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pic unrelated.
my other thread got deleted I'm not sure why. Here it is. I was smoking a bowl with some mates and We were high and I only smoked sometimes for fun. I am a naturally curious guy, so When my mate was divulging into "company" secrets I was delighted to hear it. I simply have always wanted to see the grow house and stuff. I was asking question which I know not to do and usually don't do but I was high and enjoying learning stuff because I usually love to learn stuff when I'm high anyway. I was with my 3 mates plus 4 other people. In the middle of the questioning My mate said "Who's bag is this" Which I swear was a double entendre for this dudes a snitch or something. Ever since then whenever I have tried to join into a conversation They would start talking about drugs, And whenever they noticed I was listening They would talk louder, Every time I took notice or showed any sigh of them talking louder they would get even louder. This wasn't the mates That were high with me this is everybody. I have gotten insane amounts of self doubt and high levels of anxiety since then because nobody hits me up to hang out and nobody wants to be friends. I can't get a girlfirned because everybody thinks I'm a snitch. I'm not and I don't know how to prove it without saying "Hey, guys I'm not a snitch" because then they would be like "Who said anything about you being a snitch" And when i was high I said I figured out the talking loud thing and they were like yeah sure because The only way if someone wasn't smart enough to figure it out would be for the cops to tell them. Please can anybody help me?

I'm new to this so I don't know if I have to put a photo or not?

From what I've gathered, there are 4 things people do that tell other people there is a snitch, I think.

1: Obviously metaphors or double entendres signifying that there is a snitch in the vicinity ie: codewords.

2: Whenever anybody is talking about anything, or drugs I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter, if someone sees a snitch listening in they will start talking louder and everybody will notice then everybody will start talking louder every time the 'snitch' will take notice that they're talking louder, Something only a snitch would know unless he figured out themselves which apparently is very unlikely?

3: Very hard to explain with words but the best analogy would be lagging like in the matrix?

4:banging anything that would make a sound whenever a 'snitch' is listening in or they think he's taking notes of drugs or something. banging doors, tables, anything and everytime they would take notice of the banging someone would bang again.

I could probably go into more depth for all of them including number 3 but I seriously need help. I haven't left my house in 6 moths where before that I wasn't home for 6 months at a time Sleeping at mates and parties and beaches and stuff. I need my friends back! I had brothers that weren't formed by blood that don't consider me worth it anymore. Can someone please help me?

Shut up u snitch

fuck up I'm not a snitch

I ain't a snitch that's the thing

I really don't know what you can do tbh

do you know the whole snitch thing in the reply i posted do you know how it works

It's just all in your head I think . I tend to overthink shit too when I'm high. Btw that's exactly what a snitch would say

Honestly OP your mates sound like cunts if they are willing to disown a 'mate' over asking a few questions about their grow setup. Advice, get some new mates that aren't paranoid as fuck and stop being so paranoid yourself. You may even find that they stopped hanging out with you not because you're a snitch but because you're so paranoid and it makes them anxious too.

Why are they so paranoid of the cops anyway? must be a pretty big setup to freak out so much over this.

(Hoping I interpreted the situation correctly given how hard it is to decipher from your long ass paragraph)

no i mean do you know how it works so i can say like a code word to stop it i know this is sus but i've dropped out of school because i can't handle the angst i really need some help i'm only in grade 10 and i need to pass to get into the army. i swear it's not in my head bc i've heard people laugh and i see them doing these kings i don't smoke anymore because i freak out worse when i do but it happens when i'm not high that's the thing

yeah but from where i'm from these bos have been my brothers and i don't want to stop trying to be their mates, this city i'm in it's nothing but ice junkies and stuff but it's like controlled by gangs

and i don't react in an anxious way until people start fucking with me, but yeh


i don't do drugs anymore

There is definitely not a code word or anything. You can try and prove yourself and earn more trust ??

that's definately a good idea, have any thoughts as to how i do so?

No I don't. My advice would be finish school and make new friends. If they were truly your friends they would trust you more + you could get in trouble if you were around the grow and got raided.

I don't really have any solid advice for you to get your mates back in that case as I've never been in this situation. A note I would add however is that giving up smoking at a precarious time such as this probably doesn't do you any favors as to looking like a snitch.

You idiot. There is not codewords or anything. They would just straight up say to stop talking about shit in front of you. Potheads are not some next level secret society.
You've overthought it, and because of that you've become awkward to be around. What probably happened is those guys got bored of the conversation and you kept trying to keep it going. So they talked over you.

If you want them back in your life speak their language. Buy a 20 bag and invite them to smoke. It's all potheads care about.

tl;dr buy them weed and smoke with.

pro tip: Stop smoking completely it's making you paranoid.

no no i have heard people say snitch around me for the first time in ever and they weren't talking loud over me because one time at training they were doing it to mess with me and as soon as i left they laughed, my auntie for the first time she has said it she came around and they were talking about me and i was leaving anyway and she said what do you mean snitch

and i can't smoke without people thinking i'm a snitch and they will start messing with me when i get hogh enough i get paranoid even more and they start doing things nobody did before they thought i was a snitch

Sounds like they don't think you are a snitch, they just don't like you.

no they loved me before this happened

They never

this hasn't been any help btw

>buy weed from someone else
>ask your friends if they want to smoke
>say you have weed
>smoke them up

have you been in my situation? people fuck withyou in minipulative ways and make you green when you're high, and it's not just paranoia.

kill them

>can't smoke without people thinking I'm a snitch
Please explain?? If you're smoking then how are you a snitch?
Sounds like to me they realize you're a pussy faggot and are just ducking with you. In reality they probably know you're not a snitch and think it's fun to mess with you
>Laugh it off whenever they do it (could cause them to stop if they think you don't care)
>man up for once in your pathetic life and tell them it isn't funny and you want to stop being treated like a bitch (will probably respect you and stop immediately)
>ask your closest friend in the group why everyone's treating you like that

One thing I've learned in life is that change doesn't happen unless it's initiated. So you gotta do something

Smoke with them but don't get too high. Also tell them straight up to stop treating you like a bitch.

no i feel horrible when i smoke i full green and idk who to smoke with ive cut all ties with everyone

what if that doesn't work and they say what do you mean?

You tell them to stop when they are doing it.
If they are being too loud tell them it's paring you.

but i have told them to stop all they said was "what do you mean"