This was really good

This was really good.

I hope Simon Pegg gets to write the next one too and we never see Orci and the other jew back.

Agreed. Wasnt planning on seeing it because of the awful last one. Went on a whim, enjoyed the hell out of it. Classic vibes, beautifully shot action.

nothing happened and there's not one line that's memorable in the film

The film had vision that was stiffled by the producers wanting the sanitize the message. It's obvious to a Patrician what Simon wanted the movie to be about and that is why people like it, not because the execution was actually good.

Yeah, needed more Marvel quips.

The Bones/Spock exchanges were fucking great and it was the main thing I wanted more of from the other movies were Bones kept getting sidelined.

>Girl just figures out hey it's this guy from a sound clip
>Federation literally genocides a race
>Enemies blow up for no reason
>I want to kill millions because the federation didn't respond to a distress call even though I'm now friends with these aliens

I actually did like it until they landed on the planet

Yeah, my only complaint was the weak ass villain and putting Idris Elba under all that fucking make up. But he wasn't weak enough to make the film any worse.

I feel like taking out that whole plot with him transforming and leaving him as an insane Starfleet captain who influenced a pre-warp race or some shit would've worked out better.

He wanted to kill millions because the humans who backed Earth's membership in the federation were blatant race traitors and he didn't win the Earth-Romulan War for a bunch of libcucks to hand Human sovereignty over to a bunch of pointy eared cousins to the people he just stopped from slaughtering his homeworld. With the Federation gone Humanity could reclaim it's rightful place as rulers of the galaxy.

You must not have been paying attention though to be fair they did there best in the editing room to hide the fact that this was the plot of the movie.

>Krall was alt right

My God

Surely he's a race traitor for teaming up with aliens to kill humans
I couldn't make heads or tails of his plan or motivations desu

Ironically if he'd seen what Kelvin timeline Starfleet was like, he'd probably not be as pissed. IIRC because of Nero and his ship, Starfleet is way more advanced and stronger than in the prime timeline.

All of those aliens were humans. The movie literally explains this though poorly. They were genetically moddied super men who no longer looked Human they were so engineered.

His own character Scotty uses picture related as a metaphor for the Federation so you can tell he actually supports Krulls point of view.

Picture related is the "bundle of sticks" that symbolizes all races being made to work together. It is the international symbol for Fascism.

I'm dumb. What did he want it to be about?

Any watchable rips out yet?


This. He even has Spock break up with Ohura because being with her makes him a race traitor given how few Vulcans are left to produce Vulcan children.

I think it's in the IMAX again this weekend, dunno why you'd want to watch a fucking rip.

Though I really liked how the physical sets looked like something from the 60s TV show.

I thought it was just idra, the second in command and girl who were alien-humans. His the fuck did they manage to build millions of ships on that shitty planet

It was an abandoned T'kon Empire mining and processing facility he reactivated. The T'kon Empire is responsible for dozens of abandoned planets full of still working technology through out Star Trek. it is the species Picard has an Archaeology boner for all through TNG.

It was pretty good. The villain was shit though.

>The villain was shit though.

Better than Bana and "Khan" though. I actually liked him. His motivation was somewhat interesting


No, fuck off, kike. They're horrible writers who got in to Hollywood due to cronyism of Jew Jew Abrams.

You're doing great.

It was awful.

Shitty droning action half the movie and the rest was the same old stop the doomsday device ending.

Boring and terrible.

Simon pegg is a cunt writer of the highest order and his scots accent is Fucking awful.

I enjoyed it. Also, Sofia Boutella a cute.

I hope she shows up looking qt in a Starfleet uniform next time. What color would look best on her, bros? Blue, Red, Kirk?

Does anyone have the webm of her doing her "workout"?


"the other jew" is a producer on the new Star Trek series. Really makes you think huh?

She spent years doing engineering on a Starfleet ship, so she's obviously gonna be a redshirt.

That scene was so great
>Yorktown switches on the transmission

I got comfy chills and had to smile despite myself

bravo lin

He got kicked off the movie and is still producer tho

>classic vibes

Are you telling me this actually felt like Star Trek?

I was like "Jesus really...."

4 mins later i was like "You know, they somehow made it work"

It really did. Best Star Trek movie in the reboot or TNG era.

What wasn't like Star Trek in this movie?

It was like a really high budget episode of TOS. It was more TOS than most of the TOS movies.