What was something you saw that you wished you hadn't?

What was something you saw that you wished you hadn't?

>Girlfriend brings home digital camera from her parents' house
>Tells me the camera probably belonged to her older sister
>We put it on the TV stand and forget about it
>Today, I check it
>Mostly shitty test videos
>Final video is girlfriends' sister naked
>She says "You wanna play with my pussy?"
>Man says "I'd love to play with your pussy baby!"
>See skeletal crackhead middle-finger slide inside of what appears to be an Arby's Big Roast Beef Sandwich
>He starts just pounding the unholy hell out of her insides with his unusually-thin appendage
>Says "Yeah, I bet that feels really good. I'm making you feel so good"
>She doesn't even pretend to enjoy it
>He puts his spaghetti noodle penis inside of her
>Meekly-thrusts a couple of times
>Won't stop talking about how good she probably feels because of him
>Video abruptly ends
>I see my pale visage reflected in the laptop screen

The guy looked like a plastic Halloween skeleton with a pale shopping bag stretched over the head.

I have many regrets, and most of them are watching this video.

I have deleted the files, formatted the card, performed and exorcism, called the cops, etc.

Bumping because this story deserves to be capped by someone not on their phone

kek, bump this shit

>spaghetti noodle penis

>See skeletal crackhead middle-finger slide inside of what appears to be an Arby's Big Roast Beef Sandwich

one lunatic one ice pick was pretty rough to watch and i've been lurking for like 6 years now

come to think of it i kinda wished i had never seen 3 guys 1 hammer cause it kinda got me into the whole gore thing and now im super desensitized

oh well

>He starts just pounding the unholy hell out of her insides with his unusually-thin appendage

My fucking sides

can you put this in the screen cap hi moms

put my Arbys sauce post in the screen caps

Any cartel shit or beheading vids.

Just leave them well alone now. Its good to know the evil people are capable of but some of that stuff just too much. They've changed me, feel dead inside.

Oh and that time i saw my mother on her knees in front of dad. Still disturbs me all these years later

beheading videos are fun actually

3 edgy 5 me.

That's someone just like you who has a mother, siblings, hopes and dreams for life. A drug dealer maybe, but a Kurdish child? Or an elderly spic? They don't deserve the ultimate disrespect of a horrendous death and then have wankstains lol about it afterwards.

My gf gangbanged

this post if getting off the topic

i have had the same problem now i have become cold and distant to the people i love

Pics or it never happened

So... you had this video... and you didn't show Sup Forums?

OP, you're a fucking waste. Seriously... wat?

Those are some of the worse ones I think.
Can't recall what was the first real gore video I ever saw. Of course I saw pictures first and I remember them fascinating me more than anything. What fragile creatures we are. Gave me perspective on keeping the fuck away from big trucks wheels and high places, or at least falling from them.

I think the worst one I've ever seen was the recent bit with cartel dudes who had cut off the eyes, skin of the face and both arms from wrists down and then proceeded to cut him with dull knives. I think his tongue was also cut off because he doesn't scream but instead gargles away.

Makes ISIS beheadings, exploding heads with detcord and such seem almost humane in comparison.

shut up retard

lol fag. anyone who uses "edgy" in an attempt to belittle someone else simply doesn't belong here. did you hear about Sup Forums from a Hillary Clinton speech, you fucking doink.

Yeah, I watched a beheading video on Cristmas Eve. a guy was hacking this poor woman's neck with a machette. Kept thinking about it while I'm opening gifts with family. Kinda ruined my Cristmas and the hole week off. really wish I hadn't seen it