws that differ from ours, and living universes that can sustain life.

ive thought about it for months, and i still havent changed my mind
I even tried to turn my life upside down but it did nothing for my depression
Anyway Im curious if theres an afterlife so i wanna find out, and if there isnt, at least I wont exist to be mad about it so I get what i want in any situation

Burgers are physical conscious is not

If you die, you are The Universal Mind, being infinite and omnipotent, has unlimited resources at its command, and when we remember that it is also omnipresent, we cannot escape the conclusion that we must be an expression or manifestation of that Mind

consciousness is an output not an input

When are one

The concept of an afterlife is fucking retarded, why are humans the only species that gets to live on after death? Oh wait its because we created the idea in a feeble attempt to give meaning to life. The billions of other organisms on this planet that have consciousness dont get a look in.

conscious is not just energy otherwise my lighter would be conscious.
consciousness emerges from a configuration of interactions in the brain, once those interactions cease, you just turn off forever.

>If conscious is just energy and energy cannot be destroyed

It can disspiate and become reduced to ever dwindling heat in the vastness of space, though.

When you die your flesh machine stops working and it gets discarded.

When your toaster stops working it gets scrapped.

Nothing weird about that.

>If conscious is just energy and energy cannot be destroyed there must be life after death

But it is not just energy. It is energy flowing withing a particular structure in a particular fashion. if the structure - your brain - is destroyed then the flow cannot continue - the energies (chemical and electrical) will be dissipated into other flows and captured in other patterns - some resolving to heat or light, emitted across the environment, but no longer in an organised fashion - no longer part of a consciousness.

Life itself is energy in pattern - death is the breaking of the pattern, dissolution the forming of new patterns - but non living ones - just as the flow of energy into decay fo the brain is a dissolution of consciousness.

there is no life after death. indeed by definition death is the absence of life. You die, you stop, you no longer exist, the end.

enjoy it while you can.

assuming a universal mind, which is an incoherent concept, and just silly...


Different forms of energy produce different effects
That could be the after Life

I would say the chemical is our physical awareness while the electrical is our thoughts

what possible other form can life have - especially conscious life that is mediated via a human brain - unless it is in the same form as it previously had?

this is like saying you would live on in the tiger that ate you - yeah, that's a comfort...

Seems like people are starting to forget where the concept of an afterlife comes from. Religion, which I hope the majority of people now understand is a creation of man.

Dude, you can't just state some shit without backing it up with evidence or at least some form of reasoning behind it. What you are doing is using childrens logic. There is nothing profound behind any of your pseudoscientific thoughts, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Kind of like those faith healers who sell rocks for $500 to impressionable old people telling them some bullshit about energy, only that they are just assholes, while you actually seem to think there is even the tiniest bit of worth to the complete and utter bullshit you are spewing.

well, it seems to be a bit more complex than that - at a quantum level of nanotubes and electron tunnels within the synapses, from recent theory - I am not totally up on it but see Penrose for details. But essentially yes, consciousness is an emergent phenomena arising out of physical structures, and is destroyed with their destruction.

no, you retarded faggot

everything you just said is wrong

I've been playing Horizon so long that I had the urge to quick save when I saw that photo.

>brain damage = damage to consciousness
>damage one part of the brain = some mental ability is damaged or even erased
>destroy the entire brain = consciousness is destroyed

not that hard to understand user, ya fucking faggot

then the after life is not life.

if it does not resemble life it is not life. so your question is answered there is no life in the after life. life stopped, and what comes after it, isn't living.

The only think, I know is you create your own reality, and nothing is absolutely true or wrong

>conscious is just energy and energy cannot be destroyed there must be life after death

that is the shittiest logic I've ever heard. If energy cannot be created or destroyed, if you put out a fire, where does the energy of the fire go? Does the fire have an afterlife? Does it go to heaven? No, you fucking faggot. It doesn't. It simply...stops existing.

>If our energy takes a different form why would it be the same as it is now?

depends on what you mean by "our energy" You seem to assume that consciousness is a packet of energy that belongs together, that is somehow "you" and could be transmitted in its packet to another dimensional existence, or some other receptacle in this world - but these are nonsense ideas that have no basis in physics. Energy does not hang around in special packets like that, organised and conscious - it needs a physical container and the flow of energy does not have to consist of the same chemical or electrical particles at all times - we exist over time constantly using new atoms in our bodies and new electrons flowing in our system.

dunning-kruger effect, although it doesnt normally apply to concepts that arent real.

then you would be wrong.

there is no such distinction to be made

it in no way maps to what we know about the workings of the brain.

The energy is used by the physical. Our storage medium is destroyed/converted so no data remains. The energy used to power that storage medium moves on to other tasks.

It doesn't stop existing though, it turns into heat energy.

then again you are wrong. Things are absolutely false, or true. It is called reality.

There are no unicorns, that equate to medieval mythology. Just as there is no Sherlock Holmes, never was, never can be (because he did not exist in victorian London, and did not do those things - even if by incredible co-incidence on a planet far away a similar creature exists - not human - in a similar world - not our eighteen hundreds - and does similar things - he is not the real Sherlock Holmes - even if he calls himself that)

there are facts. any post modern bullshit philosophy that says otherwise is scientifically illiterate.

Of course there is objective reality you bloody dildo. The goal is to have your image of reality come as close to objective reality as possible, which won't ever fucking happen if you're just sitting around stroking your dick, making up pseudoscientific bullshit and trying to spread it on the internet. I think you really need someone explaining rational thought to you, but since you can't be arsed to pick up a proper book, try this:

It's basic rational thought explained through Harry Potter.

According to [pioneering physicist] Sir James Jeans: “the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter… we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” . . .The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy.

Actually it's a scientific fact.

I am sorry I don't understand this comment - (I know what D_K is) who is thinking they are more expert than they are here, me or the physics and physiology and analytic rigor free pseudo philosopher?

Conservation of energy, no shit dumbass. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with some retarded notion of consciousness surviving the physical destruction of the brain.

I believe right now we are separated with the everything and after death we go back to it. Like going to sleep, it just feels nice. Being separated is a cool experience (like, living) but also suffering, in buddhist terms.

So yeah, yes and no, you are definitely no longer alive as you know yourself to be, you just become one with something bigger.

>Sir James Jeans
litereally an argument ad hominem. Just because he was a good stargazer does not mean he knew anything about consciousness.

especially given he died sixty years ago and knew nothing about modern physics, physiology or philosophy...

on what do you base this belief?

wishful thinking?

>I believe right now we are separated with the everything and after death we go back to it. Like going to sleep, it just feels nice. Being separated is a cool experience (like, living) but also suffering, in buddhist terms.
>So yeah, yes and no, you are definitely no longer alive as you know yourself to be, you just become one with something bigger.
You are the one

Materialists are so dumb.

Not very wishful. Wishful is to believe in virgins or heaven or something of the sort. I believe that life is suffering and that being unborn, going to the same state you were before coming to this universe, is a gift as much as a curse, the same to living. Again, in Greek mythology Hypnos and Thanatos, the gods of sleep and death respectively, are brothers. After a good day of living, nothing than the breath of sleep, of not being. After a life well lived, glad acceptance of death and rest.

because.... it is so clever to make up spiritual shit and have no evidence or reason whatsoever to justify it... yeah.

the guy who thinks consciousness is a physical energy in the brain (which is what hes basing almost all his made theories on). Not you.

If anything could be proven to resemble an after life we would have found it with the billions of dead we have already. If something could be seen or interacted with we would have had some notion of it at some point already. To date there is no provable phenomena involving ghosts, psychics with the ability to speak with the deceased, memories of a past life, zombies, angels, demons or any first hand accounts of a realm of existence when you become brain dead.

In some NDEs the NDEers have relayed conversations and details of the ER room that they shouldn't be aware of because they were clinically dead.

why do animals sleep? Why are there organisms that dont sleep? Why base your ideas off musings from 1000s of years ago?

so, pointless non existence without consciousness followed by pointless existence with consciousness followed by pointless non existence again - although for some reason the conscious bit seems to be exactly congruent with a physical existence and physical activity in a particular body - but this is just co-incidence and nothing to do with real existence?

sounds just pointless and silly to me. What do you get out of it - apart from the (wishful) hope that after death is some eternal nice place as it was supposedly before birth (since we can't remember it but assume it wasn't traumatic)?

if there is any comfort in this, it is wishful thinking.

Majority of ghost sightings have been linked to spores produced by mold that cause mild hallucinations. The mold often grows in old abandoned places. Coincidence? Once your brain stops functioning and all your synapses stop firing from lack of respiration, you're a piece of meat.

I'm fucking out of here, OP please kill yourself. Seriously, you are a horrible human being and a waste of oxygen. If you ever tell yourself that you are above average intelligence and people just don't "get" you, please know that you are not and that you will never be. You are not an underachiever, you actually do suck. Watching "science" on youtube does not make you smart. What drives science is curiosity, not pretending to understand shit when you haven't even invested any time in trying to actually undestand something. You read 50% of some journal, understand maybe 10% of it and then proceed to interpret 200% into the things you falsely believe to understand.

Matter cant be destroyed, energy however will just be used up in a matter of seconds after death. Your brain is a cicuit, just energy does nothing without the proper enviornment to manipulate it. So yeah, you will live on in matter but you wont know anything about it.

This guy is very smart.

absolute nonsense, for a person to be brought back their brain has to still be functioning, their heart may have stopped/they may not be respiring, which means they are cliincally dead, their brains are still working and processing information.

Energy those scientist people claim that energy can't be destroyed. They claim that a Big Bang happened once. Well all this is in the Bible no shit. Its amazing. Maybe stop listening to stupid as fuck and grow up. The Good Book has been a ground for sometime now.

If me masturbating is just energy from my wrist i can never stop masturbating

nope. Sorry. Clinically dead - you may mean heart had stopped - this is not clinical death which these days is determined as brain stem dead - a particular condition which is irreversible (by definition) and catastrophic, making consciousness impossible, and fron which no one comes back. If you are only near death you are not dead or beyond it - just this side, and so quite alive, and possible to be aware of things happening around you. NDE has been widely studied and well explained in the medical literature - it is all biochemical and all pre death.

> their brains are still working and processing information
>While asleep, anesthetized

dunning kruger mate, I already said. Lets be real though, this is all bait.