get out of LA
Get out of LA
done and done
fuck LJ
הארץ אינטרנט אקטואליה כדי ב, אתה או שנורו ביולי וקשקש. שער את מפתח תוכל ספרדית, אינו ואמנות בה זכר, בה בעברית איטליה גיאוגרפיה כתב. אל בחירות נוסחאות ליצירתה עוד, הנאמנים אדריכלות אגרונומיה אם זאת. לוח את פולנית האטמוספירה, אחרים ולחבר בה ויש. מה מיזמים בחירות בלשנות מלא, מה בשפה למאמרים החופשית שתי. אל מתן נפלו מועמדים.
Appears to be worst city. Ameribros, is it as bad as movies would have me believe? (industrial, endless sprawl, mexicans, etc)
The name's Plissken
I can't read those shitty moon runes.
Is that Edwards AFB?
New York is worse imo, but not by much.
It's the worst city in the world. Make sure to never go there.
Pic related.
Aww man, the 101, 405, 5 and even the 60 are all backed up right now.
Can you at least wait till after rush hour?
Nuke it please
Get out of Manitoba
It's quite nice if you have moolah, a lot less SJWs compared to other west coast cities.
>after rush hour
You mean 3 AM tomorrow?
at least its not san fagcisco
holy fuck did anyone else hear that?
>probably feels the same about detroit
I was going to move there until I found out that in the past 15 years the mexican population has exploded and completely consumed the city. It's a real shame. I was really looking forward to moving there.
I guess I'm a #CruzMissle now
Yeah there's like sofas dumped on the side of freeways and shit. It's a hell hole.
Just moved to LA. It's ok. Traffic sucks.
Weather is badass. Ocean is cool.
But stay out. Need less people on the road not more.
Odd. I thought the whole west coast was Portlandia. Is that a result of actually living with mexicans?
A good advice any day, that town looks fucking dreadful
>actually believing fly over state opinions on LA
I moved from LA to Central Cali. I lived in SF for a while as well. Central Cali is complete compared to both. LA had a lot of minorities yes but if you have money you will never see them.
It's fucking Mexico City without the smog, but with extra assholes.
It could be nuked and Nothing Of Value Would Be Lost.
Sorry, LA. But you are a magnet and honeypot for people seeking easy living and of poor character.
Los Angeles is actually much worse than Detroit. Just look how horrible pic related is. Those poor people, having to live in those horrible conditions. They should move to Detroit, it would be an improvement.
As I said, never go to Los Angles. Trust your fellow Sup Forumsacks. We know how Los Angeles is, and we definitely are not taking our information from memes.
>not saying 'some of you guys are alright'
Is that Ecclestone's kid's place? Look at all that watered turf grass! Look at all those well watered decidious trees that don't belong in southern california desert.
LA is a perfect example of how the 1% are assholes, and everyone around them gives them a pass because they're assholes too.
I've been there many times. It's a perfect example of how an entire community of assholes can co-exist - and I used to live in Chicago!
>google translate...
Internet country in current affairs to you or fired in July and scale . You can exchange the key Spanish art and it is a male , it geography written in Hebrew Italy . Election formulas into another creation , architecture and agronomy trustees if it . Board the Polish atmosphere , others and connect it there . What projects full linguistic choices , what in Two free articles . Fell to providing candidates
>not even google knows wtf to do with this shit
Hypothetically, let's say Trump were to follow-through and deport all illegals. How many Mexicans would get kicked out of LA? In other words, are most there legally or illegally?
Oh wow, how dare those fucking assholes transform an unliveable desert into pic related. Fucking idiots, we should kill them all, steal all their money and bring desert back to LA. I am absolutely disgusted by what they've done to the place. Even Somalia looks better.
I actually own and operate a much better translation program. Results:
>shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels shekels
The infrastructure is fucking disgusting. Driving anywhere in and around LA is cancer inducing.
>Enact all sorts of pollution controls.
>Restrict use of plastic grocery bags
>Ignore the obvious
Enjoy your drought, assholes. You did this to yourselves. Call me when you all wear 'still suits.
Thanks, user. Confirmed L.A. is Point Blank
> Enact all sorts of pollution controls.
> pollution: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects
> he thinks pollution controls are bad
The amount of people that die every year from poisoning and cancers caused by polluted air, water and food, is mind blowing and nothing short of mass genocide. How the fuck people are not sentenced to life in prison or killed for polluting, will always be out of my understanding. But I assume there are people keeping records of all those getting rich while killing millions. Things will get worse, and the population will not be kind to them or their offsprings. Medical records are already leaking into the press, showing the amount of deaths and the general reduced life spans of people, caused by pollution. The general population is to stupid to add two and two together. But faced with their own demise, they will wizen up. But it amazes me how these idiots running those kind of companies, are so greedy that they completely ignore the fact that the pollution is killing them, killing their family and killing everyone else. Every single organism is affected negatively by pollution, and that includes humans.
In the '90 you would die on the spot in LA just by going for a walk when smog was high. Those pollution controls saved a lot of lives.
why don't you cherry pick the shittiest parts of LA instead
oh right, romania bro has autism
In the 90's you would be murdered on the spot for trying to go for a walk anywhere in LA county tbqh
It's Hebrew.
*get out of CA.
LA isn't as bad as it seems bro.
Just stay away from anything South of the 10 FWY or North of Sunset Blvd - Fuck the valley.
The beach side mostly west of the 405 FWY, is highly underrated too.
DTLA mostly sucks, except the Arts District n little Tokyo.
Honestly there is so much shit to do around here. Just wish the laws and taxes weren't so damn cucked.