Design/choose a new flag for your country

I'll start with Ulster/Northern Ireland.


Ireland (Eire).


>NI flag

The red hand has to be the most alpha male, badass signs on a flag ever. If Ulster ever takes it off I'll be beyond triggered.

>kick out Scotland and give Cornwall recognition
I can get behind this desu

Why would they ever be inclined to change their flag at all?


Just a slight recolour


That's fucking sexy m8. I don't speak snownigger, but I'm guessing that bottom part says "the scandinavian union" or similar, right?


Do you just have a thing about dirty flags?

Yes :^)



Yeah basically. Or like the Scandinavian commonwealth.

Here ya go friendo

It's current year. We need this flag to make up for all the racism in our country.

It would be interesting to see that happen. I haven't studied nordic history in much depth, but from what I understand there are tensions between you. Norway won independence from Sweden, Finland was colonised by Swedes, etc. How easily do you think all that could be set aside?
I only ask because a similar project happened with the UK, and I'm sure you've noticed that Ireland and England especially don't always get on that well.


If you ask me.
My answer is easily because all it takes is one great political leader and this dream could come true.

This one might be better

Assuming my own country, it would be a black rgb (0,0,0) circle, yes a circle flag

Another one



Remove red, red reeks of socialism.

Orange defines who we are.

The Confedhuerete States of Southern Brazil

Prussia worshippers are just the worst.

Literally name a problem with the world and there will be a dirty disgusting Prussian hiding right in the roots

The pic I posted suggested that our king, Karl XVI Gustav will be king over the entire commonwealth. Pretty sure neither Norway or Finland would like that. Norwegians are a lot like us and we don't really have any hard feelings for each other, just bants. Finland though has a Swedish hating party as one of their top 3, (sannfinländarna). This is mostly because of them learning Swedish in school as a second language and the Åland Islands which has a Swedish speaking population which they dont want. But other than that we have bants with them aswell. The Danes are also good for bants since they have a funny accent and has been our enemy for hundreds of years. Pic related, Konungen av Sverige.




All these flags are just too bright

Sorry Canadabro, I fucked up

>tfw no Spanish-British Empire

Shit I thought that WAS your flag.
Would be nice but would probably cost far too much, since you'd have to change all the toothpaste.


Looks like someone left a union jack on the floor of the pub toilets for a week.

The Japs make some quality flags.

Really like the colours of the monarchist flag, but generally hate the monarchists and their movement.

Besides, vertical stripes are just better

Florida, you're drunk.

I guess you are right. It would need a new design.

But isn't it a nice dream?


allahu ackbar

Why? Take the historical perspective, not the current status of our countries. We could have kept our colonies much more easily

Britain rose as Spain fell. They'd have no incentive to be helping you

Large scale mexican immigration.

>with the world

murrica may be numbah 1, but it sure ain't the whole world

I love it. I'd get little ones to put on my car while driving through Atlanta.

I thought the flag was cute, anglophile-user.



plus there's basically no cultural, religious or political history that would tie the two countries together.

>evil empire
We just call you old and muslim.


this one is better tbqhwy

Why did you guys add black? Is it to symbolize that you've been blacked?

That's just Norway.


>Vasa coat of arms

Kill yourself

Guys. Just stop and focus on something else. Swastikas are ruined forever, get over it


>focus on something else
Here's what our provincial flag should be.

Yeah you're right. The Swedish flag is already perfection. No need for a swastika.



Not gonna matter wen there aren't any swedes left for it to represent


>Tfw this will fly again over all municipal and provincial buildings


>a fucking hand

Add 10 stars to our current flag and annex Canada as 10 states.

>Not gonna matter wen there aren't any swedes left for it to represent
Stop regurgitating this Sup Forums meme. Swedes aren't going anywhere.

Never will you have us like that.


Why the hate for Canada's flag?

The old one is really horrible. Way too many elements and colours, hard to draw from memory, not to mention that it's hardly a unique design, and on top of all that you're representing your whole nation with a tiny flag OF ANOTHER COUNTRY

>a fucking leaf
so fucking what? It's a strong, recogniseable shape, and it's a traditional symbol of the land. Medieval coats of arms had all sorts of retarded shit on them, like hands, boars, weapons, people, and even, yes, plants!

Do we really want to get symbolically cucked by the UK of all things?

Keep your fucking shit tier opinions to russian topics you filthy communist.

That Red Ensign had more men die under it than the leaf and incorporated all facets of Canadians from the English, French, and red skins.

Mate, just look at the birth rates. Look at em
Sure, the immigrants coming in will be producing less babies generation after generation, but the demographic critical mass has already been exceeded, swedes are headed straight into the same bin as the celts.

make brasil great again

for the emperor

I made a couple of flags in /r9k/ during the whole beta revolution thing. It's a shame it never took off, or we'd all be living in a utopia by now.




It's nice for the flag to be symbolic, by too much symbolism is just a clusterfuck

Matches your teeth.

>the same bin as the celts.

Listen to this vodka soaked retard.

That is one flag that not need redesigning at all

Yours sucks, A lot.

Lol. Look at the USA right now. That's where you'll be in 40 years. maybe faster because your population is so much faster.


>going from dominating the continent to being right at the edges, with your culture destroyed and your languages diluted
>not being in a bin

>Mate, just look at the birth rates. Look at em
What about them? It can still be reversed, Einstein.
>but the demographic critical mass has already been exceeded, swedes are headed straight into the same bin as the celts.
Can still be reversed. Need to kick out all non-whites though.

>That's where you'll be in 40 years.
40 years is a long time. A LONG TIME. The problem will be fixed :)


>It can still be reversed, Einstein

Want me to name you the lists of those countries who said the same thing before being bred out of existence?

And that's when they weren't as liberal as today.

Yeah, and Bernie can still win the race against Hillary.
Just because it's factually possible doesn't make it likely in any sense.

Are you seeing a far-right push-back in Sweden? All I see is the moderate right, they might deport the refugees, but they sure as hell ain't deporting all the "swedes" who have been there for generations


Flag for a Chilean-Argentinan union, a state called Patagonia

>what is the rule of tincture

>Want me to name you the lists of those countries who said the same thing before being bred out of existence?
Want me to remember you how those people weren't God's chosen people?