Stoner thread

stoner thread.

>so i got 10 grams of weed, laced with e-cig juice
>unsmokable, smoke too harsh
>got a vaporizer, vapable but even smoke from vape makes throat super sore after vaping it a while
>difficult to dry it, cus oil not water
>also when drying with household paper, then thc infused with oil is gone.
>what do?

pic related

Make some edibles

Why lace it with e-cig juice is the first place? Just vape the bud and then smoke your e-cig afterwards.


would e-cig juice fuck edibles up?

some idiot tried to smoke it from regular e-cig, but he wasnt able to so he gave it away

Accept your loss and buy real weed.

They'd probably just taste a lot shittier, you could try a test run with a firecracker though and see

Fucking nasty, what you're supposed to do is take your e-juice, bring it to a boil, and then essentially make weed tea with it. THC melts into e-juice, plant is thrown away. You don't want to smoke that shit, OP.

probably, if it had nicotine.

just smoke it and stop being a pussy

Disregard this. Throw it away.

Laced with what? Yea, someone sold you some vaped herb and put some e-cig juice on it to cover up that fact. Throw it away.

He says it was given to him.

Throw a fat lip in and get real fucked up!

what you mean run a test with a firecracker?

like make one sample 'firecracker' edible with some biscuits and shit, look the recipe up somewhere

Buy more weed?

Throw in bin

>laced with e-cig juice

how does this seem like a good idea?


Fuck you, pussy.

If it's super harsh then just smoke it out of the smoothest thing you have. A nice bong with some ice in it and there is no such thing as too harsh

i might try edibles cus considering how much i have vaped it today, id say its nicotine free cus i cant feel any nictotine consuming symptoms as i usually feel when having a cig and therefore have came into a conclusion its nicotine free and chance for nictoine poisoning might not pose a threat.

>what do

Kill self for being dumb enough to think you should buy weed tainted with e-cig juice instead of regular weed like a smart person would have.

Failing that, throw it away and just buy weed that isn't bullshit.

Good work detective. Your next case is in another thread where a user believes he was scammed for his $40 bag. Go check it out and see what you can find.

You should kill self for not reading thread. You look real silly right now user

Location..i can get you good stuff.

Really, officer?


Yaaaaaaawn. Lackluster high. Boring.

I gotta whole bottle of hydrocodone 10mg and a whole bottle of oxycodone 5mg. Somas. Yeah boy.


It's not about getting high as fuck, its about getting a little fucked up and relaxing. Noone cares that you're edgy and do hard drugs, alot of us do. Just don't brag about it cause you look like a little faggot.

serve you right you fucking idiot.
you dont need to mix weed with anything.
go fucking kill yourself, seriously

>10 grams of weed, laced with e-cig juice
>Some idiot tried to smoke it from regular e-cig, but he wasn't able so he gave it away
This doesn't make sense. 10 grams is almost 3 eighths of an ounce of weed. What e-cig can fit that much bud into it?

>It's not about getting high as fuck, its about getting a little fucked up and relaxing.


>Noone cares that you're edgy and do hard drugs,


>hard drugs
>weak opoids


>Just don't brag about it

False assumption. Poor comprehension.

Damn, cannabis fried your brain son.

You sound like you're 14
Why the fuck would you do that

Here is a firecracker recipe
>decarb the weed (put in oven at 250 for like an hour just don't let it smoke)
> get a gram cracker and spread on some nutella or super fatty peanut butter
>put decarbed weed on the nutella/peanutbutter
>put another graham cracker on top so it makes a little sammich
>bake again for a little bit (like 10-15 min)
Wait 30-45 minutes for results I would start out with a gram

Well if you're not in South Carolina I guess it doesn't much matter if I'm an 'Officer'. Kys.

>how to ruin and waste cannabis

10 grams of dry herbs laced with this e-juice shit and now in total its about 30 grams. it wasnt me who laced it, i got it basically for free. now im just trying to find a use for it.

throw it away you dumb shit.

by "some idiot" do you mean you?

>It's not about getting high as fuck, its about getting a little fucked up and relaxing.

I was stating the use of weed. And yes, while that is subjective (hint: everything is subjective) its what probably 95% of people use it for.

>Noone cares that you're edgy and do hard drugs,
Thats not really even an opinion, but I can assure you that the people seeing your post do not give a single shit about the drugs you do.

>hard drugs
>weak opoids

>not hard drugs


>Just don't brag about it
>False assumption. Poor comprehension.
>Not self-aware enough to even notice when bragging

Damn, those pills fried your brain son.

Not really. This is a pretty solid method. Considering you decarb the weed and then eat the weed itself after its had time to bind with the fat in the nutella/peanut butter. Pretty good choice for discretion

no. friend of a friend

My point was that you made it sound like the weed got laced because someone tried to smoke it out of an e-cig. But no e-cig that I've seen can hold 10 grams of bud. So did this person keep reloading the e-cig repeatedly even though it wasn't working?

i guess he bought 10 grams of bud, laced it all before even trying if it would work, found out it wouldnt work and gave this garbage away to a friend in common of us and that frined in common gave it to me.

Looks like fucking crack

This is gold right here.

>can't overdose on weed
>can't get addicted to weed
>weed won't fuck up for liver

>painkillers can kill you
>painkillers are addictive
>acetominophen in pain pills can fuck your liver up

have fun with life long health problems, you fucking junkie

Yep everyone here cares about this

give it to a friend

you need to make an alcohol extract by putting it in everyclear and cooking at a low temp (just enough for bubbles) Leave in sun to separate. You can drink the alcohol layer. Look up atomic weights to figure out layers.

if youre not going to make edibles, smoke it or toss it pussy

pills arent so bad :)

Got this in the mail yesterday.

Fucking love this glass Gatorade bong.
