I need a burner laptop my boys selling this for 400$ cash, but i needed to consult the Sup Forumsros before i buy...

I need a burner laptop my boys selling this for 400$ cash, but i needed to consult the Sup Forumsros before i buy? is this a good deal or should i hold out for a better buy?



8 gig of ram windows 10 ssd hard drive

Is it used at all? You can buy a brand new one for the same price.

it " fell off the truck " i need one without a paper trail

I'd skip it then, many problems can come with having a dropped or damaged laptop. Don't want to take the 400$ hit when you find out it's a lemon

lol it didn't literally fall off, its brand new mint condition, but i'm just seeing if its good for deep web browsing.

I actually have this exact laptop. Not sure about deep web browsing, but it's fairly capable overall. My only complaint is that it's made out of an aluminum alloy, and can heat up very easily if you do any sort of gaming or anything else that would run the computer harder. I've had it shut down from overheating a few times before.

That computer is fine. I don't see any blaring disadvantages to it. Some security tips I recommend if you are browsing the deep web for morally dubious reasons include
>deactivating the bluetooth. Do so by cutting the wire on the inside of the laptop chasis if possible. If not, turning it off in settings is fine.
>Use a wired connection and deactivate the wifi
>Use the tails Linux distribution
>Set up a long af login password. I think it can support up to 128 characters (setting the total number of possible passwords at 54^124)
>only install programs that can be confirmed will not contact any foreign server

r u a pedo?

It probably has tracking enabled or someshit in the BIOS, my dad had the police show up at his door after he bought a laptop that he thought was a good deal.

If computrace or intel GPS tracking is enabled you can't disable it, it's stored in the bios chip on the board.

TL;DR If computrace or Intel T&T is enabled don't buy it. You'll get fucked.

An amendment to this comment, using a wired connection or OS like tails won't protect you from hardware tracking.

nah im just very poor

i mean i have a vpn, and im planning on getting more security

Depends on what you use it for. In my experience HP Pavillions overheat really badly even doing simple stuff. Although, I'm not sure how the newer models would do. If it's just for deepweb browsing then you should be fine.

i want party favors delievered to a certain location is all

Drugs? But yes, it should have no problem running Tails OS or something.

A VPN will not prevent it from calling home. If you buy a laptop with tracking enabled you better be prepared to either swap out the bios chip and wireless card (Swapping the bios chip will usually turn the laptop into a brick) otherwise get ready for the cops to come knocking asking about a stolen laptop.

Get a

Seriously? links? like i wanna make this move asap