Washington Post "Cinton Pack" fails to smear Trump

They think we would be offended by this... in the age of fandom shipping! Hell, we already do it with Sean Hannity and Trump.

But seriously, we need to a way to fight the lame stream media.

Other urls found in this thread:


How did the left get the idea Donald hates gays?

He literally could not give less of a fuck about them.

hahaha, they use homossexuality as an insult, even they see this deep down as an aberration

I still can't figure out why I should be upset with Russia/Putin, as an American.

Like, okay, he killed somebody with radioactive juice a decade ago... And we kill people with terminators daily.

Why is it that leftists cry about homophobia, transphobia, abelism and racism but use it against rightists whenever they can?

>lmao, racists have lower IQs, racisms a mental illness
>not ableist

>Lmao u rightwingers are all secretly gay
>take that, being gay isnt bad btw

>look this tranny passes as a real women, huh makes you transphobes think right?
>dont forget trannies are real women too

>There's ugly white people, some MASTER RACE amirite?
>dont body shame ;_;

I'm not particularly upset at Russia I just have a disgust of Russians the same way I would mudslimes or niggers.

I hate them but as long as they continue slaving it up in their own country I don't give a fuck what they do.

But doesn't this work against them?

Trump and putin being gay would not only fit perfectly into their "hurrr gay and tranny rights" narrative, but also would debunk any argument of trump hating gay rights.

How does anyone even align themselves with the left? They're constantly contradicting each other and are just generally confusing.

It's not even done by leftists. The people who did it literally said they just did it for attention so they could promote their shitty burgers

Kek, what countrybro said.

Russians are bros. Come here bros let me make out with you.


The only thing that bothers me about the picture is that Trump is wearing a track suit. The man is of german descent.

Because they made him into Ganondorf/Bowser. The media has basically made him out to be a cartoon bad guy villain...


They missed a perfect opportunity to put him in a Nazi uniform.

they just gave him the homosexual vote.

Trump is Hitler
Hitler hated gays
therefore Trump hates gays

I pointed that out to fags on Reddit, they just claimed it's mockery and satire of the original picture.

Ironically it's the called the "Socialist fraternal kiss" and Redditors love it for mocking Trump


But yeah, it's funny seeing the Left use gay and fag as an insult

Russia is for cucks

>Russia says Mohammed cartoon publication illegal


>Russia moves to criminalize Holocaust denial


>Russian deputies seek accountability for Armenia genocide denial


They're butthurt over Turkey when they got their jet shot down.

inb4 Russia respects other cultures and MAH NAZI WAR CRIMES

The artwork is just highlighting the new era of detente between the US and Russia that would begin under a Trump presidency bringing lasting peace to a troubled world

Trump wins again!

Are you guys just now realizing that liberals have been left with massive cognitive dissonance issues due to decades of brainwashing with mutually exclusive ideologies?

All you have to say is "what, is their something wrong with being gay? =^)"

Yeah, not everyone is gay

>Say gays are A OK
>Now people make fun of someone by portraying them as gay
How is this a bad thing then?

Trump/Putin OTP

A harsh one, though not Trump related goes like this:

You have to breed white to have white children.

That one really kicks the mainstream media in it's nigger baby maker.

It's just so honest and pure that they rage hard when it is sprung on them by surprise.

This is what faggots do, smear their shit on everything. That's why I'm in favor of reducing them to ashes.

Depicting straight males as homos to ship your sick homolust fantasy is insulting.

second post best post

"The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia." ~ Otto von Bismarck

Instead the globalists just want to mock him until he starts killing. Trump is doing the right thing.

Not only that but it would imply good relations and peace between West and East.

Which ironically is correct since Trump is just about the only candidate who doesn't want war with Russia.

what Trump and Putin do when they're doubleteaming dozens of robotic euro whores is their own business.

But it seems like that's heavily supported. So if I portray a gay guy as a straight male, is he gonna get offended and I'm going go to jail?