How is the nation of Islam viewed by mainstream Muslims?

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I don't think muslims outside of America would even know about it.

I guess Bosniaks like us, Croats living in Croatia, better than Croats living BIH, Herzegovian and Bosnian Croats
But still hate us mostly

Other Muslims just hate us unless they were a bit commie and liked Tito - then they just dislike us

1. They believe elijah mu7ammad is a prophet of allah which is kufr, in my opinion.
2. They are black supremacist who believe the white race is inferior to the black race. Haram. "No superiority between an arab and a non-arab and no superiority between a blackskin and a redskin"
I personally don't see them as muslims. Call me takfirite idc.

Literally who?

Nation of Islam, it is an American sect of Islam. Look it up.

The ultimate WE WUZ who came up with the theory that whitey was the product of some evil scientist, Yakub.

The whole yakub thing is looney, but doesn't define the organization.

>was trying to give them a hint that we don't care
To be clear, my personal opinion would be also like this

Al-Jizzira did a survey in muslim cuntries. Like, tens of thousands of people.
In all of them, support ror isis was at least 80%. Even those we think are 'moderate'.
Look it up.

Fucking kuffar

Usually they become real Muslims once they meet a real Muslim. So they're not bad but rather confused, think of it as a kid who constantly drinks listerine without knowing what's the real secret to getting drunk. Then he meets a true alcoholic and he gladly listens and follows what his mentor tells him

But Islam is already a sect.

They recite the shihada, and believe it whole heartedly, and read the Quran. Are they not "real" Muslims?

Erroneous. They don't see them as Muslims at all. Honestly it's dishonest for NOI to call themselves Muslims, it's just a shitty black supremacist cult.

No because they complete half a pillar out of 5 pillars, they don't do Siam because they don't know it, they don't give the recommended charity because once again they don't know it, they don't do Hajj because they don't know it, they don't pray 5 times a day because once again they don't know it, and lastly they may say the shahada but at the same time they say that Elijah Muhammad is a deity of sorts

its always the european flags that brig the best of the religion of peace.

Well shit. I don't know Islam in great detail but it sounds like if this is true, that pretty much settles it.

Nobody's perfect.

I'm not sure they believe Elijah Muhammad is a prophet, but he certainly is a central figure to them?

Forgive me for saying Elijah Muhammad, I intended to say that the founder Wallace Fard Muhammad is considered there messiah aka the the Mahdi who will come to lead the Muslims during the end of times. This contradicts all orthodox interpretations that the Mahdi will come only when the world is in utter chaos or simply put when a man can no longer tell apart the difference between good and evil. Case in point, if the doctrine is so theologically different from the original religion, then it is a new religion entirely

What is Siam, oh pedophile worshiper?

Underrated post

As a non convert muslim living in America none of them still believe that shit, most of them stopped believing that nonsense after they found the truth and the entire organization adopted sunni islam.

They don't even fucking exist anymore fucktard, I live near a huge nation of islam population and most of them practice sunni islam.

I don't give the set amount of zakkat, does that make me a kaffir? Also they do take part in Hajj and pray five times a day, they stopped believing in that elijah muhammad nonsense a long time ago. Stop spreading lies!