HAPPENING! Breaking news!
HAPPENING! Breaking news!
>2nd person of the year incoming
OOh god wtf ,
like how can the mass not see the ulter bullshit he is when after becoming a girl , he was actually a lesbian?!?! like wtf lol wheres the common sens
He was paid to do this, wasn't he?
I hope he kills himself desu
false nigga
Xe kills xerselves, you intolerant person
If bruce jenner's transition to a woman is symbolism for the cucking of America, his transition back will be a sign that America is being Made Great Again.
> woman of the year
I hope he does then wins a man of the year award to go with his woman of the year award he got last year.
If """she""" de-transitions, how will this hurt the tranny cause?
Will it get others to de-transition too? Will the trannies see it as some kind of genocide to their """people""", or some crazy shit like that? Will they blame the white man, like they usually do?
>Bruce Jenner transitions
>Bruce Jenner de-transitions
>Goes on national speaking tours about his mental illness that caused him to transition
now that's one way to get away with murder
Are they ever gonna prosecute him/her for that?
no, they dropped the charges cause SO BRAVE
So brave.
Finally a voice for someone who's mental illness caused them self harm.
You go girl/guy/whateverthefuck!
Wohoow you're a not trans?
Boing not trans shows huge strength of mind!
It successfully dodged the manslaughter charges, now it can change back without consequence and everyone will forget that it murdered someone.
You are lightyears ahead Mountain jew.
Lets hope for another Shoa.
oh god, please don't ever reference that shit again
More like
>kills self
>huge campaign about the mental frailty of trannies and how they must be protected
>no acknowledgement of the severe mental illness that should have been addressed in the first place
These people have a perverted way of thinking. They need help and support in understanding that they can't change who they are so they should accept it. Instead they get support to cut their dick off, wear clothes that don't make sense on their man bodies, and everyone just lies saying they look beautiful and are so strong.
If I said tomorrow that I'm a 5 ton, asexual, Tibetan dolphin and need surgery to be who I really am I would rightfully be put into an insane asylum.
That can't be right. We don't let criminals get away just b/c they cut their dicks off and become celebrities
>born to be the wrong gender
thats because we live in a country where trump isn't president....yet
>shit that was called the moment we knew he wanted to be a woman
Seriously it almost seems like this was all a ruse, especially since he's a republican and actually seems very well reflected in general.
Bruce Jenner was worth more than Caitlyn Jenner is worth.
E! is a fucktard channel for a fucktard audience, and the only thing these people want is the latest "trend" dictated to them by network execs. Bruce should have seen it coming that the fame would have worn off with the fad. You want to be a woman? Start by learning how their impulse-driven excuse of a mind works.
>never cut his duck off
>he's been a celebrity
They let him gi because there was no evidence it was his fault.
He started the transition incase he was convicted he would go to female prison
Jenner was let off the hook entirely because the vehicle was going below the POSTED speed limit. Under California law: the posted limit is a maximum, and the effective limit is lower than the posted limit while it's raining.
This accident was the perfect example of a rich dipshit with a too-big vehicle, driving too-careless, getting away with vehicular manslaughter because laws are only for working-class men.
There is too much judicial discretion.
Are women's prisons really that much better than men's prisons?
Jeg er villig til å satse du bare vil lukte fjert av en overfort degenerert
>no evidence
Rear-ending someone is evidence in and of itself.
The dropping of charges hinged entirely on obeying the letter of the law, which wasn't actually true. They read 1% of the law called the whole thing off to go golfing.
>Q: what do you call a lawyer with an IQ under 80?
>A: your honor
Google translate? Are you the same guy talking about "fjert" in other threads? Why?
I don't have the electric jew in my house, but based on my limited contact with at other places it seems like what was once a parody of television has now become the reality and people unironically eat it up.
not surprised. jenner was always pretty right wing. after his transition he probably got exposed to a lot of fucked up metal liberal clowns and he checked himself
>lesbian with a penis
when does the suicidal stage begin?
The crazy part was, Bruce Jenner was sitting alone at the peak of successful-normal-straight-male. He could have just become a professional coach for any sport in the world and had a better career than E! is providing.
hva andre fyren? gjorde noen fjert i munnen i en annen tråd?
I cant figure this out, I can pinpoint where the explosion starts then a flying red chair or something appears out of nowhere and the people far away get fucked up much worse than the people close. wtf
>getting praise by billions
>making a shit ton of money
>getting away with murder
i don't think there will be suicide anytime soon
It's a crane collapse. Imagine a few large automobiles falling off a tower, tumbling off like a rolling ball as they hit the ground.
He'd have to be a famous coach and get tv time.
Snooki of Jersey Shore made $120,000 a month doing that shit.
All you have to do is stay relevant, like changing your sex and then changing back, having a dramatic interview / documentary showing each.
It wasn't just that, it fucking plowed into a car doing like 20 while doing like 60, the car didn't change lanes or move in front of him in any way, it just decided to plow into it for no fucking reason. It was definitely either high as hell or using its phone to not even attempt to slow down for traffic.
ny homofil , du har en hjerne fjert eller du ikke vet hvordan å reversere bildesok?
Pretty much. You see, the Kardashians produce nothing and contribute nothing. They thrive on viral news. Hence their affiliates will do anything to remain relevant
He killed a person. Manslaughter. He was looking at charges.
Suddenly he announces he is a woman, and the SJWs declared any trial would be sexist and bigoted.
Jenner may be a genius.
This. There will be a time he can be voted for man of the year for 2016
Doesn't even just plow into 1 car, plowed into that car, shoved it into oncoming traffic, and still had the momentum to hit the car in front of that car...
This is insane that this thing wouldn't be charge for such recklessness.
There's no way it wasn't speeding and wasn't on its phone.
Look at how fast it is going compared to the rest of traffic.
we should all become black trans women and get away with murder
and its funny that such actions could be explained by a mind wrought with guilt and going to extremes to cope with it.
i thinking there was a second bomb and even another level that the chair came from but check this out, there is a women wearing green with a child who completely DISAPPEARS when the red chair goes across the screen, this video is crazy, nothing makes sense.
>women are bad drivers
>I killed someone by driving badly
>I must be a woman
You maybe right, he may have just suffered a breakdown.
Knowing how fake all of this shit is, who's to say it wasn't just a 45-minute makeup job for each camera appearance? Someone who was once among the most famous people in the world gets an incredibly bad plastic surgery job, even by tranny standards.
And in the rain, no less. The law says the limit is lower in the rain. Self-righteous drag queen torpedos a giant SUV into someone from behind, throwing him forcefully into oncoming traffic. Charges dropped because pussy pass is for men too now.
tension of the wires from the crane
imagine a metal rubber band capable of holding tons of weight snapping in half and flinging whatever it hits
i dont think this is the crane collapse that happened on 9/11 2015, there was no explosions then, it was an accident.
Imagine a man running in a large hamster ball, made of thick steel instead of plastic.
Now replace the man with Sonic the Hedgehog, running really fucking fast.
Then drop the ball out of the sky before it starts rolling.
Look at it this way: get into fist fights with women or get into fistfights with men.
>What is collusion
>Woman shanks you
>It doesn't pierce the skin
Is it possible that Caitlyn Jenner is red pilled?
actually on second look I can see the women just not as much green and at first she runs and then remembers about the child. I guess your right, i just figured this was a competing faction of islam that are always fighting with each other
>goes back to being a dude
>disappears from TMZ bullshit after getting out of manslaughter charges, and making million of retarded >MUH TRANSGENDER TV deals
20 years later
>Grandpa how come you have ""women"" of the year award?
>*shit eating grin*
>As Bruce Jenner he made 20,000-40,000 per public appearance
>As Caitlyn he made 100,000 per public appearance
This stunt reportedly multiplied his net worth by 5.
His current net worth is 100 million but it is said he could potentially turn that into 500 million over the next ten years with this whole trans thing and selling his stories.
The Kardashians are the worst degenerate shills on the planet. I honestly believe someone scripts their lives out. Their "reality show" goes beyond the tv, you are always on and their whole lives are acts they are paid to perform to normalise nigger fucking cuckoldry memes for the public.
Pretty much everyone in the family is reportedly having sex with a nigger.
It would be in pc not gp due to celeb status
The resources it has would give it comfy living and protection
Fucking retard
>Q: what do you call a lawyer with an IQ under 80?
>A: your honor
I don't know why there is so much emphasis on trannies at all. They are 0.3% of the population.
The jews are trying to convince everyone that it's really common and anything about them matters. They are attempting to popularize it even though in reality it's barely even a thing at all.
It didn't pan out like they said it would in that big backroom conference room meeting, "listen Jenner, more popular than the Kardasses we'll make you , the average american will flip their keisters all american gold medal winner bruce jenner turns into a woman, Jenner, you're gonna be all they'll be talking about! We got it all figured out! We project you bring in 750mil first year alone in speaking appearances!"
When the fame and money didn't pan out how the shysters said it would, then buyer remorse kicked in for the god damn attention whore fool.
Would be poetic and he leaves a note, they promised I'd be more popular than the Kardasses, I got caught up in the attention whoring.
Yea man, he got suckered in to doing this most likely for $ and fame, all the attention whores around him rubbed off and he became the biggest one.
Who cares anyway, we shouldn't even give these losers who contribute anything except Idiocracy level stupidity the time of day and let them die a horrible death with what they crave most, attention.
>His current net worth is 100 million but it is said he could potentially turn that into 500 million over the next ten years with this whole trans thing and selling his stories.
That's how they hooked the sucker in the conference room meeting, they probably made it all slick and what not, told him not to tell Kardasses anything and they have something huge just for him, they got this poor schmuck good.
80% chance... although his is likely drastically less considering:
A) it was a PR stunt
B) got off from crashing into that actual woman and killing her
If any of them commit suicide it'll be from the depression of living a not real "real life" wherein everything is an act and scripted.
Those "famous" people can't even go shop for fucking vegetables in a local grocer.
They have to always be "photo ready" at all times.
I'd fucking snap and start stuffing cucumbers down the throat of paparazzi while taking pictures with their own camera of their bloodied face with a footlong cucumber rammed down their throat as they cry.
I could never be a celebrity.
But these people have no souls, which is why they can do what they do.
Seems like this is anti-trans, since the person actually made a mistake.
>Haircut and new wardrobe