Fuck m8

>be me, biracial mutt of the south
>finally get MAGA shirt in the mail
>wear to school next morning
>constantly hear how the Trumpinator will deport blacks to Africa
>hear all of the usual liberal, BLM trash
>newfound appreciation for fellow trump train passengers
>administrators and AP Government/history instructor compliment me

Cant wait for Trump to Make America Great Again.

What was the last time you openly supported the POTUS of 2k16 like?

sorry man, but you're a minority of a majority.

trump will deport you too (atleast hopefully)

>>constantly hear how the Trumpinator will deport blacks to Africa

Just remember these people are idiots, give them the real info if you can do it without them freaking out on you.

>Cant wait for Trump to Make America Great Again.

We will, buddy, we will.

I never gave a shit about politics before Trump

>trump will deport you too (atleast hopefully)

You are an idiot, and an asshole.

>>be me, biracial

fuck off
I'm as racist as the next guy here but you stormfucks are doing nothing but hurting Trump

>white people only

Okay, Brazil.

Even if we weren't racists, the media would report us as racists anyway, so why care?


I don't know how easy it is to report a satire board as racist, because, as it is already satire, it's hard enough to take most of us seriously anyway.

you look like a freak mate

>satire meme
hang yourself tard

>politics in school
are you autistic

Faceswapped with current POTUS for a little laugh

You could argue that.

>he thinks Sup Forums is satire
I can't wait for the Day of the Rope to actually happen. You would be all like "hahah, funny prank you guys. But seriously, let's stop now... guys?"

MAGA my brother. Tell those liberal sheep and their pet charity cases to fuck off to Canada.

Please show us the fine specimen you are.

I have a hat and a bumper sticker. Have had mostly positive reactions. One guy told me that he "admired the size of my balls".

>Calls himself a "biracial mutt"

biracial user here, go suck stormfag cock somewhere else mate

> AP Government/history instructor
little babby still in highschool?

his mom is a coalburner remember that


All these special snowflakes wanting recognition.

"Hey look at me I'm not like the rest"

Are you Obama's son?

You look like a wax statue of Obama


You look like an elder scrolls character

It's okay, man. Your tears will clear sooner or later.

I think he was being facetious, mate.


18 year old high school senior in the North East.
I'm universally pretty well liked around school, and openly supporting Trump (wearing my MAGA hat) hasn't really garnered much negativity. I am good enough argue anybody into understanding why reasonable people support Trump, so I get along with the Bernie bots just fine.
The way I see it is if you get shit for supporting Trump, at least in school you were an asshole before you started displaying it.

>can't wait for ropeday
Is everyone going to hang themselves or what?

He used that one thing that puts another person's face on your own. Pretty sure that's Obama's face

Lighten up nigger this is Sup Forums and pretty much every American is mutt material.

no we're not, nigger.

Same. It was only the freshman I hadn't gotten the chance to meet or the hood rodents I have no interest in involving myself with. Just out here trying to be great.

You mean butthurt SJW.

Mutt is not offensive unless you want it to be. I'm a mutt, and I do not apologize for using accurate language.

>nationality = race
bitch, I bet I'm whiter than you

>nip cartoon post
you're less white than you think, third world friend

has GE Trump taught you nothing? only apologize if you did something wrong

also, why is obama wearing a trump shirt?

your satire is really funny, I am huhuing myself with glee

You're doing good man!

Just be careful when wearing it, there are crazies out there.

Yeah man have fun shucking and jiving at your accolades but as soon as these guys leave the thread they'll go back to calling you a nigger in another.

Because when he isn't shilling for Killary, he's in the Oval Office touching himself while he listens to Trump rallies in his favorite trump t-shirt.

>have MAGA hat in classic red
>go to super artsy hipster nightclub
>skinny cucks shuffle and stare at their feet
>SJWs are triggered to coma
>couple of beta orbiters detach from a cute chick that is actively ignoring them
>"Hey bro, what's with the hat? Are you serious??"
>me, "Yeah, serious about making America great again!"
>girl notices her orbiters left
>sees me
>oh shit, it's that cute ditzy girl from the coffee shop
>I think she wants my D
>runs up and hugs me
>I pick her up in my arms and say "C'mon, we're dancing."
>the sounds of beta souls being crushed
>walk through them with girl, "S'cuse me friends."
>smuganimeface intensifies

They probably went home to masturbate to the thought of that tiny cute girl grinding on my big nationalist donger

That's okay, because I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that you're only one of few real niggers that plague Sup Forums.

Where do you think you are you half nigger?

I wish I could be there after Election Day, but my overflowing patriotism will keep me satisfied.

I wonder if Minorities who put on Maga shit feel like it makes them part of the master race

We'll make sure your eventual lynching happens painlessly.


It does.

Thanks, user.

half black/white guy here
I was hanging around my mixed friend and people tell me quite often i look whiter than him.
I tell them i'm not white but rather trans-alien
you see my people come from fuckin mars man shieeet

I get mistaken for Mexicans quite often. Even by actual Mexicans and other Hispanics, but it's whatever.

Go back to Le Reddit


Fuck off
Blacks =/= niggers

Summer came early this year

Edge: The Post

Shit hole: The Flag

>not understanding the satire defense when normies question Sup Forums
We get our cake and eat it too, how do people not understand the satire meme

>but you stormfucks are doing nothing but hurting Trump

It's not stormfucks!
It's liberals who invade this board to divide and conquer.
OP has proven that he wants work and American culture, so he isn't a nigger who destroys his people for a shekel.

fucking kek, btfo


Don't let these racist fucks discourage you. based black people for trump

Not amused.

Diabetes: the future you choose

>on Sup Forums
>nip cartoon

dude lol

>le fat american meme
Try harder Poland

I had sex with a half Mexican girl in college that looked kind of like you. It's the freckles with darkish skin that is getting you mistaken for that.

If you were born a citizen or naturalized by any means, you cannot and will not be deported and anyone who even implies that is either an outright liar trying to manipulate others or dumber than dirt.

Glad I could remind you of a happier time in your life.

Keep helping MAGA, fellow American.

Ignore these stormcucks. They aren't helping bring people together and MAGA. They're actively participating in the degenerate shit flinging that helped get us to this point.

Happiness? Nah. Hedonistic expression of animal needs in a social context.

Barry Soetoro detected

>be me, biracial mutt of the south

If you mean this in a self hating way, Trump would not approve

Fair enough. Keep satiating those desires, pal.

I know, and I actually considered that. You have to look for subtle cues; said "sorry man, but you're a minority of a majority." He just noted that Trump supporters are a majority, something a liberal would never admit to themselves, even if they are false flagging.

Fuck you, I've been around since the days of /new/. Being blindly racist to everyone is just as retarded as being blindly accepting of everyone.

You have to go back

It's only humor.

>be me, bulgarian guy
>go out, meet some friends
>girl I know that lives in London is home for holidays
>she makes some "le drumpf will end ameiga :DDD" joke
>I tell her she is actually wrong
>ask her what she knows of his policies
>instead of sperging out, I calmly explain
>tell her about his tax plan
>about his position that states should be allowed to hold referendums on stuff, instead of being told what to do by the fed
>about how he is not bought by the corporations
>about how in 'merica the media doesn't have to report the truth, so they shit on Trump, because they are paid to, by the kikes(jewish tricks are common knowledge here)
>she says "wow, it seems you are right"
>I tell her that instead of taking my word for it, or the word of some retarded comedians, she should check those things, and formulate her own opinion
>everyone agrees


I like that my libby friends can joke about it.

>wear Trump hat to friends party
>"you're lucky I let you in, user, wearing that hat"
>tell him he's just mad because his candidate sucks
>laugh about it and drink whiskey

Got anything fresh? Or is everything in your country shit?

Honestly if your friends drop you over political views, they weren't friends to begin with. A subtle redpill over time is in order though. Worked wonders on my friends.

This is the hardest I've cringed in a fucking while

only because he's a faggot no because he's a subhuman.

>hehe they'll all think I'm an oldfag if I call them summerfags
All of Sup Forums post Ferguson needs to leave

>Blacks/niggers=/=humans nice try thou.

You're cool, don't listen to the racist assholes in the thread.


You have to be 18+ to post here

Attack of the Redditors

stfu child

stfu racist asshole.


i hate this meme, you could live next to the whitest black guy..eventually something will trigger him and his inner nigger will cone out

fuck off chink

you guys are OK. don't go to the Bernie rally tomorrow

read the post again. he's not a stormcuck, he's a lib butthurt that OP is on the Trump train.


You sound jelly, famalam