Official Sup Forums political map of the degree of redpilling...
How deep are you willing to go? How many red pills can you swallow before it destroys you?
Official Sup Forums political map of the degree of redpilling...
How deep are you willing to go? How many red pills can you swallow before it destroys you?
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Nihilism right at the bottom when its babbies first philosophy? Also nihilism isn't a political ideology.
NatSoc. Notice anything lower is a faggy new-age shit.
Dianetcs? As in that whackjob Hubbard's science fiction novel that he turned into a religion?
Might as well put any other religion there.
God I fucking hate you, you mongrel
How can you go from Anarchism to National Socialism? Surely redpilling is about progression? These two are opposities
what if you're an ultra nationalist lefty but not actually a naziboo?
wtf is dianetics
> all the people triggered by dianetics
come on lads, surely it is b8
>Arrive at Nihilism and go right.
That's how you stay red pilled without caring what's going on at the iceberg and going crazy.
What the fuck does nihilism have to do with all the other words in this picture you cocksucker?
pls go paid shill, no one wants to join your cult.
Those flags
Follow along this...
with this narrator...
It used to be the actual sound clip on the wikipedia page.
how have I never seen this one before
There's something clearly sexual about the moomins okay.
Kek worship goes where?
>no mathrock
>no synthwave
>no post ironic meme music
Anarchism is taking an ideology to it's logical extreme.
National Socialism is when you realize autistic obsession with base consistency is useless in the real world and you have to draw some lines somewhere.
OP's graph is garbage. I'm not a natsoc either, but ancaps or whatever other shit they came up with is just retarded.
Looks pretty autistic and pointless.
Here's a much better version of that.
i'm listening to powernoise tapes, i'm beyond saving according to this.
Fuck what is wrong with dolphins does that even exist
Kek. Does someone have the screencap of that thread? That was great.
you think fukkin indie rock is normal fag? name an indie rock band without looking one up. needs to be moved to outsider at least