USS Donald J. Trump Complete
America, FUCK YEAH!
>It's an aircraft carrier.
Not big or grand enough. This is a disappointment.
needs to be three times as wide and twice as long
>Not big or grand enough.
this thing would easily be 1.5x as long as any current carrier, as well as 2x the width
no helicarrier?
Atleast you weren't this autistic
Panama Canal limits size of carriers.
Needs about 6 of these artillery pieces on it.
Wouldn't it be Imperial War Ship by then?
>American carrier
>Where is Bismarck
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Implying a little bit of land can stop it
>It doesn't even have a ramp
>implying that Trump would settle for any less than pic related
>full of memeplanes and helicopters
this nigger should launch space shuttles with nuclear missiles for rocket boosters
Cruising in a ocean filled with mexican tears kek
Launch it from Okinawa though.
>implying that is not the most impractical use of flight ever
Aircraft carriers and airports are designed to be away from the battle but close enough to recharge the actual fighting jets. Adding a major target as a resource is pointless. It's a cool future-y idea with almost NO real world applications.
Then again that means the Defense Department would love it.
He should build the Mexican/American Canal instead of a wall
When will it go bankrupt?
yo dawg, we heard you liked planes so we put planes in yo planes so you can fly while you fly
How does a flying aircraft carrier makes any sense for any situation?
I'd settle for a few more Zumwalt class