>“I want to start a revolution,” Miyamoto added with a laugh. “I can’t change things overnight but in 100-200 years there will be very few pure Japanese left, so we have to start changing the way we think."
Why do little mixed kids always feel the need to force their identity onto everyone else?
“I want to start a revolution,” Miyamoto added with a laugh...
they're salty about feeling left out their entire life
>Why do little mixed kids always feel the need to force their identity onto everyone else?
They are insecure half-breeds that need to project their misery onto everyone else. If everyone else is miserable like them, then they won't look so bad all of a sudden.
>zero source
Nice try nigga
I may have contributed to the problems of mix-bloods in Japan, especially around Shinjuku.
I fucked my tour guide within two hours of arriving in Tokyo.
I'll believe it.
Because they do not belong anywhere.
That's it, that's the last straw.
She's fuckin' dead.
Well we did have to go a bar before she went back with me to my hotel. That was the first I asked "Where's the nearest clean bar to hotel?".
Walked for about 5 minutes. Got drunk and fucked off to fuck.
Awe she's cute!
Does black+yellow = white?
> inb4 pic related
Probably because they were the ones who got bullied in school.
It's like that Rihanna video about the new America. Mixed people believe they're part of the new globalist world that will sweep away the old.
Because they're monsters.
They're best off being coming Eurasian.
Lot already have Korean and white dna in them anyways.
The same reason white people want to act like they're pure while knowing one of their great ancestors got rammed by a BBC.
thing is, Japanese aren't as dumb/cucked as us.
this is just gonna reinforce their more xenophobic populations and she's too dumb to realize it.
Same reasons fags and commies do. Acceptance of their dreadful ideologies and acceptance of their perversions.
What a fucking mutant.
Do the Jews control the Japanese Media as well?
>literally nagasaki
the memes are real
Not me, fuck these people, I don't give a shit who wanna have kids with. Just don't promote some globalist bullshit where people can't have a mono cultural identity because it offends some old Jewish witch.
>thing is, Japanese aren't as dumb/cucked as us.
They're not cucks because simply, the women are totally disinterested in the effeminate and meek native men.
The women I met in Tokyo all told me that all the guys there are "boring" and were too afraid to approached them.
That's why their population is actually dwindling.
It's up to us baka gaijins to travel there and impregnate as many of their women as possible. After all, they all want a good dicking too.
Black+Yellow= Filipino
It's pretty interesting though
Because the ones that fight for multiculturalism here, do not have blue eyes/blonde hair for the most part.
that's basically what she wants...
No. We can trace our ancestory... How far can you trace yours?
>that's basically what she wants...
And that's what's happening right now.
Every time I go to Tokyo, there's more and more baka gaijins. Every time I go there, I try to fuck as many of their women as possible.
You can't stop the happening.
The Jews likely own all media...
Why haven't any Japs killed this sack of fucking treasonous cancer? I thought they didn't put up with this shit.
>Dad's an American serviceman
>Grow up in America
>Get butthurt when nips don't consider you Japanese
Being Japanese is both an ethnic and cultural identity. She's only half of the first and none of the second.
Except you are not impregnating them and/or they are cheap whores.
>Except you are not impregnating
I don't know about that. I gathered that a few of them wanted mix-blood babbies. Maybe that's why it was so easy for me?
>cheap whores
Please, I'm not that simple to be "tricked" by a professional whore. I never explicitly paid any of them women, maybe except for a drink or two.
One time, it was actually a woman that was buying me drinks all night. I think she was some kind of cougar, but I couldn't guess her age.
>Japanese people don't care about these pageants
>Miyamoto selected by committee for muh multiculti
>others snubbed just because Miyamoto is half-black
>Japan recognizes that this is done just so the West can impose its multiculti agenda
>Japanese people still don't care about multiculti
>surprise, it's all part of the multiculti agenda
>Japanese people care less and see Miyamoto for the puppet she is
>Miyamoto and the rest of the pageant cries "MUH RAYSIZM"
>Japan STILL doesn't give a shit
>Miyamoto upset that he bullshit puppet position means nothing
>throws media fit
>Japanese people still going about their business, not giving a shit about hers
basically it's some slag complaining about spilt milk and her home country shaming her for being a Western shil
How has she not been assassinated yet?
Niggers know their race is shit so they want to bring everyone down to their level
>Why do little mixed kids always feel the need to force their identity onto everyone else?
Well, she had a rough childhood growing up, so she feels the need to ensure that no one has to go through that kind of shit again. Growing up, she was called the Japanese version of the pejorative for mixed person. I forget what that word is. She was always seen as different and now that she has some level of recognition and power, she wants to use it to change things.
Also, she didn't force her identity on anyone else. I'm sure she probably wished she looked like a normal Japanese person many times when she was growing up, but society just kept badgering her because the Japanese are extremely racist.
I fucking hate the Japs, personally. They are barbaric assholes that did some very nasty things during the second world war to our soldiers, when they captured them.
I for one want to see this weird, pedophile country up in flames.
Fuck em. Let the niggers and Muslims rape their women, for all I care.
nice fantasy you got there. nice that you feel the need to share day after day.
Literally "If I can't have it, nobody can" type mentality
She can start one on my dick anytime.
there's no way you aren't a butthurt chinese dog. while you're shitting up canada, the japs at least have the decency to stay in their own country.
How did she win a beauty contest?
Found the Chinese.
Just saying how it is Burgerstani. If you ever set foot in Tokyo, you'll see it for yourself.
By shilling for the Ameircan Liberals.
Well I can guess you're Chinese and from Toronto.
Fuck off Chink, "our soldiers" reveals you're a dirty Chink, Canada rarely fought the Japanese. Maybe if you weren't a fractured 3rd world country they wouldn't have had to invade to civilize you.
Read up on SLAVE MORALITY, buy On the Genealogy of Morality. Read this book. It can singlehandedly undo any level of brainwashing if read carefully and earnestly.
tl;dr, these people feel they are weak and seek to gain power by projecting their weakness onto others by judging those who are powerful in society to be evil actors when they commit to actions which harm the weak. Eventually the strong in society are poisoned by this toxic weakness due to the human weakness of pity.
could be korean too.
I agree with you though, the Japanese are like the Eternal Anglos of Asia
She looks so fucking weird. How are the Japs not ashamed of this abomination? How did they let her represent Japan. I thought they were a hardcore homogenous culture.
Nah, whatever happens to Japan, they will try to export to Korea. Which they are already doing that. That's a pretty good reason to care.
>Japan is 98% native Japanese
It doesn't seem very logical that pure Japanese would fall off the map in a mere century or two
At least when it's a white + Asian they retain some of their looks from both.
you're stupid country was smart enough to station bases in Japan. Soldiers need some pussy too.
they should go full yasushi nagao on this bitch ass
>I'd bomb her with my Fatman.
It's well-documented that mixed-people often have identity issues. So this sort of thinking (ie, time to destroy all races) is a way for them to rationalize the lack of identity they feel.
Eh... They get that weird stubby nose that all hapas get, otherwise they look somewhat latino.
>year 2200
>Japanese population reduced to a million
>Homo sapiens are a minority in the ROBO-NIPPON
>They still don't allow filthy gaijins and their robots
plus why do americans keep spreading their shit all over the world. this kinda of cuckoldry would hardly happen by fully native american peope. thanks alot for bringing your niggers to homogeneous places, ameridumbs
native japanese people*
I'm mixed polish/colombian and I hate the idea of multiculti and pure races dying off. Only mixed kids should be breed from high quality stock like me: angelo frame with olive skin, green eyes and crazy curly hair
Sure my parents were race traitors but they hit the jackpot with me and my sisters
>be whitewashed chang
>brainwashed by pol for nationalism and no race mixing
>think china is alright when it comes to being racist against niggers
>was wrong
>china importing millions of niggers every year
>they chimp out all the time
>southern chinese women crave the BBC
>tfw originally wanted to breed with japenese and realised they'd probably prefer niggers too
I look Slavic thankfully, although my sister could pass as Mexican.
>look somewhat latino.
that's because they are latinos, they just don't speak Spanish.
Latino is a euphemism for mestizo, which means the mongrelized byproduct of racemixing between Whites (Europeans) and Amerindians (Asians from Siberia)
im mixed but dont care about it, half pole, half georgian
Why are all communists fat fucks?
>Soldiers need some pussy too
I agree with you but leave it to a nigger to impregnate a Jap woman and then leave. It was probably some slut too, any decent Japanese women usually stay far away from foreigners, especially blacks.
The last time I was in Japan some nigger was chimping out because he couldn't get a date. His amazing argument was that "Dey b raysis".
This, Wayan Bros meme power is strong.
The low birthdate thing is occurring in Europe too, in fact pure Europeans are probably more in danger than Japanese.
Don't they have pretty much the worst birthrates on the planet?
Yeah, except I'm Sikh and don't live in Vancouver. Read up on the attack by Allied forces in Hong Kong.
I really love how Weebs love defending Japan now. You guys realize that we also sent these gooks to Internment camps, right? It's hilarious how countries that were at war with Japan now defend them because they jerk-off to anime.
I'd say that you should be ashamed of defending an entire country that worships pedophilia, but weebs are known to jerk off to loli anime, so I don't think that'll work on you.
Have fun when your children also get accustomed to Muslims and think they're cool, despite our countries having shed blood in fighting them, just like we did with Japan.
What a sad state the West is in.
all the food that peasants seeded and reaped all over the year have to go somewhere
We are fucking far from being Latinos.
>crazy curly hair
the Spaniard Conquistadors took their negro slave class to work the plantations and mines in South America. Because the Whites were call Catholics, there women refused to travel to the New World since it was full of savage heathens. Without any women, the Spaniards (and Portuguese in Brazil) had to resort to fucking the local injun squaws (Amerindian natives) and their negro slaves. Consequently, this race-mixing created a population of mulattoes and mestizos. Many generations later, and now virtually all of the population of Colombia has nigger and Amerindian genetics.
Because alot of mulattos hate themselves.
They either become the most hardcore black nationalists or end up marrying white/asian to bleach out their blackness.
I have a coworker who's mulatto and he has gray skin. His sister is darker than him and is a leader in the local blm.
why is it that sikhs are bro-tier in every country they reside in except canada? canadian sikhs are on par with niggers.
Except I'd take a bunch of japenese over a group of niggers and muslims
I'd rather the future have white and asian people rather than everyone is fucking black and muslim
>What a sad state the West is in.
You should be worrying about the fact that your own people can't seem to stop be fucking disgusting.
I'd rather defend and work with Japs than you poo-in-loo's
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In this case the Japs who are resisting the globalist Multicultural pushing Jews are my friend.
fuckin niggers. btw americans you made this fuckin half breed subhuman
There's definitely a hierarchy, perhaps even a class system in the Black Coonmunity. The darkest nigs are at the bottom and the lightest ones rule them all. Anyone who's ever spent time around niggers knows they love to argue among each other over who's lighter and less black.
it doesn't help that every race has its own traitors that would breed with an inferior race like this
My half white half Jap daughter found me through Facebook. I was a marine in Tokyo in 1995. Feels good desu
yeah, i remember one time when one nig called the other one a coal. i can't blame the "we wuz changs and sheit" moviment. if i were black i would want to feel some decency in my race. too bad this is inexistent, even them know so
>Casually predicting the extinction of an entire race of people.
Fuck her.
>I really love how Weebs love defending Japan now. You guys realize that we also sent these gooks to Internment camps, right? It's hilarious how countries that were at war with Japan now defend them because they jerk-off to anime.
Yeah keyword dipshit - "were"
Jeez how can someone be so retarded?
Die. Asap pls.
>Crazy curly hair
Whites don't have this
They are literally Chinese people with a different language.
>Sup Forums supports pure Japanese race
>until its time for a white guy to fuck a japanese girl
uh huh
>Implying they didn't literally steal their language, too
So it would be fine if she sought to eliminate all Chinese people?
No, but considering how traditional Japanese culture is, and how xenophobic you are towards foreign culture that isn't "approved" first, I don't think you need to worry about some half-nigger doing anything to your country.
T. General Tsao's Chicken
So are you poo in loo?