Why the fuck do so many of you guys and David Duke support the Palestinians?
Why the fuck do so many of you guys and David Duke support the Palestinians?
Whites are nice
Evil reptiles are bad.
Honestly I don't give a shit about either jews or palestinians, I just want them to kill each other faster.
Because Zionist are in the wrong.
Jews are better at it, so if we support Palestine they'll get more of those kikes.
The real issue is that Israel kills Christians too. Christians literally get fucked up in the middle east every day, Kikes, ISIS, angry Slimes. ISIS killed the mountain Satanists which makes me even angrier at that whole region.
"Israeli's should get out of the Palestinians native land, America belongs to White people" - David Duke
Because they are being genocided by the jews just like the white race?
Enemy of my enemy
>Why the fuck do so many of you guys
>you guys
Not remotely true.
/pol is made up of Nationalists mostly and don't give a fuck about Palestinians.
Only stupid Americans are unironically pro-zionist, and only because they haunt taken the red pill yet.
Your generalization is ignorant.
Because we're not stupid and heartless
Because I am Palestinian.
I do not like Hamas tho, in fact, I do not support any Islamic-based party.
This. I want both groups dead.
more dead jews
I like his approach on the Jewish power grip in the US. What I don't understand is why he doesn't accept the Khazarian theory, Jews are clearly not Semites.
build it
I thought we hated both sides here?
Palestinian rights activism is the most significant anti-semitic movement which is currently going mainstream.
simply put, if you're not pro-palestinian, you're pro-jew.
Cuz wit da joos u lose!!
We don't.
Sand niggers are almost as bad as jews.
This, neutral stance is the best, whites shouldnt involve themselves into someone else's petty tribal fueds.
no! not the mountain satanists!
The sticking point with Zionism is Jew lying. If I thought I could trust them, I'd be a settler.
I don't support Palestinians I just don't support Israel either
Don't know, anybody that seriously insists that jews are a bigger problem than muslims is fucked in the head.
That's how Jews feel about you and Muslims.
Duke's angle is that he respects everyone's rights to self-determination, so he's on the side of the Palestinians. I'm not sure trying to out-moral-champion the kikes will ever work, but whatever.
Why can't we take our own side in this
t. Richard Spencer.
Everybody liked the mountain Satanists.
The Palestinian genocide makes Israel look really bad. This is literally the only reason anyone cares.
Because they hate Jews and love Arab dick
Palestine was never a state
Palestine will never be a state
Deal with it, sandniggers
the jews stole their land