Who thinks blondes are superior over other whites?
Hierarchy of White Supremacy
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No, just prettier.
Whites with Dark Hair + Blue eyes = Literal master race
Prove me wrong.
Dark eyes and dark hair are definitely the most superior. Oчи чёpныe...
Albinos have to be pretty high on the list because of rareness. Bonus points for being an albino from Africa.
No because a whole country of them just got cucked
>tfw I fit your description
Thank you, country who just purged its communist president
>superior regressive traits
Generally but not always
>muh dark to cover up nigger past
your pic related barely looks human, it's like a pale abo
>not scrubbing my toilets
I like light brown hair and brown/blue eyes.
I do
In themselves, the fair traits are "just prettier". But the rates of blonde traits are the highest in populations which have other unusual traits as well. For example, very blonde populations tend to have blue eyes. Very blonde populations tend to have high rates of lactase persistence (i.e. they can drink milk as adults). Very blonde populations also tend to be smarter, more law-abiding, creative, and show reciprocal altruism.
So it's not so much that blondes are superior in every single case, but that blonder populations are superior to less-blonde populations... just as, at the racial level, light-skinned populations are superior to dark-skinned populations.
I thought they failed to purge her in some weird way that ignores democracy. Like some random faggot SHUT IT DOWN in spite of the will of the people...
This is very confusing. She has two eyes, a nose, nice lips, and pale skin. What definition of human do you prefer and in what way might she not fit your definition?
Human. adj. and n.
a. Of the nature of the human race; that is a human, or consists of human beings; belonging to the species Homo sapiens or other (extinct) species of the genus Homo.
>lactase persistence
americans pls stop this meme, I don't know a fucking single person here who has problems with drinking milk
we are. that being said, i will only breed with a ginger.
I heard that blue eyed children have much higher rates of autism. Anyone know if this is true?
>blonder populations are superior to less-blonde populations.
too bad history doesn't support this
it is
the whiter the state the more likely it is to find autists
In Iowa they obviously have a major problem with under-diagnosis. Probably they don't have enough doctors in Iowa. Otherwise, this is very interesting. Thanks, user.
Is there any chance we can try to fight autism through selective breeding? Maybe if we prioritize African albinos we can produce people with white skin but no autism at all (since rates of autism are incredibly low in Africa).
it's just an ugly nigger - melanin
As a blonde, I don't think so.
Clearly the Blonde Haired Blue eyes cant be trusted since they constantly cuck themselves out of existence
MN and Maine have all the Somali imports
Sweden found that the lack of sun makes Somali kids autistic, not enough Vit D
Nice divide and conquer thread.
All whites are good whites.
I'm not biased.
Just give me one strong leader, whose hair was blonde and eyes blue.
Maine gets plenty of sunshine compared to Sweden.
Maine and Minnesota are on the same altitude as southern france
*same latitude
What do you guys think of black whites, like the Ethiopians?
For women yes, but for men it's light eyes and dark hair. Both white skin obviously.
Blond people are what give Whites their winning qualities, such as low corruption, zeal, higher metabolism (compared to sleepy, lazy Italians and Brown Iberians) not to mention physical superiority.
Blonds are a precious, frail and fragile resource that should be protected like an endangered species.
blonde females make good trophies, the men are shit stains
True. But also a higher IQ.
>The combination I have is obviously the true master race
Whites shouldn't fight other whites when there are enemies present
> rates of autism low in Africa
That's because they don't have psychologists. The only ones in Africa who get diagnosed with it are the true fucked up ones who can't function at all. And even those sometimes probably get blamed on evil spirits by some witch doctor instead of autism.
>too bad history doesn't support this
Too bad it absolutely does. The ice age doesn't count because northern Europe was under 2 km of ice at the time the first civilizations sprouted in sand nigger lands.
Once civilization took hold, the northern populations were always superior, and remain that way.
One exception is Japan, but they are the slant-eyed northerners.
>should be protected
>from itself
Blonde girls are the ones who look up to international breeding the most, males are more or less the same.
Blondes were living in shit not to long ago m8 compared southerners, reason y the roles are reversed now is because the north industrialized first and were Protestant
>Implying brown people of Southern Europe are Whites.
They have more in common with Arabs and Jews, the way they run their nations, with corruption, sewage floating in the streets, litter, higher promiscuity, more ass-sex etc.
>Arguing over genetics while shitskins invade Europe and America
Come on in!
it does not matter, we are all equal
>Blondes were living in shit not to long
Blondes had pretty advanced pastoral societies that spanned deep into Western China and southern Asia.
Some of these mummies date back 4000 years, that is, the time of the Pharaohs, long before Alexander or even Rome.
The textiles and pottery indicated advanced manufacturing, not found in Asia at the time. Myth of blonde invaders is persistent in India and Afghanistan, but is lost in pre-history.
Pic related.
I don't know. I sorta prefer my light brown hair and medium blue eyes... I mean as far as being male goes. Naturally blonde females with blue eyes are top tier.
Males with baby blonde hair and light blue eyes usually look like cucky sven from Sweden.
>Blondes had pretty advanced pastoral societies that spanned deep into Western China and southern Asia.
Oh look, it's we waz kangz stormfag edition.
Actually we need to kill each other down to the absolute purest white person. Then, provided the last white isn't a cuck, he or she will turn Super Aryan and cleanse the earth of every other human.
Then the world will belong to whites by default.
Are you a teenager or early-twenties? 1/3 of Belgian adults have lactose intolerance, more or less.
>The ice age doesn't count because northern Europe was under 2 km of ice at the time the first civilizations sprouted in sand nigger lands.
I don't think blonde hair had evolved at the time of the last glacial maximum, it's pretty recent. 11kya? But anyway, the Indo-Europeans had as many inventions to their credit as the Mesopotamians without cities or writing, so it's no surprise they exploded and took over the world.
when someone comes up with a real argument supporting blonde blue eyed superiority I'll accept it (and no, stormfaggot pseudoscience isnt a real argument). people cant even prove correlation (like blondes have higher iq or more likely to be great artists or scientists) let alone causation.