Are albino niggers still technically niggers?
Are albino niggers still technically niggers?
No, they are white
Look at that.
How disgusting.
Then what actually defines a nigger if it isn't skin color?
......technically I guess, but way better than niggers. Feel sorry for them dying to witch doctors who still believe in ooga booga medicine
looks like a slav to me
Are tanned germans still technically immigrants?
Would you consider this little girl to be a nigger?
They're white, which is good. But they're too white. I guess it must be too much of a good thing.
Their other physical and mental traits. We don't hate niggers for the color of their skin.
Are they really albino (in a sense that their genes are malfunctioning) or are they just ne next evolution state (like pokemon). So the 2nd evolution of a nigger is white?
Also, they seem to be smarter than the average nigger
That's a native Briton, you fool.
It's just an evolutionary camouflage to attempt to fool us, like a retarded chameleon. We still know what they are.
>being white is about skin color and has no relation whatsoever whit genetics
Underrated post
why do all albino nigs have that rhino look
Of course, look at the facial structure and you JUST KNOW.
>Totally not a quote from the man in the high castle
No, they're Argentinian.
only by the way he acts
A mongrel.
You dont have to be black to be a nigger. It just so happens that most niggers are black
we wuz whitez n shit
>is race only skin deep
Niggerdom lies in the brain
Thats not how evolution works.
You can't "de-evolve". Natural selection just causes the the traits that are better suited to the environment, in the case presented, less melanin(And a higher IQ), to be "selected" and become the dominant traits.
Shit, I love Pokemon and all, but its pretty much ruined the ability of most people to understand what evolution is.
I wouldn't even consider it a little girl.
Dam straight! A nigger is a nigger is a nigger.
>skin = brain
>And a higher IQ
hur dur cold weather makes you smart and warm weather makes you dumb!
thank you for saying that, u are 100% correct.
unfortunately that's a concept the left is incapable of understanding.
Nigger is a state of mind
this. I doubt anyone really would hate someone because of their color skin, it's more of a nigger niggering scenario
There are only a small number of physical differences, and no recent reliable evidence based on genetics that the IQ gap is caused by genetics.
It's also impossible to set up a genetic definition of race.
This, I don't hate women, but I hate spoiled bitches without a drop of logic in their head, it just happens that all the women I know fit on that category.
I've met quite a few albino blacks, they're the same as any other except that they occasionally get murdered by non-albino blacks so their organs can get made into traditional medicine.
See, here's the thing
In cold weather, or areas with winter, you had to be smart enough to not each all your stored food and crops or you wouldn't make it through the winter.
That's not the case in areas like Africa. Such thoughts weren't necessary since they had no winter to ration through.
All places on earth have different seasons.
There is literally no scientific evidence or reasoning behind your logic.
Does it work though?
Except, there is scientificevidence showing that blacks have a lower average IQ than whites
>Implying the skin color is making them sub human.
Not that the cause is genetic, though.
This. But some of them are less dangerous because they had lots of traumatic experiences (the thing about other blacks trying to kill him) that made them scared for life.
Except that it would have to be. A person can't change their IQ. They're born with it.
>A person can't change their IQ.
You clearly don't understand IQ. IQ is not something innate and immutable. It can change based on your mood, your diet, how much you've slept, stress, and so on.
Always an American... every time
Are you really this stupid?
why does he look like a cross between Putin and Elliot Rodger?
You don't really understand how this works to you... these people sit around on these boards and soon they get board enough and someone makes a fake "troll" post like this just to give them an excuse to post all there memes.
No, it can't be. There is no known way to increase IQ. Plus, it's inheritable.
Drinking some potion made with human organs doesn't make you luckier, no.
Not This
Sup Forums will have to accept one day that the majority of racists are idiots
They will see a black person and hate them for that alone. It's irrelevant how you yourself feel - this is just a fact for the majority of racists.
Sup Forums isn't any different, look at all the people that will say "fuck off nigger" just because someone is black
He's white, which is a good thing.
But he's too white, it makes him a freak.
Have you tried it, though?
>implying we don't say that to whites too
Just google how your IQ changes.
>it's heritable
It doesn't matter if IQ is 100% heritable. If the world were clones and it was extremely heritable, that would just mean we would all have the same IQ. Similarly, you're trying to say that different "races" have different heritability for IQ, which there only evidence against.
It can vary by a couple of points. But blacks are three full standard deviations below whites, and this is across the board, all niggers, everywhere. That's a genetic difference.
It's very easily to alienate someone when their skin is a different color than yours.
>three full standard deviations below whites
That would mean 45 point difference. The highest counts are only SD, or 15 points.
his facial features look more white than the average italian or french
One drop rule.
>implying that's what I meant
Sup Forums will wait for a white person to act like a nigger before they call them one
the majority presumes every black is a nigger, just by seeing the color of their skin
That doesn't justify it.
It's more the way they act, honestly. Blacks don't typically act like go-getter handshaking teambuilding whites that you can't say no to.
People like this were still slaves. It's the African Heritage that makes them niggers. Not skin color.
Except that it absolutely is
Where it's ancestors are buried.
>the majority presumes every black is a nigger, just by seeing the color of their skin
Not really, no. There's a spectrum, but your average Wyoming white will not treat a black person any differently, if anything they'll treat them better, out of curiosity. Even in the South where there's a lot of contact, there are some whites that shun all blacks, some whites that are wary but can be won over, and some that give everyone a fair chance. If any are a majority it's the wary kind.
I see what you did there -_-
Until they act otherwise. Most niggers act like niggers, most white people act like white people (aka. reasonable), not difficult.
medicine parts. mainly.
bloody sad really. people everywhere are shitty, but albinos as medicine is really fucked up.
>user presents evidence and reasoning
>faggot denies evidence and reasoning
He literally presented zero evidence and his reasoning is garbage because I already defeated it. (all places on earth have seasons)
Obviously yes
are you actually stupid?
They are still universally 15 points behind whites. I myself have no problem with people of color, but you are straight out denying a fact.
Wew lad. Elementary level reasoning on display.
Is that good? I wanna watch it
Are you even reading this thread
a good portion of these people are saying shit like
>1 drop rule
They are racists that barely even care about their color, just that they are partly black
A presumption that someone is a nigger is why they are wary.
>most niggers act like niggers
You really can't claim that everyone can be a nigger, then use it interchangeably with it's old definition
So you're trying to deny that all places on earth have seasons, while also somehow saying the cold makes you smart with no evidence to back it up.
If you put a bunch of white racists in a room together, they will just argue and keep changing the definition of "white." Just look at all the Sup Forums posts that say "anglos" are not longer white.
yes this
>All climates on earth are exactly the same guys!
>Sup Forums is one person!
The claim was that somehow you need more intelligence to plan for winters, but in reality all places on earth have different seasons that are better or harder for growing crops. The climates are not the same, but everywhere has seasons. There is also no evidence to support your case that somehow cold climates are "harder" to live in and require more intelligence than, say, the Mediterranean that has dry and wet seasons.
No. Not at all. You're just too dense to understand what I mean. Just because every place in the world has seasons, does not mean that they all experience the same climate or temperature average. Herp da fucking derp, you moron. Warmer conditions year round means that you have less to worry about for survival in general. This isn't rocket science.
Does Florida experience the same weather conditions during Winter, as New York?
I really hope you're just trolling, because otherwise, you really should not reproduce. Ever.
Haven't niggers run out of things they supposedly were before anyone else yet?
>Warmer conditions year round means that you have less to worry about for survival in general. This isn't rocket science.
Sure, but more predators live in warmer regions, and crops still don't grow 365 days a year in all warm climates.
There is zero scientific evidence that somehow cold climates select for intelligence and others don't.
Do you not see the hypocrisy in what you say. Liberals are every bit as fucking racist as your gimmicky title rivals "the alt right"
Yeah? Skin color doesn't make you a nigger.
Genetics does.
Reminds of that conversation in The Man in the High Castle. Where the sheriff talks to Albion nigger.
"You're black which is bad.
But your white. Which is good.
But your too white, is bad."
Its much harder to live in cold areas long term.
The ground freezes so you can't plant food well, insects and animals die out and hibernate, plants are covered by snow etc
Just being out in the elements is enough to kill you.
You can't just fall asleep under the stars, every move has to be calculated, every precaution has to be taken.
>They will see a black person and hate them for that alone.
Simply because the skin color can be used as a very effective proxy for other mental and behavioral traits. Anyone who lives around niggers can tell you that, and that's why most "anti-racist" are spoiled white millennials that grew up in white neighborhoods.
no shit theyre still niggers, if youre white on the outside and a monkey on the inside youre still shit, just like a european with black skin wouldnt be a nigger
More large docile creatures live in warmer environments and predators still live in the cold, such as wolves and bears.
Having no large docile animals means a lack of logistics, construction, agriculture etc too.
Yet we fared well.
Why did Africans barely domesticate any animals at all?
>that say anglos are not white
Holy fuck, you're so new. You take that seriously.