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I like turtles.
Me too, me too
>Gay people
>Trans people
Make up your labels libfags.
>you have to be religious to not want butt babies ruining your civilization
can we just but betas in the same category as women?
I'm not usually religious, but one time I was on a plane with some really scary turbulence. My immediate first reaction was to gas the kikes.
I'm not usually an atheist but the first time I stubbed my toe I blamed it on God
Go away Yeb.
That's strange, the few states that do still have anti-sodomy laws on the books. don't enforce them.
I'm not usually an atheist but I spend more time thinking about religion than religious people do
Because sodomy is defined as non-vaginal sex. Are you going to arrest everybody who like blowjobs and anal?
>le marriage is a human right meme
>I believe in science
tfw fellow Utahfag is a tripfag.
Absolutely disgusting.
Faggots are an abomination and should be beaten to death
>implying that's the only thing religion has attempted to do to gays
I don't usually #FeelTheBern, but one time I was on a plane with some really scary turbulence. My immediate first reaction was to make 80 people share the one parachute
>implying you have the right to deny others the right to their own beliefs
>Blaming something on God
Pick one, retard
I'm not usually religious, but one time I was on a plane with some really scary turbulence. My immediate first reaction was to explode inshallah.
Ahhh, what anime is that from? Source? Google won't find anything for me and IQDB isn't working either.
I'm not usually a dick, but one time I was getting gay married and needed a cake. My immediate first reaction was to find the one Christian bakery in town who would refuse so I could sue them and be viewed as a hero.
Sup Forums BTFO again.
Weird, I didn't realize fags used to have the right to marry
I'm not usually a euphorialord, but one time I was on a plane with some really scary turbulence. My immediate first reaction was to start bashing Christians for no reason.
That's why it's called progression. Leaving the American dark ages behind.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.
Atheism doesn't remove the possibility of God existing. It is the belief that a God or Gods most likely sent exist.
How did he know the pilot was getting a divorce?
Owari no smug
Yeah, this is about what I expected him to look like.
I wonder what rights he's talking about.
>A Science Enthusiast
Reminder that 59% of scientists are religious and that only pop science memesters are atheists.
>Supposed scientist
>Believes in rights
what a fucking retard.
I was a raging atheist until I realized the wave of positive feelings I got when worshiping god was the same feeling I got when I faced pure good. Conversely, when I participated in negative things and thought about evil the feeling was the same. Seems my body is telling me I should turn to god.
If the fedoralord stereotype existed during the Cold War, would the Soviets have given up state atheism?
this, fedoras use science as a way to take high ground with "I'm le smarter than u, that means I'm always right :^)"
They don't actually care about science, they claim they do for status.
>Mistakes a namefag for a tripfag
>Gives them a (You)
1/10, here's your (You). Pic related.
That wasn't turbulence, the pilot was just limp wristed. Dude had the right idea.
If they saw what was happening today they would've scrapped the whole idea.
that's not a tripfag, that's just a namefag.
that's not a trip you massive newfag
I think you're the retarded one for not understanding the concept of sarcasm.
well what else could you say?
either option involves suppressing the rights of a people to have specific beliefs
no one is simply entitled to marriage
you're not even automatically entitled to state-sanctioned civil unions, because that requires citizenship
>Implying rights are not just an invention of humanity
>le smug anime face
Might makes right.
"The American pigs are right. We need Jesus instead of Marx."
>and this is my face of atheism.jpg
>blowjobs are my fetish
>officially illegal in my state alongside underaged pinball
This is a tripfag, bro
I'm tired of hearing about fags. It isn't that important. It's a distraction from the kikes scamming us on everything else.
Of course it's a nu-male.
Marriage isn't a right though.
>Having an a eco fascist shirt
that's pretty Islamophobic bruv
>implying rights exist
>Reminder that 59% of scientists are religious
>reddit: the guy
>Silhouette of an engineer
fucking kill yourself
Excessive, made-up rights are a form of soft totalitarianism, because it is a way to destroy actual Cobstitutional natural negative rights.
You can kill rights with violent oppression but you can also kill them by declaring everything to be a right. This is in the Chinese and Mexican systems. Everything is a right, really meaning a privilege granted by government, so freedom of speech has a token existence but must wait in line behind things like free food and TV and oh yes promised but never delivered health care.
Taking away rights implied they had the right to get married to begin with.
Isn't that Abe Lincoln from civrev?
>Implying you'd rather deal with a womans bitching than stick your dick in an ass
Shit forgot pic
its obviously bill nye the global warming guy
other pic
>implying that allows you to walk on others with impunity
Source? Infographs are meaningless
Here you go Portugal.
Wait is the tweet poster Muslim? Who is the bigger victim?
When were gay people ever denied any of their constitutional rights?
>still using facebook
>neglecting to grant special rights and privileges
>taking away rights
Choose one
I like guacamole
>I'm not usually a cuckold but when i saw my gf fucking Tyrone I started masturbating in the corner.
What are ''gay people rights''?
Can a straight man marry another man? No he can't.
So neither can gays. They have equal rights.
>i'm not usually a neckbeard fedora, but one time i was getting rejected by a girl. My immediate first reaction was to become a retarded wannabe scientist
I'm not usually a liberal, but sometimes someone breaks my fragile post-revolution psyche. My immediate first reaction is to DELET THIS and cling to an even further left, even more splintered, reactionary feelings based cause that I can take refuge in while simultaneously psyopping my friends and family and advancing my sickness. It's ok, doctor Appleberg knows just what pills I need. Im much better off when my happiness comes from pharmaceuticals and the misery of others. I'm the best
>implying fags still have rights
seriously America
This is fucking incredible
i always forget you cucks exist, kill yourself
>pudding belly
>no muscle to speak of
>Problem Glasses
>patchy beard already going gray
>cat worship
>Bill Nye
This isn't even his final form.