
>proud face of the Doktor Mengele
>confident in himself

>nervous face
>bald because of slavic feminist terror in his house

nah. both of your faces are not white. CIA lemon party gestapo playing the games of weapons of mass destruction called "black or white" - think of that Michael Jacson music video almost 3 decades ago. Thats why they need to kill those member berries.
They are trying to create conditions on earth so the colored people - the rainbow pervertariat end up on top as part of this revolutionary evolution as implemented by "uber alles" artificial intelligence from deep blue tar budgets.

really made me think....

just take wilno back

>tfw 200% polish genetics, pure slavness

>polish genetics
No such thing.

Muh haplogroups

>Africa trying to school on whiteness

Lithuanians eat shit

Modern day germany just like the rest of EU is just CIA military base similar to Israel. Very few natives or lovals left in that place.


>polish genetics
>No such thing.

Yeah. It's SARMATIAN genetics you mongoloid.


>trying this hard

Poland is the most diverse in R1a nation in the world, yes. But it has nothing to do with Sarmatians.


praise ahura mazda

Nah, not really.
It's more Wotan and Triglaw in our case if anything.

uga buga we wuz vikings

Both should look the same due to their genetic closeness.

Poland confirmed cucked.

Where is the whiteness scale on that chart?

Triglaw-Kult in Westfalen:
>„Dort im sehr alten Tempel, der noch immer steht, gab es einst ein Bildnis der Göttin Trigla, das drei Köpfe hatte, zu dem sich die Heiden in höchsten Nöten, um Beistand flehend, gewöhnlich flüchteten. Es ist glaubhaft, daß von eben jenem Bild dieses Dorf seinen Namen abgeleitet hat. Diese Statue ging 1583 im Truchsessischen Krieg ganz unter.“

>Der Name leitet sich vermutlich aus den beiden slawischen Wörtern tri (Drei) und golowa, glaw, glawnyi~ (Haupt) ab. Eine weitere Theorie sagt aus, dass der Name Triglav griechischen Ursprungs sei; die Griechen nannten die Göttin Hekate nämlich auch Tricephalos (die Dreiköpfige), demnach wäre Triclaf und Triglav als Entsprechung dieses griechischen Namens anzusehen. Es wäre ebenso möglich, dass in den Chroniken die Mönche einen ihnen bekannten griechischen Namen zur Bezeichnung dieser Gottheit wählten, ähnlich wie schon zuvor römische Autoren germanische Gottheiten immer mit römischen Götternamen bezeichneten (bei Tacitus z. B. Mercurius statt Wodan). Es ist also ungesichert, „ob dies (Triglav) ein ursprünglicher Name ist oder nur das Attribut eines anders benannten Gottes, der aufgrund seiner Dreiköpfigkeit diesen Namen nachträglich erhielt
Migrating Germanics brought Triglaw from Vistula Veneti most likely.

we wuz germanic gods n shit.

Nowhere. We're whiter than majority of European countries though and the most AR1AN, that's for sure.

>2800BC: During Corded Ware Expansion, Kurgan people with haplogroup R1a-M458(to this day M458 is present in big % in Poland) come to Poland, they're later known as Vistula Veneti/Wends. Rest of the Kurgan people(both R1a and R1b) go to Scandinavia and take control over paleolithic l1 cro-magnons, give them IE language and war-like culture, that mixture of R1b, R1a Kurgans and l1 native paleothic hunter-gatherers creates Germanics.

>During late Iron Age:
East Germanics enter territory of the Vistula Veneti(currently not known if by force, or just as migrants/refugees) And they start to assimilate Veneti and Veneti(in some sense) assimilate them(in this case, genetically, through germanic women breeding with Veleti men) How do we know this? Vandals burned their dead, but not all of them could, through migration to Italy and Sardinia Vandal male lineages were found to be R1a-M458, which is the most common among Vistula Veneti at that time.

>Much later Goths that go to Ukraine meet the Proto-Slavic culture (Zarubintsy culture) and influence them, but get partially Slavicized.
>Some time later, meaning after the fall of Rome or before that, people from Zarubintsy culture rush through modern-day Polish territory and absorb East Germanics, Wends/Veleti on the way and that creates the Polish/West Slavic ethnos.

Germanic influence had a huge impact on the Polish and West Slavic ethnos. Shaping West Slavic ethnos was also isolated from Eastern one, that had huge Baltic, Scythian and Uralic influence to it. In case of the Czechs it was also Celtic tribes.