Can somebody please explain why WHITE Pride is demonized and suppressed so much but everyone else's pride is fine and...

Can somebody please explain why WHITE Pride is demonized and suppressed so much but everyone else's pride is fine and acceptable?Who created this bias?

niggers and feminists.

Jews. Namely ones like George Soros and such. Research it and you will shit a brick over the truth bombs.


Because the rest are sore losers

Oh look, a bored high school faggot who thinks racism is still edgy. Sorry you can't get laid and are too poor to go out. Here, have something to fap to.

Listen dude,I am Jewish. Your people are scum.You tried to kill us all but we won.Because we are smarter then you,because we have more control then you that's why you blame us.Just like how Nigger blames you.So you are basically a Nigger and if we chose not to allow you to have your pride you won't have it?

Read the hooton plan and the kalergi plan.

white people are just smart enough not to get pulled in pride faggotry
asians dont go around claiming asian pride...

tbh anyone being proud for something they were born into/with is unfounded and outright moronic

Mainly because the strong being proud of strength is terrifying to the weak, so it becomes immoral.
White men have demonstrated their superiority time and time again, so being proud of it reminds everyone else of their insufficiency.

Things like woman pride, gay pride, etc etc etc is like patting a kid on the head for using the potty. It really doesn't affect anything, if they get too big for their britches you could just throw em over their knee and spank em.

Because white people are the only people who actually have anything to be proud of.

Too busy building the future for all the other plebs to scream for people to accept us.

jews. they are america's overlords, you can figure out the rest.

There was no Holocaust you faggot kike. Fuck off shekel nigger.

Hitler dubs speak the turth

Yep pretty much Hitler

I never even blamed you,you lying Kike scum.Why don't you fuck off?



1,000 times THIS

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

that's a weird way to spell "barely survived."

I'm ignoring your autism.

This, case closed! Back to your holes

The only good jew is a dead jew

White Cis Males are demonized in general

we can't be proud that we are straight
we can't be proud that we are white
we can't be proud that we are male

using a white cis male to fill a role in hollywood is considered racist, but remaking a movie and replacing all white cis male with another race/gender is applauded as progressive. hollywood is no longer about making a good movie but rather making a "progressive" movie, so they don't get the best actors, they get minorities.

First he plays victim "muh my people were killed'',then he brags how they have so much control and says he is superior to White gentiles.
Damn this people are such scum they are not even hiding it anymore

White men have been and forever will be ruling the world with an iron fist, the other oppressed maggots take offence cause it's like it's showed down their throats it's not that easy to notice bro I'm sure you noticed it too.


You're not wrong when you say Jews. But realistically they're not ALL part of the satanic shit. The crosshair should be placed on the sect of Judaism called the Zionists, though you don't have to be a Jewdog to belong

its gay and racist kek


white men are terrorists and very dangerous saying stuff like that triggers people of course they've caused all the world wars it really makes you think

say any of these, and watch the responses:
white power
white lives matter
white rally
white freedom
white oppression
white chocolate
white cake
white load
white zone
walter white
white rabbit
white zombie muthafucka
white nigga
betty white

White people wrote history white people put prejudge on others white peolle create wars white people own almost off of the bussiness in the world white people put laws to benefit them white people control laws. Now becuase if internet and education minorities are opening their minds and see all lies they lived. Minorities now understand that their past their way of living how they are treated where places by white people.

damn negroe!


Sorry for bad english I'm Swedish and this is what we believe that is going on. Also as white European we did not go crazy as white Americans

White Americans have no education or honor other then belittle things they don't understand with their guns and cheeseburgers

get this man a drink. Theres always a nugget of gold inamoungst this pile of shit.

thanks user

You are wrong asians go around with their Asian pride. Just look at the Japanese and how they despise Americans culture. Stupid fag you need to travel outside your trailer park

>white nigga

lost hard

Of course white men triggered the world wars. The other races were never powerful enough to attempt world domination, nor will they ever be powerful enough.

Everybody hates when you're on top

Can't say that it's jews anymore. Israel just declared Soros a public threat.

Well, we don't need a white pride celebration. ...bc like it or not, each and every day of modern life is a nation-wide white pride celebration. :)

Wrong, hadn't been for decades.

History. When all the white peoples started oppressing Americans worse than the king of England, that's when the switch was flipped.

I don't know, but I can say that any and all racial pride is completely cancerous. Why would anyone be proud of something that they have had no influence on?

>Then you.

Fear plain and simple Fear

George Soros helped.

Pride is for faggots.

Because there's no such thing as the "White Race" Every caucasian ethnicity has its own history and culture. "Black Power" is fundamentally different in that slavery meant that those peoples were stripped of their history and culture. They grew up not knowing their history or even what part of the world they came from. Black Pride is a celebration of a very new culture that American blacks have created for themselves. That's why the two are different.

Yeah, I think it's mostly that nobody likes sore losers or sore winners. Explains why extremists and reasonable ppl in the middle all hate everyone on both ends of the spectrum. Whiny actual niggers and boastful white niggers are always shit people who have accomplished nothing on their own merits and seek membership in the only group they can, their race, to make themselves feel a part of something greater than themselves that's actually accomplished something.

At the end of the day, they're all stupid cunts. The .000001% of people on this earth with the winning combo of intelligence, drive, opportunity, and luck, are too busy working their asses off studying and tinkering and failing repeatedly and endlessly trying again to inch human progress forward to waste time with this social butterfly bullshit.

Two reasons, legit: one is that "pride" movements aren't actually pride movements, but acceptance movements. LGBTQwhateverthefuck, black, etc., they're minorities that have been historically downtrodden and continue to have problems. White people as a colour don't need that, and it takes attention away from the people who do. I mean, you could have X pride, where X is a group of some sort within the definition of "white people" (like, being proud to be Irish or fans of Y sports team or some shit), but that's not the same thing as putting everyone of a single colour together.

The other thing is that the people who champion the idea of white pride the loudest also tend to be stupid, racist pricks, and not the best candidates for representing white people. No matter how legit people are, they'll always be roped in with jerks who shout louder than them.

Wrong. Everything you see and do and your entire way of life didn't change decades ago, it's still a continuation of European (white) culture.

Every day the USA is a white pride day.

Fuck off jew

Jews control thr porn industry and want you to fap which in return can lower your IQ in the long run, making you an easier target for hollywood brainwashing

Cuz, niggers and Jews
That's all.. white pride is better than all

Minorities, women, and LGTBQAKFBDKSK get pride months in the same way the fat kids get participation trophies.

White people did moron.

Because most whites are just mooches piggybacking on the success of Jewish culture, and are nothing but a bunch of ignorant drunks.

i'm white and generally hate niggers and jews but let me explain something:

"white pride" as a concept is nonsensical. black (or other) pride is about trying to claw their way back up the societal ladder as a result of perceived oppression. it's self-victimization. of course, this has taken over as a form of identity. it's like a human going to an alien planet, being oppressed, holding up a sign that says "human rights now!" and the aliens respond by holding up "alien rights now!" they RUN the fucking place, so it makes no sense.

"but muh slavery and cops be racist" - slavery is over and cops treat you the way you treat yourselves - like criminal animals. stop that, and shit will get better.

white pride is all around you. it's in the greatest works of history, the wonders of the world, society, civilization, technology, and generally anything amazing. to show white pride, simply admire the beautiful world that whites created. expressing "white pride" ignores the fact that our accomplishments speak for themselves and stoops to their level of self-victimization. every second of your life is white pride: every time you order a coffee, every time a law is justly enforced, anything that is civilized is the result of whites. so celebrate every moment, but there's no need to bring your white race into it. doing so just angers the shitskins and reminds them that they have done nothing worthwhile.

let the minorities have their "pride" because every single time it is expressed, it keeps them down where they belong - beneath whites. it is a weakness. when you really need to worry is when they stop, and start acting and treating each other the way whites do. well, honestly, we wouldn't need to worry then - because we'd be living in a god damn utopia.

imagine if every nigger instantly stopped committing crimes. as soon as the crime rate equaled that of whites, the cops would start treating them like whites, and people would start hiring them.

How can people take Hitler seriously with that fucking emo-haircut and Bavarian-style socks and gay shorts. Biggest faggot that ever lived.

And you're all stupid enough to do it. So what does that say about your superior race?
Askenazi Jews: gods chosen master race
Gentiles: working stock; cannon fodder

That's exactly the biggest delusion you stand for.

I'm not proud of being white, I'm proud of being Spaniard.

Since you have nothing to be pruod, the only thing thats is left is the skin color.

Zionist Jews running the media and forming the cultural zeitgeist

Hey. Hitler might be a total fuckup from start to finish, but don't knock bavarian socks bro. I mean, what you doin...

Ding ding ding ding ding.

This. So much fucking this. This is the one thing that explains all the rest.

Woah, buddy. Not that white.
That's too white.

The right amount of whiteness, is my amount of whiteness. That's the great amount. Me. I am great.

Pride is for people who have a reason to be proud. Minority groups are proud to be themselves despite their hardships. Whites don't have hardships. Whites don't have to be proud of anything.

Just wait, you'll get your white pride parades when we become a minority.

>Whites don't have hardships
Try living with 6B people constantly whining this.

White is a color, is not related to any particular culture. That's why.

You mean (((those))) who controlled Allied forced that fought against him?

>mfw i cant tell if its bait or summer

Those people have Albino disorder,that's not normal.

Like I said,showing showing picture of Non-European people with Albino disorder that makes them having 0% of Melanin but still having blood and ancestry that is 0% White.That's delusion.

Historic context created this, which is why you don't understand it.

Black pride, for example, is a show of solidarity and strength to a race which used to be owned as property, and is still thought of as less that human by a significant proportion of America (where I assume you are from). Whites in the US were not used as property because of the colour of their skin, nor do they face the type of societal and systemic racism which black people face all the time.

This is where the Sup Forums will say that white people are the most discriminated against, that there is nothing harder to be than a straight white male. These people are to be laughed at, though you should already know that.

The Gentiles will wake up one day and do something against your kind

Western civilization is built on greek (pagans) philosophy + perverted Jewish science, and stolen injun land and slave labor and shit. Literally 100% your "superior contribootions to much societee" aren't yours at all.

Reminder that after Ur rose and fell, after Uruk, after Babylon, after Egypts old and new, after Rome was an old empire already Caesar sent his armies north to find the great northern civilizations, and found only illiterate drunks, with no culture, incapable of civilizing, raping their sisters. Only trade with Asia delivered the wheel and gunpowder and a million other technologies American whites wrongly assume their ancestors innovated. And it still took Europe another thousand years of living in mud and killing each other pointlessly for a few dozen of them to actually achieve anything notable. If it weren't for India and China, Europeans would still be living in the abandoned runs of roman outposts treading on old coins minted by the Jewish treasury.

Whites have only their primitive aggression to get them by.

cause of the KKK and the Nazi

Has to be clickbait... or born last week...

Yeah, heard that one before lol.
Anyway, not without the science we keep pushing and you keep defunding you won't.

>perverted Jewish science
Jews only caused bad things
>after Rome was an old empire already Caesar sent his armies north
Nope,Rome become empire in similar time when Britain was conquered before,that it was Republic for around 5 centuries.
>If it weren't for India and China
Indians are Shitskins who got conquered by Muslims and then British.
>Whites have only their primitive aggression to get them by.
Look no further then Nigger and Shitskin countries to see primitivism and aggression in their societies
>and stolen injun land and slave labor and shit

Are you a Shitskin?

The filthy jew, running the world from the shadows, secretly playing puppet master to the goyim. It is his goal to conquer through subterfuge and create a world where he can reign unopposed by the Aryan, who is his enemy.

What is the KKK doing exactly to anyone today?Can you even give an example?

Muslims on the other hand have no problem with having so many organizations who are actually killing people