What did she mean by this?
whats wrong with what Trump said
No woman has ever held another woman's interests at heart. They constantly slit each others throats. They blame men for sex ism but it is something they created themselves.
Women only pretend to have other women's interests at heart to gain power.
Nothing, he is essentially saying "earn it"
Basically he didnt use the right tone and is mansplaining why women get paid less
He didn't suger coat it
I saw the sane thing weird
>men are getting paid more than females
>men are more likely to get a job application than females
oh vey
Well, I guess I'm a #cruzmissle.
>A lawyer implies that there aren't laws that makes it illegal to pay women less than men
I really hope Trump destroys her on this in a debate
Well I guess that settles it, I now #Cruzmissile#forHilldog#Guacajeble#RubforRubio#Bernvictim#fuckDrumpf#########
Honestly, this.
Obama got in because the black man here thought he was a "brother." Still, he got in.
Hillary thinks she can do the same thing with women. Now if anyone should know by now women hate women, it's her.
I think women are LESS likely to vote for her. Of course they can't tell the pollsters or their fellow females this, but in their heart of hearts they know that this little cunt wouldn't last a second against Mexico, Saudi, ISIS, or our beloved Putin since they'll refuse to negotiate with her.
If she continues to play this female card it's going to backfire hard.
Scott Adams is already all over this, calling it "The Mother of All Campaign Errors
Pic related from his blog.
>trump says something along the lines of "you make the same if you do as good a job"
>assuming the wage gap exists, this means:
>women don't do as good a job
>but this can't be true because men and women are equal
>this makes trump a sexist liar
Checkmate guys, turn in your MAGA hats
Probably a disgruntled intern in actuality
He's making a statement that is essentially equal pay for equal work. Hillary posts that as if she's mocking him, and the response is everyone blowing her the fuck out.
What the fuck...? Isn't Clinton supposed to be trying to stop Trump? Is she warming up to Trump?
This ad or whatever it is is meant to make you think that Trump denies the existence of the wage gap and is arrogantly assuming that women will be paid fairly, (which already happens, the wage gap is indeed a myth) but it's poorly worded and can be interpreted in multiple ways. Some will interpret it as Trump acknowledging the wage gap and saying that he'll fix it.
Wages based on effort. Nothing wrong with that. That's how it should be. Lazy asses shouldn't get paid as equally as someone who works his ass off and does overtime.
Daily Reminder that Hillary pays her male staff more than her female staff.
He's not saying "I'll give".
to the top forever. biggest campaign mistake yet. total lightweight.