Pa Yang, 57

Pa Yang, 57
Mai Vue Vang, 58
True Thao, 52

How would you punish them pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

death by horse rape

How the fuck did they imported the shit to Japan? I'm sure they could've sold that shit in Japan and made a lot more money.

More Obama's dreamers.

By legalizing all drugs and destroying the black market drug trade.

Caning seems apropos. Didn't they cane some white boy in Malaysia for like spitting out his gum on the sidewalk?


This. There is no logical reason for drugs to be illegal.

Did they do anything violent? Were they stealing?


Then fuck off.

I'd support this as long as there were insurance companies exclusively for sober (and non-obese) people.

I shouldn't have to pay higher premiums because of an addict constantly rotating through the ER and rehabs

Hard labour until they can no longer work and then execution.

but..m.m.muh pure asian w.waifu...

The wall just grew 10 feet higher. You beaners need to learn.




Exile for life.

>Muh asian waifus age gracefully

Only in their 50s and they look like mummies

>Asian women age well

>FROM Japan
what the fuck? how did they have much shit in Japan of all places?

This meme needs to die. By the time an Asian woman is 45 they look like they are approaching their deathbed.

Non-Japanese Asians are shit tier.

They have to go back

All women lose their value after 30.


Nice quints but desu Hmong are disgusting even in their 20s

They're filthy Vietnamese Hmong.

old Hmong ladys are international drug traffickers?!

Only if they aren't mothers.

>Laos refugees in Japan
>somehow smuggle opium into Japan without getting caught
>stupidly try to smuggle it out again into a post 9/11 USA

This story doesn't make any sense. But I guess gooks gonna gook.

>mfw there are still people on Sup Forums who unironically fall for the "drugs are okay" meme

Coca leaves are awesome mate. They literally created a country and let people have the strength of five at extremely high altitudes.
That said if a drug is deliberating to one's mental state and only has the function of recreation then it should be thrown away and forgot about.

yeah because they are doing a shit ton of heroin and opium, dumb ass. anyone on drugs would look like that

Take their heroin and have a lifetime supply (because I'd die in a week tops)

>no reason

What about dumb fuck liberals who'd be cracked out of their mind? These are the degenerates currently shilling for pedophilia to be normalized, if we give them drugs they'll go even more insane (not sure that's possible at this point desu).

I'd say their ugliness is punishment enough

Seriously, I bet heroin costs way more in Japan. America already has plenty of heroin from Mexico and South America


You've obviously never been to South America.

Yeah but at least they wouldn't make it out to vote if they are all strung out.

>mfw people think they're americans and fall for the " limiting others freedom " meme

Force them to eat the stuff they smuggled

>the war on drugs

They ruined our state.

Somalis too. Fuck them all.

Every time I see chink names I think of this video:

> True Thao

My sides are on Mars

I love when druggies use the "muh freedom" argument to defend something that essentially turns you into a slave.

>Their names

>comparing Hmong to Somaliniggers

Hmong are based

Why are Asians so primitive? They still literally eat with sticks like chimps!

Heroin addict detected.

I have no problem with people taking drugs, or knowingly doing other harming/stupid shit with their lives as long as they don't expect society to support them once they're hooked and desperate for their next hit.

I think I'm one of the few Brits, that isn't a rich wanker, who doesn't agree with nationalised healthcare.

>Smuggling drugs FROM Japan

That's some bizarro shit

While you might have a point about addiction, it's laughable at best to call yourself 'free' when you're trying to exercise your god-given right to enjoy the fruits of nature. There's no reason why in a free society I shouldn't be allowed to trip balls on a Sunday afternoon after 6 1/2 days of work..

Those people have families. Society isn't the only one hit. Family comes before individuality, because there is no latter without the former.

Why are they based? They don't even have a country of their own.

Yes there is, that is not a victim-less crime. The long-term effects of that are dire. That is literally the end of civilization.

Still, I don't see why I should pay to keep the degenerates off the shit that is killing them. They should have thought about how it was going to tear apart their families before they took it.

t. an user with a family member who was addicted to ket

Send them back to Japan and let the Yakuza deal with them.

Women age like shit

Because you pay more if you don't.

Drug use MUST be criminalized in its entirety.

>That is literally the end of civilization.

Dropping acid on a warm summer's night every month or so will not fucking end civilisation. You should go after boozers who end up shitfaced in the streets on any given Friday.

If you're free to own dynamite, arms, run casinos and hedge fonds, jew citizens out via gaming shows, bingo clubs and televangelism - you should fucking be free to do recreational drugs. Because all of these things are way more detrimental to society than drugs.

They are Hmong, a mountain people from Vietnam and Laos. They got the shit in Laos, stopover in Japan and to the US.

After Vietnam war the US imported Hmong because they helped us. Problem is Hmong are almost stone aged people, hunter gatherer or pastoralist. They have a lot of problems in the US. There is a problem with Hmong gangs. These women are mules. Their sons should be picked up.

>guns are detrimental to society
Glad you've shown your true colours.

This debate is over.

Proximity to China? Surplus inventory?

>just ban everything I don't like

You're starting to think like our government, man.

The amount of stories you hear about someone who went through the prison system, got vaguely clean and once released immediately got hooked again and, yet again, ended up in prison, all at the taxpayers expense.

I'm sure there are many times that rehab has actually helped folks get off drugs, but I really don't like the idea that I'm paying for a junkie to have a free bed, food, therapy etc. when it's literally none of my business.

yeah because the Chinese and Vietnamese commies were always chasing them and trying to kill them

except for the retarded teenagers who think they're gangsta Hmongs are hard workers that don't bother anyone

I did not mention guns, but I'll take the victory nonetheless. Was nice debating with you.

Send them to Indonesia with all the drugs, death penality.

Literally the easiest problem to solve: have they work it off. Do you think with your wallet or with your brain?

Why lie if anyone can scroll up and check? Anyway, whatever you say kid.

They have not yet copied the Fork and the knife.
>Tough luck.

Amerifat police aren't intelligent enough to realize they were forced to do it and will just lock them up for life and call it a great victory in the WAR ON DRUGS tm.

I would have no problem with liberals killing themselves

Maybe it was a connection.

>Minnesotan women

I'll give you that one. If you tried to pull that off under the current system you'd have a million liberals screaming about muh human rights because indentured service rings too much like slavery

There's absolutely nothing based about the Hmong.

They don't even have a country.

Even the shitty Laotians are better than them.

yeah, well.. that's what Sir Darwin was talking about

rape chambers

Death, honestly

>just ban everything I don't like
No. I love drugs. But right now they are more accessible and acceptable to white people. This is a good thing. It's one more way to keep minorities in check.

How can Sup Forums not notice this?

Confiscate all their mathematic puzzles.

>True Thao

I wouldn't. Impeding trade(as governments are wont to do) is a serious offense. The Orzhov would never allow such an arrest and no 'jek would make such an arrest. Engaging in business is not a crime.

The consequences have to far outweigh the crime itself. Most people are fine with prison because they can't really fathom the idea of going to jail. Tell someone you're going to chop there head off, and they'll change their attitude real quick

They are obviously just mules. It amazes me that none of you have pointed out the fact that the most decisive course of action would be immediate imprisonment, contacting of the governing body their citizenship is associated with, and discerning who actually told them to be smuggling this contraband.

These are Souheast Asians. They look more like Native Americans than they do Orientals (ie. Japanese and Chinese who are much more aesthetic).

>expecting corrupt third world shitholes to do something about this shit
Correct answer is "occupying their countries of citizenship and installing American-satellite governments like we've done in Iraq".

How can white women even compete with these pure asian waifus?

>more accessible to white peopl
>keeps minorities in check

I'd take the drugs and let them go. They'll almost certainly be killed for losing that much money or at least be on the run for the rest of their lives. Why even bother locking them up for it?


Accessible as in we don't get in trouble for them, and can afford them without stealing.

The rest get criminalized. It's a win win.

Behead them.

I have absolutely nothing wrong with that, society has it's morals fucked up. If people want to do drugs, let them do drugs. If they kill themselves that's natural selection. If they get addicted offer them programs but not handouts.

Distributing opiates is a service.

You're right
Drugs are a form of natural selection
If you're genetic untermensch you'll easily fall prey to drug abuse to "cope with shit" (aka being a weakass) and die with a overdose
I say legalize them all

Let the blacks have them in prison. Ya know sucky sucky all nite long the bbc all day too until they choke.

Nah, it will get worse. Untermensch who work at supermarkets and other shit jobs will lose their job. When they get seriously ill, the state will have to pay a lot to keep them alive in the hospital

They got it from Japan, the Yakuza have heavily infiltrated the baggage handling system.

No shit.

Yes of course, you can take the gook out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the gook.

you're autistic.

give them 3 million if they would give up the names of their contacts, then send assassination teams to kill the drug dealers overseas.