
Purest Form of Love Edition

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if love is unpure is not love. if love is pure is not love. so what you're implying can't be love. that's what that expression means about intentions and paving roads to hell, but it only applies to lobotomized pokemons who always try to bottle for the rest of us something that appears as something to them, but always end up bottling genies. For snake oil peddlers it's entirely different story.

never thought of it that way


>ear's still cllogged

Get them syringed m8

Pour some warm olive oil into it

Have an appointment for Monday.

Don't want to risk fucking it up somehow.

How much?

Is it both ears or just one.

I've been having hearing problems in my right ear for nearly 2 years now.
It goes away for a few months, then I wake up in the morning and all of a sudden it's blocked up with shite

a couple of drops with an eyedropper

It was in both ears for a while but the right one is mostly fine now. The left ear is clogged almost all the time with brief moments of opening then closing again.

Dr says the tube between my ear and nose is thin and should pop my ear every day for 20 days to widen it. IT'S BEEN 9 FUCKING MONTHS

Do you sleep on your left side?

I usually do but I've been sleeping on my right since this started. I'm afraid if I go back to left then they'll both go.

There's an over the counter syrup you can get from pharmacies that thins the mucus in your head to make it easier to dislodge. I've had something like that for a few weeks before but taking that for a few days and then lying on the side opposite to the blockage eventually sorted it out.


At least try to make it subtle.

>all old peoples friends die
>they get lonely, depressed and die sooner

What can the country do to fix this?

Do something to stop young people evacuating the west so their grandparents don't end up having no one around for miles.

But rural ireland (everything outside leinster) has little to offer beyond fields and a quiet life until you die.

>has little to offer beyond fields and a quiet life until you die.
What more do you want?

Elect Sinn Fien

Sometimes I forget how comfy it is. Every night I spent in town I was kept awake by street lights, cars driving by or drunks shouting outside the door.

>Citizens’ Assembly votes 87% to 13% to change abortion law

Was probably expected. Second ballot will be more interesting.

>The assembly - whose work was interrupted temporarily by a powercut which struck just after the result was announced - is now to vote on a second ballot, on which there are again two options.
God is angry.

I fucking hate the countryside. I grew up in it, you live 50 miles from anyone, you need travel 40 minutes just to get milk or bread behind a tractor on shitty roads. Fancy a take out? Well no one delivers. Do you like going out? Well walk to the local in the rain and muck on shitty roads where everyone speeds and drink drives or get a taxi out ot the town just for 40€ both ways. Get used to the smell of shite and midges eating your scalp. OH NO! Having a heart attack? Well that ambulance will be out in 2 hours try not to die, might as well shitpost to kill time on your Australian tier internet that you are paying €50 a month for
That being said, big cities like Cork and Dublin are fucking awful to. Small towns are the best


>you live 50 miles from anyone
No rural area in Ireland is that far from a decently-sized town.
>Fancy a take out? Well no one delivers
>Do you like going out?
No. Normie nonsense.
>Get used to the smell of shite and midges eating your scalp
Townie detected.
>OH NO! Having a heart attack? Well that ambulance will be out in 2 hours try not to die
Well if it's just me heart attack, that's fine by me.
>might as well shitpost to kill time on your Australian tier internet that you are paying €50 a month for
Only legitimate criticism in your post.

Good, repeal the 8th and leave it for the dail to decide.

>live 50 miles from anyone
Bit of an exaggeration.

>you need travel 40 minutes just to get milk or bread

>Fancy a take out? Well no one delivers

>Do you like going out?
No, I don't. What website do you think you're on?

>smell of shite
Not that bad.

>midges eating your scalp
>going outside

>Having a heart attack
Sure if it happens, it happens.

>Australian tier internet
Agreed. Will have fibre in the next year, so they tell me.

Glad to see it so unanimous, it's reflective of public opinion. Shows how out of touch establishment politicians are that they'd drag their heels over this for so long.

>Going outside
What's the point of retreating to the cuntside if yer gonna be a hikki? You can do that in the town and get food and shit delivered to your door. Also fibre when? That was meant to be in rural areas since like 2014

As long as they don't vote to recommend abortion on demand, I'll be content.

>live in rural ireland
>people only talk about the gaa, girls, their cars and locals who've died
>move to dublin
>people talk about current events, politics, rugby, attractive women,

>attractive women
>anywhere in Ireland
Also, why would I want to talk to a West Brit about current events or politics?

what is the point lads tell me please

The point in what
Rather not talk about rugby desu


>irish wanting to repeal the 8th
disappointed desu

You know there are points in between an isolated bogland and the centre of Dublin? You're comparing extremes.
Living on the outskirts of a large town or small city is the ideal life.

To try and not get condemned to the three generation punishment

>points in between an isolated bogland and the centre of Dublin
You mean wicklow?

Oh shit lads Karen got abducted by Kim.

>Go to shop
>old bollocks kidnaps me as I am about to get into the car talking about all these local under 16/14/21 whatever GAA clubs from around Clare/Tipp/Limerick
>Saying all these names of hurler teenagers who's from whosvile in other counties as if I've been to every GAA minor friendly match within a 80KM radius
>Already running late to party, when I can edge a word in I say "I better be of, the missus will be mad if I'm late" "Jayus, sorry to stop you but I better get going"
>He never stops shiteing on
>After the 4th time he'd ignored me I just have to go, I tried being nice
>I close the car door as he's chatting and just go, I had no time to be kidnapped

Seriously, this is just a socially acceptable form of autism. You'll call me a cunt but if he was some lad my age talking about anime you'd be shouting "WEEBS BTFO"
I can tell you loads of stories where I get held hostage by GAA/Football autists. I am considered enough to not arse on about anime to people who've no interest in it so I'd appreciate if they did returned the favour

>What's the point
Nicer views outside my window.

Did you hear about Dromis Pearses losing once again against Rinn Ard in the U14? But they did have Peter Lyons referee and he's a cunt

You'll be happy to know citizens assembly didn't go for full repeal

I'll tell you this now! And I'm a Ballydangan man myself but Tubberaheren should of won that match. Ther cooperation was something else. You rarely see team work like that these days anymore

It doesn't really matter that much anyway, the whole reason for this assembly was just because FG didn't want to call a referendum on the issue themselves as they'd piss off some of their voters, this method lets them call a referendum because the assembly recommeneded it instead, it was likely filled with people who want a referendum to get a referendum called.

Yes yes,the pitches aren't what they used to be either this new Darragh O'Sullivan lad they have as a trainer now is such a wimp,back in my day we used to run 10 times around the pitch as warmup, the U9 just aren't what they used to be.

Kids are afraid to get a belt with the hurly, if you're gonna get in their expect a few clobbers, it's the only way. McLoughlin's kid is the only boy with a pair on him

>at the pub with my dad one night
>hated it but stayed because I don't spend much time with him
>11ish, finally we leave
>puke in the bushes, ask him if we can go home
>he says sure
>notice he drove past our road
>"I thought we were going home?"
>"ara just one more stop"
>drive for ages to this pub on the side of the road in God knows where
>he keeps me there for another hour, making awkward smalltalk with men 3 times my age
>finally decides to go home
>drives through the backroads, pitch black, only space for one car, he's quite drunk
>praying we just make it home safely
>finally do
>decide never to go out with him again

Listening to old men talk about GAA is your patriotic duty as an Irishman, regardless of whether you are interested in it or not.

While that is good on a surface level, it might mean that down the line the 8th Amendment could be changed in such a way to enshrine abortion in the constitution.

What did yer mam say?

>Listening to old men talk about GAA is your patriotic duty as an Irishman
Would rather renounce my citizenship.

West Brit detected.

That's one of the problems with a party system, they'll always go with the party line, a citizens assembly is democratic and it was always going to end in a referendum, now people will feel like it was a public choice.
I'm glad it didn't go for the free for all path of flat out repeal, yes people have a right to bodily autonomy but that doesn't mean control over anothers body i.e. The foetus. It'll be interesting to see what happens next, the next vote is for it being a constitutional change or leaving it in the hands of the Oireachtas which will be back to party lines etc.

You're lucky,we don' treally have a thriving GAA culture here so old men will tell you stories about cycling ,the most boring sport of all,handball .I'd much rather hear stories about Darragh O'Sullivan

Maybe it needs to be, I'll be happy if it enshrines the right for abortion in cases of rape, incest, genetic abnormality or risk of death to the mother my worry is people get it for 'oops I fucked up again'
Condoms they're not rocket science.

She didn't want me going in the first place, I didn't listen to her because I thought she was being over protective. When we got home she told me he used to do the same thing to her years ago and it's why she doesn't go out to the pubs with him anymore.

Hurling is only important when Tipp are winning the all Ireland. Couldn't give a quarter of a shite about some teens slapping each other with hurls while their heffer mams and granddad shout at them

>I'll be happy if it enshrines the right for abortion in cases of rape, incest, genetic abnormality or risk of death to the mother my worry is people get it for 'oops I fucked up again'
That's exactly where I stand on abortion too.

>That's one of the problems with a party system, they'll always go with the party line
That's a bigger problem in Ireland as every party has a strong whip here, anyone who votes against it is out of the party for anything here, most other countries have parties which are less severe than that where you can go against the party on numerous issues and still be in it. I'm happy there's a referendum though.
We'll see what happens next, I hope they don't recommend all out repeal, I'd be fine with something like

Place your bets, how many points will Munster win by today?

>Condoms they're not rocket science
But they're shite craic

Don't watch rugby

Would rather declare myself a proud Londoner than listen to Seanín from back the ways shiteing on about his nephews injured knee.

How would you know?

We all forget this day in rugby history, nothing important happened today

>pro-repeal feminists on Twitter says the only way to ensure repeal now it to vote No on any referendum where amendments/replacements to the 8th are proposed
At this rate we could end up with a hilarious situation where Pro-Choice people are voting against less restrictive abortion laws.

Only ever came once from a poshy, never came while fugging with one one

A-alot, ha-ha


>Reading shite on FB
I've everything that's not friends I care about/hot girls/anime and cartoon posts filtered

>using Facebook at all

>wimmin logic
Change happens in steps not leaps

Must be the end of times, good to see that the photographer is a devout Christian, the last pope is the first black one and the last photograph in that collection is a black person, two prophecies predicted on this island which have come true, the end is near.

West Brit effectively means you are not a bogdweller.

>I wasn't aware a handful of people carried the opinions of an entire country. This is frustrating
Something tells me these Twitter feminists wouldn't be saying the same thing if the vote had gone the other way.

Facebook is still relevant?

What are the relevant communication tools now?

Among Normalfags.

Jesus lads, those infographics showing how abortions are conducted are pretty fucking disturbing.

>He didn't know that abortions are conducted using wire hangers

Haven't seen it lad

They're just cells incapable of independent life, every action you take is destroying cells like that.

Its a clump of fucking flesh.
Less developed than the calves which provide my veal. :3

the citizens assemblies are jokes desu

Its nothing more than a method for politicians to distance themselves from topics they don't want to touch.

downloading windows 10 lads
SHAN'T be entering a product key
feeling particularly devilish even though I know they make this possible to spy on me more

Gay porn

As a cyber-exhibitionist I get off on the idea of people looking at my files.

Only for messing. Most people check their messager more than their phone

It's been 10 years for me. It just pops constantly, every second, every time i move or swallow, it clicks pops, like there's water stuck in there.

There's nothing I can do to fix it. You get used to it after a couple years mate.


Whos up for a purge?

why do you all complain about immigrants but none of you have children

Im too young now but I plan on having children,also Mass immigration is the problem not immigrants.

Who is this?

Looks boring and lame to me. Maybe if he was an African or he was wearing a cool hat.