>be pharma CEO
>maximize profits
>leftists chimp out
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong?
>be pharma CEO
>maximize profits
>leftists chimp out
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't indeed.
All he did in the long run was show the world how government regulation leads to creation of monopolies and how much power these monopolies possess - and by the way he dropped the price of a drug from 12,5$ a pill to 1$ a pill.
Well he was good for trolling liberals but his career in business is over, so it was a pretty dumb personal choice.
He's radioactive now and you can bet that no one will want to partner with him.
I wouldn't worry about that, considering that he's a massive autist and wouldn't achieve much in life anyway. At least this way he did something good.
t. someone who watched his stream once
>a massive autist and wouldn't achieve much in life anyway
a person who was in forbes top30 under 30 and was born into a working class immigrant family. tens of millions of dollars of net worth. yeah. right.
Success means little when it comes without neither a fulfilled purpose nor happines.
he got lucky and brought a lot of profit to his jew bosses which gave him a shit ton of networking points
He didn't get arrested for jacking up the price of the drug he bought the rights to. Rather, he got arrested for allegedly bilking his former company out of millions of dollars. Two separate issues.
Just keep saying that and maybe you'll start to believe it.
He's already a multimillionaire, I think he'll do alright.
>be a kike
>Sup Forums defends you adamantly
every time
He's Albanian
>Gets caught stealing to cover his fucked up investments
Literally a kike, one with a really punchable face as well.
did he have a monopoly?
>Raises a pills price from $13.50 a pill to $750 each
>pill costs $1
So he's a trans-kike
He didn't. In fact the massive chimp out by the leftists only served to make him wealthier because squeezed the ever-living-fuck out of KBIO shorts, taking the stock from 0.75c to $65, BTFO liberal stock speculators who took the medias cue.
Check out the story of this sad fuck who lost $100k to etrade because he was a sheep:
what does that have to do with him being a kike?
That name sounds extremely jewish.
>Only Israelis can be kikes
This is why you get invaded you mountain nigger.
He just an innocent Albanian who dindu nuffin.
The drug was made in 1964, the patent shouldnt even exist on it and thus be a "generic" drug, meaning anyone can make it. But it isnt because business pay the patent office to keep renewing it.
So yes, he did nothing wrong but in a true working patent system, he shouldnt have been able to either.
>being so contrarian that you will bootlick the corporations that exploit you as a consumer
step it up pleb
There are not a lot of Jewish Albanians. In fact, only 40 or 50 currently live there. Not 40 or 50 thousand; 40 or 50.
That's true but he was only investigated in the first place because he was being such a douche with the drug prices
Yeah but when you maximize profit by jewing people then you're a faggot
Why the fuck would you even need that much money or are mericans so stupid
Well what is "wrong"? Ethics? If that's the case then yes he did do something wrong. I'm not surprised Sup Forums kikes support this guy, they get all their philosophy from libertardianfags whose " MUH FREE MARKET " ideals replace rational thought. Self-interest=/= ethics. Nor does it equal doing nothing wrong.
>Why the fuck would you even need that much money
Goyim logic, everyone.
That not true for this particular drug. The patent had long expired and anyone can make a generic version. However, no one has because distribution of the medication is very tightly controlled, making it very difficult to get the necessary stuff needed to make the generic:
nice commie terminology faggot
The level of shilling on this board is now obvious, because before 2014 or so nobody would have disagreed with Shkreli here. The "jew" argument is fucking laughable, as his main reason for upping the price was to stick it to insurance companies...
I won't even bother to explain the guy's reasoning, if you want to, you can read up on it yourself.
Ignore the shills and abandon this board, it isn't what it was.
again, what does any of this have to do with him being a kike
Don't listen to the pozzed shills.
Based Shkreli dindu nuffin.
The drug he was producing that had the price hike was about to be taken off the shelves and replaced with a much cheaper one in a few months anyway. Watch the interview with him and the gay guy with HIV. He basically outlines how most HIV positive people have access to free HIV medication and why he jacked up the price in order to pursue a totally different drug.
Shkreli may be a sneaky merchant but he's not a bad guy. Listening to the HIV guy become redpilled over the course of 20 minutes is interesting.
Ignore the chimp out in the beginning.
>as u scrabble he prophets xBbbbbbbb
He's not jewish.
>it isn't what it was
of course it is
feelings and kike supporters
He's an Albanian Catholic
Yes because when he raised the price it was to stand up to the big guys. You fucking idiot, he did it to make money, that's the American way he didn't do it to be a good guy or be your hero he did it for money. Take your shit elsewhere Ahmed.
are you sure your not an american proxy?
where did i say he was jewish
>under 30
So many haters in here
>having buns this blasted full of pozz
God his face though lol.
can we all agree you're a troll?
like i said, feelings
Jesus Christ, we are doomed as a race.
>where did i say he was jewish
Right here:
Anyway, here is a video of him saying that he is an "Albanian Catholic" who "went to Sunday school."
He's Albanian-Croatian Catholic you retard.
i see the word kike
Can't the government implement price caps?
I know stop being a retard, he just made a ton of money and that's great. He didn't do it to be anyone's hero, we want cash not fucking recognition you fucking sperm lord.
most of us don't buy aids drugs
he looks more heeb than kike...he doesnt have the mega schnoz of a real trAshkeNazi khazar ... kikes seem to like to call their roundfaced halfbreeds "autists" now that the gentiles are catching on to the PIEhole proto indo european reference
that's just how it goes with older drugs that were grandfathered in.
the company paying for trials and research should and do receive the profit.
happened just a few years back with colchicine, a common medications with significant usage. price got jacked up 1000% and a brand patent was issued.
No, the pharmaceutical companies dont allow this
the imperial big nose pharacees khazar inbred supremacist kikes like trump way too much... he is an agent provocateur like the crypto sephardi Hitler, who created the controlled opposition known as nazis to assist the zionist goal of herding jews to the globalist banker invented pseudo country named israel/palestine
all while justifying and normalizing the demonization of several gentile butterheaded stupid blondes and fat soulless gingers considered roundfaced PIEfaced proto indo european trash by the bird faced and rat faced imperial ethnocratic oligarchy dominating and raping all indigenous groups into a world full of half kikes tainted with several genetic defects from their inbred sires and leading to a genetic drift that will cause genetic bottleneck
anti-shiksagoyim is wrong too, you dont want to kick too much dirt on the PIEfaced proto indo european cheeseeater gentile pigs... just try to subdue them with constant subtle negativity and self destructive suggestions wrapped up as jokes... mainly distract them from the rivers of lethe lead and mercury they drink and the perfidy/usury system of economic oppression analizing their society...ol kike buddy :)
heil yidsreal! sterilize all ethiopean semites, murder all yemeni semites and blame all afghan "beni israeli" semites for 9-11 to cover for our saudi big nosed, pharacees, khazar, long faced inbred master race cousins... cause we arrr soooo smawwwwwt
gazaga kike jews with the imperial big nose blood seem much more genocidal from their khazar pharacees heritage of treating all other human ethnicities as niggers needing MOAR whipping and raping...i believe it is all phrenological...behavior literally connected to their nose size, the sociopath gene, the pervert gene...all tied in to schnoz, like a silver back gorilla or a grasshopper turned locust maybe some environmental factor has awakened an ancient "genetic switch" the kike switch
He virtually made no money off it though. Most HIV medication is given out for free via pharmaceutical programs. The only people who actually buy the pills are insurance companies.
They still get paid though, they don't give them out for free.
So more government regulation with more ways to enforce it would be necessary here.
not again
>white knighting this hard for pozzed people and insurance companies
Lobbyists would never let that happen. Same reason why university tuition price caps will never happen either.
One of these things doesn't belong here (aren't an overwhelming majority of Albanians Orthodox?).
Regulation just leads to power consolidating in the companies that can afford to buy the regulators.
until this tweet...
>calling a spade a spade means you somehow love the opposite side
every time
Wasn't the drugs for aids? If so pol should support this fine young man jewing over the fags.
He never did anything wrong, his company was operating at a loss and the user of that specific drug doesn't even have a large user base.
He only bought the patent for further research purposes to create an even better drug.
He's half Albanian, half Croat.
Depends on the stat, he mentions that some states allow him to give them out for free through low income healthcare but since the drug Daraprim is old as fuck, a new one was in development and he already ducked out of pursuing a license for the new drug. The price hike was literally only because he hated insurance companies.
Doesn't Martin mention having a meeting with George Soros, in one of his videos?
Shitty person, did subjectively wrong.
Yep. He pointed out the primary flaw with US healthcare, that Medicare (70+% of the healthcare spending in teh US) CANNOT BY LAW negotiate prices with pharma companies. Meaning that they can literally charge whatever the fuck they want. This has two major implications.
1. The US is forced to pay over 90% of the research recouperation cost for a new drug. Drug cost 1 billion to develop, the US pays 900 mil, Canada, Europe, India and China pays 100 mil COMBINED because they CAN negotiate prices.
2. So what Shkreli did was profit off this. He knew that by jacking up the price so high, that there wasn't a goddamn thing the US could do.
Couple this with the fact it is also illegal to import drugs from overseas (despite the fact it came from the same goddamn factory).
So all you fucking cucks getting defended by the US, and getting their US subsidized drugs are about to start paying your own fair share.
By not having to defend yourself under NATO, or pay for your proportional share of the drug cost, you're able to socialize medicine and the like.
It ends now, cucks.
Install based dictator then.
This too. He opted to develop a patent for a new drug rather than going with the new one. He's basically spending money so a few companies don't have a monopoly on a single drug type.
On true capitalism what he did wouldn't make a fucking difference, but since we're on corporativism and the government is more interested about protecting the profit of big companies, no, what he did was wrong.
Patenting should be used to protect scientists, NOT big corporations.
This just shows he's not a man of principle. Everyone has a right to defend their own life, and to suggest otherwise is fucked up.
Oh OK, good to know user.
>being a jewish ball-licker
You are sub-human.
Simple. The patent is government protection, so he's as the mercy of the government by which his patent is protected.
>Mr. Shkreli
Shkreli is alright, I like the guy, shame about him chimping out over ZimZam and pandering to hip hop nigs about muh racism. he's an alright guy all things considered.
He did something which is obviously morally wrong.
But in doing so he exposed a major medical loophole.
The right thing happened for the wrong reasons.
His increasing of prices only affected insurance companies. Citizens would literally experience no change. Not only has he repeteadly explained how this works, but he even arranged a program to cover the medical bills of anyone who somehow got wronged.
All this bitching on the media was funded by the insurance companies to shut him down. Only sheep could fall for such a ruse. In the end Sup Forums isn't any better at figuring these things out than "bluepilled" leftists.
This faggot looks like other faggot that used to stream LoL in twitch.
>that autism when he forces her to play chess against him
>uhhh it's your move and I'm winning heh
>nothing personal kid
So what is your purpose?
>maximize profits
literally not even what he did. he raised the profits becasue the AIDS/HIV medicine he was selling was literally a death sentence that was somehow still legal
he raised the price and put all of the money he made on it to investing in AIDS/HIV drugs that don't fucking kill people and finding an actual cure
also he exposed how FUCKED the pharma industry in the US is
>The great land plains of Russia
>Mountain Nigger
Why are Americans so retarded?
It always makes me laugh how his name looks like Martin Sheckles
I don't understand how people try to join a discussion without doing any fucking research beforehand, this is why this board is so shit
no, he just dropped his fucking morals and did business the american way.
plenty of people could be rich in this country if they dropped their morals.
nothing, except his horrible taste in music
Quads confirm it